Sake Matsuri (Sake Festival)

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Asia » Japan » Hiroshima
October 8th 2005
Published: November 7th 2005
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Every year in Saijo, Hiroshima there is a festival dedicated solely to sake....basically a drink fest! Throughout the weekend people from all over the country come to sample sake from all regions of Japan. Sake, by the way, is Japanese rice wine. It can be served cold or warm. You drink it out of a small cup (about a one ounce shot). It is an aquired taste, but I quite like it now. There were hundreds of differents makes to sample!

I met a group of JETs on Saturday morning at 10a.m. to get the day started. We went straight for the sake tent area to walk around. When we entered they gave our sample cup, and away we went! (basically an all-you-can drink deal) Of course a group of foreigners attracts a lot of attention, so we had random people asking to take our photos. A group of older people took our picture, and then attempted to talk to us. They ended up inviting us to a lunch that they had tickets for. So Dana, Matt, Jenn, Alexis and I joined three men and a lady to a outdoor Japanese izakaya! It was fantastic.....we sat around, drank sake and beer, had lunch and chatted! They were amazing people.....their average age was aobut 73, and they were sitting crossed-legged for hours, drinking like fish, and could walk away at the end of it all! They were determined to keep us busy, so they took us to a couple of the sake breweries in Saijo for a tour. To top it off, they gave us all tickets to re-enter the sake tent area, so we didn't have to pay again! By the time we got back to the sake tent, there were tons of JETs there...most were completely hammered. It was quite the party! There were random Japanese men passed out all over the place!


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at lunch
Dana and IDana and I
Dana and I

at lunch

at lunch
the sake luncheon groupthe sake luncheon group
the sake luncheon group

we actually stopped traffic to get this picture!!
some more new friendssome more new friends
some more new friends

Lisa and I with more random Japanese sake lovers!
nighty night!nighty night!
nighty night!

had a few too many I think....

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