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Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman
May 11th 2006
Published: May 11th 2006
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Luxury AccomadationLuxury AccomadationLuxury Accomadation

Me hung over on the porch!!
So we left Singapore and headed for an Island off Malaysia called Tioman. Unfortunately for us when we arrived it was the may weekend and a holiday. The whole island was booked up!! After walking up and down for about an hour (well Eoin did, I was minding the bags!) we had two options. Some guy who was about 25 stone said we could stay in his room with him and his brother and they had a big TV or some local woman said we could stay on her porch and we could have a room the next day. We obviously took the second option and got totally wasted that night to overcome our fear of the millions of insects. The area was called Salang and although the lonely planet said it was lively there was only one bar. We visisted it many times though and drained them of tiger beer!! Met a lovely engish couple who were on their way home after 18 months of travel and they said South America was brill so we may go there on the way home yet. If ye're reading this hello Matt and Becca!!
The food is so savage very where we go.

Some Big Lizard Thing.
Don't know if ye can make it out in the picture but they have fresh fish on ice and you pick it out and then they BBQ it for you with garlic and other spices. It was sooo unreal. Dad you would have loved the tiger prawns. Wish you were there to pull off the heads though!!.
There's a beach here called monkey bay that we decided to take a leisurely stroll to one of the days. We set off without realising that to get there we actually had to trek through the jungle over a mountain!! After about an hour and a million bites later we realised we were lost and started to get a bit panicky but we eventually found the way. It was the tiniest little beach ever and we didn't even have anything to swim in. We had shit all over us and were so wrecked. Thank god there were two locals on the beach with a boat to bring us back around. They were hiding under a tree drinking, as they are muslims and didnt want there mother catching them!! They thought we were crazy, laughed there heads off and gave Eoin a beer!! Anyway
Monkey BayMonkey BayMonkey Bay

Enjoying a special brew. Yeuck!
we got back safe and sound and one of the brothers said he could take us to coral island to go snorkelling the next day. It was amazing. The water was crystal clear and there was so many fish. Def gonna do a diving course in Thailand. We left the island after 4 nights as it was getting a bit boring and Eoin s sandfly bites were getting infected! Yeucky!. Next stop was Cherating or so we thought.........

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Fresh Fish BBQ. Yummmm.
Daz, Whither than white.Daz, Whither than white.
Daz, Whither than white.

Us with Matt and Becca.Tanked!

12th May 2006

Monkey and Murph
Clare has seen the photos. Feels that the this space is too small so Eoin will you open your email for an extra message to you both.
13th May 2006

I am so in love with this whole web page blog thing
17th May 2006

Save some tiger for us ye feckers. Tony, be sure to give us a buzz. talk to ye. Podge
28th June 2006

Girl i is never so weak

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