Malaysia is so different

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Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town
April 2nd 2007
Published: April 2nd 2007
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samantha noone
We arrived in Malaysia on Aprils fools day thank god we got chatting to a man from MALAYSIA WE NEARLY CROSSED AT A NOT SO SAFE BORDER there has been some military ation going on between the thais and the malay muslims its since what happened on new years and also its about the smuggling of rice into malaysia anyway it maybe unsafe for tourists at the moment!! he said and told us to go in from Hai tai so, we did we ended up on Penang island we crossed the longest bridge in SE asia over 13kms and we ended up in Georgetown we are staying in love lane near little india it feels like we are in china and india at once its so strange having a blast .... pictures in the next entry i promise.


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