300+ Photos!

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Asia » Singapore
February 21st 2007
Published: February 21st 2007
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Hello dearies,
After a long labor of love I have uploaded somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 photos of our time in Indonesia & Singapore. I ran out of space on my beckydono account, so now they're split between that & my other gmail. Chances are I'll have to add another before the end of all this 😉


Believe it or not I have about four times that amount still on CDs & memory cards 😊 I hope you enjoy them! I will post a real entry soon.


23rd February 2007

Wow your a seasoned traveler
Hey becky, these photos are totaly amazing. What an awesome experience. So happy for you. Hope its all still going well, say hello to Kate for me as well. All the best, Katherine F, Airlie beach boat buddy.

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