Blogs from Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Asia - page 15


Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto July 24th 2014

We were very excited about the next part of our trip, the historical Kyoto (again with a HUGE list of things and places we wanted to see!) and most importantly, our first experience of the Shinkansen (bullet train)! We had to catch our train from Tokyo station, we arrived early so we had time to grab some breakfast and stop off at a Circle K to spend the last little bit on our Suica cards on lunch for the train. We then had a hell of a job cashing in our Suica for the ¥500 (£2.87) deposit – we have put a note on this at the end of the blog! Shinkansen…faster than a speeding bullet? It was probably entirely obvious to everyone on the platform that this was our first Shinkansen journey…we were like kids ... read more
Kimono girlies
Geisha in San'nen-zaka
Shop in Nishiki market

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Gion June 18th 2014

The final days of my voyage in a strange land. What can I say? Japan: It's like an Asian version of Europe: Old... yet sophisticated and classy like a fine gentleman... Ahem. It took me a bit over 2 hours to get from Tokyo to the old capital city of Kyoto, 250 miles away. The Shinkansen (bullet train) is truly marvelous. I stretched out and watched the houses I would never know and the towns I would never visit as we traveled over 300 km per hour to our destination. In Kyoto I got out and had udon; a delicious Japanese noodle soup dish, a staple of the asian lunch diet. I then went to the old Geisha district and found my bearings, hotel and checked out the super old tiny streets and Geishas. That evening ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 4th 2014

One palace covered, one palace not covered In the end of this trip in Japan we went to Kyoto. Kyoto was for more than a thousand years the capital city of Japan and still today there are thousands of historically important sites in and around the city. Before we came to Kyoto we thought the entire city would resemble a museum. Instead we came to a city that wasn't much different from any other city in Japan. Well, at least it wasn't very different from the three other cities we visited on this trip, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Himeji. Even though Kyoto at first glance might look like just another Japanese city there are plenty of important historical sites within the city limits. There are over 2,000 temples and shrines, there are palaces and many museums. Seeing ... read more
Arashima Bamboo Grove
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto March 29th 2014

We only had two days to explore Kyoto, hardly enough time to get a feel for one of the highlight cities of our trip. And we had to find a balance to keep everyone happy. When planning this trip, it was Kyoto that threw us when we started looking at hostels. We just couldn’t find one with space for us. Or even a cheap hotel. I’m sure there was a hostel somewhere in Kyoto with a spare family room, we just couldn’t find it online. So we ended up booking a hostel in Nara, a 45 minute train ride away. And then went on to book the rest of the accommodation for the whole trip. Just because we, and thousands of others, had decided to go touring in cherry blossom season. Sigh. It was hard trying ... read more
The outer wall and moat of Nijo-jo
cherry blossom
Gion at night

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto March 18th 2014

Monday, March 17th The Kyoto Marathon There’s just so much to do in Kyoto, I wanted to make one more trip and sweep up everything I missed. I planned a loop around the city, stopping at all the major sites I missed as well as some of the minor ones. I left Kure around six-something in the morning, scheduled to arrive at Kyoto around 9:00. On the shinkansen over, I studied Japanese using some of the books that the JET program gave Ellen. I got so in to it that my stop came soon so I packed my things and got off the train. Once off, I realized that I forgot something important – the hat that Auntie Leslie made me! That hat has been the official hat of this trip. I’ve worn it ... read more
Tojo-ji Shine
Treasure Hall

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto March 10th 2014

On Tuesday, I went to Ellen’s visit school at Takehara. While she does most of her teaching at Hiro, a city close to Kure, where she lives, she travels one a week to Takehara high school in a more rural location. I met the principal and teaching staff, and I gave omiyage of Bluebird Chocolate to the teaching staff for inviting me. The honey that I gave the principal was well received, and he either said it was his favorite food or his favorite gift to have been given. A lot of times I'm not really sure, but it's still a nice thing to say. Japanese high schools are currently in their testing weeks at the end of a school year, so it was pretty quiet in the morning, but after testing, I was asked to ... read more
Ellen and I with Okonomiyaki
Saihoji Temple
Hiking The Cemetery Trail

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto February 8th 2014

Back in January 1996...that's a long time ago... I was in the middle of my last year at University. Preparing to graduate in Economics and writing my last paper on the ODA and FDI relationships between Japan and ASEAN. I had never been before to Asia, I was just 22 years old, I had studied Japanese, 2 hours per week at University for 2 years....and I was convinced that over the next few years, I would be living in Japan...or Asia. That I knew... First few years at University, I was a student leader convinced of a bright future in the political spheres...than made a switch...and became a pretty rewarded golf teacher for Club Med...all over sunny places...while being a full time student. Than came January 1996. I was doing my last few months at University...going ... read more
Ryoan-ji...and smiles...
Ginkaku-ji...on a snowy day...

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto February 4th 2014

Preparing myself for the ultimate culture shock, I get off the airport bus in downtown Osaka. J., whom I met up with at the airport, has already been to Japan various times, making her mind less likely to be as boggled as mine. The hotel receptionist is the epitome of what I assume to be the Japanese corporate image that never wastes any motion, or emotion, for that matter. Our room is, well, rather tiny, but it's clean and we have our own bathroom, complete with one of those fancy Japanese toilets that you always hear about. I decide not to go overboard and content myself with the heated toilet seat. There is plenty of time to push all those mysterious buttons later on in the trip. A real delight is to see vending machines in ... read more
Dōtonbori Arcade with famous giant crab
Wedding musicians
Okonomiyaki, Hiroshima-style

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto February 1st 2014

Grosse journée hier! Beaucoup de marche.. mes pieds sont en compotes! Aujourd'hui je vais utiliser davantage le métro sinon je ne serai plus capable de bouger pour les prochains jours. Mais j'ai vue de super beaux endroits. Je serais bien rester toute la journée à regarder le Pavillon d'Or mais je devais me bouger les fesses pour voir d'autres places. En plus puisque c'était samedi il y avait beaucoup de gens. Il y en avait beaucoup aussi à Arashiyama, une destination pas mal touristique. Le seul point négatif.. pas une miette de vent dans la forêt de bambou.. ça aurait donné un autre genre d'ambiance. Je suis aussi passé par le château Nijojo dans le centre de Kyoto mais c'était un peu ordinaire. De retour, une petite pause bière et ce gâteau vert.. Kyo-Mackiya. Très bon.. ... read more
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C'est de l'or véritable qui recouvre les murs

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Gion January 31st 2014

Arrivé aujourd'hui à Kyoto et j'y serai pour les prochains jours, il y a beaucoup de choses à voir et faire ici et dans les alentours. Je suis dans un Ryokan assez bien situé pas très loin de Gion. Il a fait super beau aujourd'hui et dimanche il pourrait faire jusqu'à 19 degré, donc c'est presque l'été!! J'ai pleins de chose que je veux faire mais peut-être que je ne pourrai pas y arriver.. J'aimerais aller voir du Noh mais je crois que ça va être difficile ces temps-ci.. Pour ce qui est des Geisha j'en ai pas vue ce soir dans Gion.. À moins que je me tape un truc de touriste je crois que c'est mission impossible, bien que j'en ai croisé dans la gare à Osaka. Visite du palais Impérial à Kyoto.. assez ... read more
Kyoto - Palais Imperial
Palais Impérial
Palais Impérial

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