Photos from Thamal, Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia - page 8

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
Nepal - Bungee jumping
Nepal - I thought the UK roads needed work
Nepal - On the left you can see the bridge for the motor bikes
Nepal - The road/river to Kathmandu
Nepal - The road to Kathmandu
Tibet - The area I was staying during the earthquake
Nepal - The view across the border - Friendship Bridge
Mike's Breakfast
KC, JK and RB
Bodnath Stupa
JK @ da square
Durbar Square
BK's - yum
Winning at pool (obvs)
Blue noses
"Forward team!"
The rave machine
Catching some rays in the Garden of Dreams
Cool as cucumbers
At the top of Swayambunath
Prayer flags
KC is Buddha
@ Maya's
RB and his family
Bodnath Stupa
The Langtang Range
Ready to go!
How many?!
Our new tshirts!
Greater One-horned Rhino
Tiger at Bardia
Pig In Kathmandu
Bodenath Stupa
Bodenath Stupa
Durbar Square
Durbar Square
Monkey Temple Steps
Monkey at Monkey Temple
Monkey Temple
Grounds of Monkey Temple
Monkey Temple
Funky Nepali Rupees
Hostel Neighbours
Helen and Carol
Carved Rice Terraces
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