Blogs from Indonesia, Asia - page 28


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sanur January 1st 2019

Bali We arrived in Bali a day before Jack, Ella and Anna & after a busy few weeks we were looking forward to a bit of a holiday with the kids. We greeted them after their long flight wearing local(ish) gear as a bit of a joke. Our first few nights were in Sanur, right on the beach with pools, tennis & bikes. It was very quiet as their peak is July. Day 4 and we had a car booked for Ubud for the morning. While waiting in the lobby Sue talked with a driver who then brought the car round. It was immediately obvious however that there was no way we were going to get 5 people plus luggage in - about 10 minutes later we worked out it wasn’t the wrong car he had ... read more
Water Palace at Karangasem .
Jack and Anna at the Water Palace
on the beach Ella and Anna

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Dua December 15th 2018

We decide to spend our last few hours here relaxing by the pool. Unlike all the other days we’ve been here there aren’t too many people around today and we have an almost unlimited range of sunlounges to chose from. Just as we get comfortable a middle aged Russian couple takes up residence on the two lounges right next to ours, and both of them immediately start puffing away on their cigarettes. They could have sat just about anywhere else, but no, it had to be right next to us. We move to the other end of the pool. Issy craves one final massage in one of the small huts on the beach front. She is disappointed. She is told that all twelve huts are being held in reserve for a delegation from a tobacco company ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Dua December 14th 2018

We waste most of the morning of our last full day here sleeping, and then set off for reception to see if we can get a late check out tomorrow. We are approached by a young European staff member who speaks to us in a tongue that neither of us can understand. Issy asks him if he can repeat whatever he said in English. The look he gives us suggests that he was speaking English the first time, and perhaps unsurprisingly our request for a late check out is denied. We head back to Bali Collection and hoe into large quantities of pizza and bread at an Italian restaurant. We are sitting right next to a large fan, and when we finish our cans of tonic water the now empty cans start sliding around randomly on ... read more
Nusa Dua by night

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud December 13th 2018

Today we have arranged to meet up with our friends Mark and Jane from Melbourne who are staying in Ubud. They have booked a tour which the brochure they sent us a link to said goes to the Tenenungan Waterfall and then on to Bali Swing. We decide to meet them at the waterfall. We are picked up from the Sofitel by the same Wayan who took us to Uluwatu Temple earlier in the week. The traffic in Bali is frenetic, but calmly frenetic. If you don’t have right of way it seems that you just nose your way in and the other drivers will accommodate you. They seem to do so quite happily without threatening violence upon you and your loved ones as would happen if you tried this approach back in Melbourne. We pass ... read more
Tenenungan Waterfall
Tenenungan Waterfall
Tenenungan Waterfall

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Dua December 11th 2018

There seems to be a huge focus on celebrating Christmas here in predominantly Hindu Bali. There are Santa Clauses, Christmas trees and every other imaginable type of Christmas decoration everywhere we look, and it feels like Christmas carols are playing constantly from every available speaker on the island. Today we saw a Christmas tree made entirely from full wine bottles. Admittedly a lot of this is probably for the benefit of the tourists, and we haven’t spent enough time away from the tourist centres here yet to know whether it’s more widespread. Even so, religious tolerance seems to be well ingrained here in Bali and celebrating each other’s festivals is something that most seem more than happy to do. This is a far cry from the ridiculous lengths to which political correctness has been taken back ... read more
Balinese musicians, Nusa Dua
It seems that you can buy almost anything at Bali Collection
The beach club, Nusa Dua

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Jimbaran December 10th 2018

Today we have planned to spend the day with our very good friend Yvonne and her daughter Brigitte who are coincidentally here in Bali from Melbourne at the same time as us. They’re staying over in Seminyak. We spend the morning lazing by the Sofitel pool. A Chinese couple who look like they are both about thirty take up residence on the sun lounges next to us. The man is carrying a very large blow up floatation device in the shape of a unicorn. It‘s mostly white, but with a gold horn, and brightly multicoloured mane and seat. We look for the child that will be using this device, but it soon becomes evident that the couple are here by themselves. They both get into the pool, and the man then climbs onto the unicorn. I ... read more
Brigitte jet skiing
Issy and Brigitte preparing to parasail
Issy and Brigitte  parasailing

Asia » Indonesia » Papua » Merauke December 10th 2018

There's a certain tragedy in travelling with lots of time but very little money. It's the tragedy of choice and chance. The choice lies in how you spend that little money you have got, the chance lies in the dividend of your choice. You mostly have but one chance, and whether your choice pays of is a matter of the wisdom on which your decision is based and... luck. Furthermore earlier choices effect future ones, as every decision subtracts more or less of that sparse commodity, money! Spend more on one thing and it means somewhere in the future you can spend less on something else, limiting your choice and therefore your chances. There is a final factor that effects both, age! Choice changes with age, what is important when you are young, might seem less ... read more
Kei Islands
Kei Islands
Kei Islands

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Uluwatu December 9th 2018

Issy wants to sleep so I set off on my own south along the beachfront to the Garden of Hope Peninsula Island. I wonder how something can be both a peninsula and an island but then decide that I should probably start wondering about things like this a lot less. The small peninsula’s (it’s joined to the mainland) main attractions are two very large and impressive Balinese statues, and a feature known as Waterblow where waves supposedly force water high into the air through holes in the rock. There are signs everywhere warning that Waterblow is closed today due to hazardous conditions, but no one takes any notice of these and there are lots of people on the two observation platforms. The sea is flat calm and it‘s low tide, so it’s a bit hard to ... read more
Garden of Hope Peninsula Island
The Sofitel
View from clifftop, Uluwatu Temple

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Dua December 8th 2018

Issy decides to sleep in and give breakfast a miss, so I bravely head off on my own. Our hotel, the Sofitel, is massive and a bit over the top luxurious for either of our likings. One of the main reasons we came here was that we managed to find a special deal on a holiday website. This made it a whole lot cheaper than going to our originally planned destination which was a very downmarket and much less interesting resort on the central coast of New South Wales back in our homeland. Go figure. One of the downsides of coming to the Sofitel is that it‘s so big that I get lost coming back from breakfast. This is not helped by the room numbering system. I’m fairly sure that the Sofitel is a French chain, ... read more
Balinese temple, Nusa Dua beachfront
Balinese temple, Nusa Dua beachfront
Benoa beachfront

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Dua December 7th 2018

To get to Bali cheaply we need to fly to Brisbane first. I think we may have been closer to Bali when we were still in Melbourne. As we get on the plane in Brisbane we notice that the first two rows of economy on both sides of the aisle are occupied by men who all look suspiciously like pilots. We hope that there are also pilots sitting in the cockpit, but just to be sure I ask a cabin attendant if he’s sure that at least some of the pilots sitting in amongst the passengers shouldn’t be up the front driving the plane. He looks at me very seriously and assures me that while there are in fact fourteen pilots on board he can confirm that they are all sitting where they’re supposed to be ... read more
Over northern Western Australian coast
Beachfront statue, Nusa Dua
Beachfront statues, Nusa Dua

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