Penang bound!

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February 6th 2007
Published: February 6th 2007
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Tired, tired, so tired of the dripping sink! The room Emily and i had in the Cameron Highlands had this sink that started out with a little drip, and then three days later there was a steady stream coming from the underside of the sink. We had already filled up a garbage pail full of water...we became instant plummers last night, and somehow with the work of some athletic tape, and a brochure we stopped the leak enough to sleep undisturbed. Except for those cats! Seriously there was this one cat that yowled the whole night - really makes me miss Tuxedo (who is vocal himself, but not that bad!)

So we took a VIP bus (what we are discovering is the only way to go!) to Penang this morning - said goodbye to our new German and French-Canadian pals and crossed over onto the island. RM25 for a taxi to the hostel!!! We thought they were pulling our legs, but turns out they built a new bus station that isn't anywhere near where the old bus station is (and the one in our guide books!) so we ended up having to take the taxi a good 18km (too far to walk!) Our hostel is called the Oasis hotel, and it's ok even though our shower/sink area smells like sewer (stale) water, and the toilets still don't flush! I'll be totally honest - 6 weeks in Asia isn't enough for me to want to get totally proficient at the squat toilets - so instead i do something that's way better (not!) and use the toilets that don't flush. I know the squats are probably cleaner...but anyway, every time it's still an adventure! I keep picturing the enormous bag of 12 toilet paper rolls i have sitting beside my toilet at home...never taking toilet paper for granted again!

There's no hot showers here, but the sewer smelling shower actually felt good. We walked around Little India for a bit - they have very interesting vendors selling these hindu necklaces (which get placed at an alter for a sacrifice) that are made of these little flower buds all sewn together, which are absolutely beautiful when they bloom. We also went in a mosque today, and had to wear these huge, ancient church choir type robe things to get inside. The guy in there had a lot of information about Islamic traditions and their religion.

Another cool thing was that we ran into this guy that we had actually met in Melaka. His name is Stephen, he lives in New York and he takes fascinating pictures of people, and of buildings and just whatever catches his eye, and he paints pictures of them. We saw a portrait he painted of Sharon Stone, and it was amazing. He had lots of good stories to share over Indian food!

I'm not sure how long we're going to be in Georgetown - we might stay here another night and then move onto Langkawi. We're almost in Thailand! Can't wait.

Lindsay 😊

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6th February 2007

Following your adventure
I feel like I'm travelling with write wonderful descriptions and your pictures are so great. Love the one with you and Em in your church gear. The mosque must have been quite a different adventure. Look forward to the next leg of your journey. Enjoy! NIna

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