I heard this place was clean?!

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Asia » Singapore » Little India
June 21st 2006
Published: June 27th 2006
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(Note: For this leg of the trip i had to fly in the back with the little people - sadly, there was no champagne in bed for the 12 hour flight!)

I arrived in Singapore and was greeted at the arrivals gate by one of my best ladies in the world, Melissa! We laughed, we cried and as nightfall was approaching, we got down to the buisness of trying to find accomodation two minutes later. The Changi airport was quite lovely, so the common opinion that Singapore is "very clean" seemed to ring true. We hopped in a cab and headed to our hostel (yes, we FINALLY managed to secure a bed for the night after several phone calls). Our first home away from home was Mackenzie Hostel, located right in Little India. It was not a very nice place (more of a boarding house for families than a backpacker's - this we realized when family shower time began next door to our room), but we sucked it up and stayed for two nights anyways.

Singapore is a very floral, clean city. Not a whole lot to it, really...except SHOPPING! Man oh man - there are about 500 malls in this city. We walked through a few of them to enjoy the A/C, but despite the "Singapore Sale" that's happening, there weren't really any deals. We figure we'll have enough opportunity to shop down the road...


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