All We Can See Is Road, and More Road....

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Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town
January 10th 2008
Published: January 10th 2008
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This was the trip that lasted 14 hours and took us from one country to the next in three mini buses and a ferry, two customs offices and finally a prebooked known location of a hostel, yes a hostel. We are back slumming it and we love it. Three quid gets you some serious luxury in Malaysia!!

The only reason we were on a bus this time was because we tried to book our train ticket 24 hrs in advance, it needed to be 3 days!!!

On a serious note we were picked up at 7 am and spent the whole day in a bus on the front seat, Becs was strapped in which was a good thing, I on the other hand, was not.

We were greatful of our stops this time, they were needed to say the least. Driving was hell but it got us here and to celebrate we went, exhausted, straight to the pub only to find that their VISA machine was broken and we didnt have enough money to pay the bill, oops! also, every ATM within walking distance was out of service!!

Georgetown itself is quiet, but quite quaint, with Little India right next to China Town you wouldn't know you were in Malaysia!

A really great island with a relaxed attitude to life, except in Little India where they think the shop who plays the loudest music will attract the most customers.

Becs is already starting to tan which is most disappointing for me but I can say that I have been bitten on fewer occassions!

Hope everyones having fun, Lots of Love Us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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