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25th November 2005

Dearest Emily... I really appreciate the fact that you singled no one out in your Blog previous to this one. It truly warmed my heart to have my name finally mentioned in such a lovely and soul warming way. So.. I am not going to excuse that fact that I suck...but instead say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY OLD LADY. It sounds like your trip is going smashingly and I truly laugh out loud reading your tales. Sometimes I lose my place and even have to read parts over... perhaps its because I want to savor every word...perhaps its is because I am an old lady with poor computer screen reading vision. Anyways, I miss you kiddo and I am happy on your behalf that you aren't in Vic up to your neck in essays like I am *sigh* I excused myself a little bit...but you still love me...somewhere deep down.
25th November 2005

Hey Emily...awesome pics...thought i'd leave you a little note to advise you that this evening I'm going out to celebrate the 19th birthday of the cousin of the moffatts...MAYBE THEY'LL BE THERE! hahaha Oh, and I got your postcard! It's lovely..and was a nice surprise! Keep rockin!
9th December 2005

Oh man that picture is SO FUNNY. Makes me laugh out loud looking at it. Miss you much. Each time I read your blogs and see your pictures it makes me want to go travelling more and more! Love ya Em! -Christina

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