Blogs from Bali, Indonesia, Asia - page 250


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kintamani July 4th 2006

Toya Bunkah Glorious morning with a fine blue mist over Danau Batur. Think I must have had nearly 12 hours sleep last night barring the interruptions from the numerous cockerals that seem to be just outside my window. Yesterday nearly went horribly wrong: I'd set my alarm for 3:30am, thinking that Nyoman was to knock at 3:45, waking me for the morning's treck, however the agreed time seemed to have shunted to 2:45am and so in the rush I missed a much needed warm shower as the night had been chilly under the thin blanket. I didn't really know what the plan was but we first stopped for water and suggary tea at a little shop in Toya Bunkah where I discovered I was supposed to catch the trecking bus to the foot of Batur. Half ... read more
Sunrise and I
Sunrise with Mars and reflections off Danau Batur

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta July 3rd 2006

Happy birthdays to Canada and the USA respectivly this week. Just a quick update since I have moved again... I am back in Bali. I was supposed to leave today but due to a recently acquired addiction (I am not yet sure if there is a 12-step program for this one) to surfing, I have extended my stay by two more days. Today I surfed, and I surf, therefore I am. (Does this mean that I was "not" before?) From here I am headed to BKK and then the rest of my journey will be dictated by Star Alliance, who, it seems, is far less easy to deal with (especially with Thai Airways who are not 'Smooth as Silk" at all) after you have purchased your ticket. I will either spend the next two weeks in ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud July 3rd 2006

Hey People, So I'm finally here after a few days in a plane. I arrived in Ubud on Saturday the first, just two days after a bunch of you poor bastards took your boards. Ubud is the art capital of Bali, and with that probably all of Indonesia. Much of it is pretty amazing, especially the wood carving, Batik, and painting. Beyond that the sheer quantity is amazing. At first I thought no island the size of Bali could possible produce the volume of art supplied by this place, and then it all became clear. They are all artists. By saying this I want you to understand that I mean every man, woman, child, and even animal is an artist of one sort or another. Moto drivers, waiters, street cleaners, mechanics, and policemen all swing the ... read more
Lynda and I on a rented Hog
Me Lady in the Rock Field
This is what I do now

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta July 3rd 2006

July 1st 2006 gruss von den luxemburgern "nilles maggy" hallo nine, wir haben von deinem abenteuerurlaub erfahren und wuenschen euch viel glueck, lasst es euch gut gehen und geniesst die zeit. gute weiterreise. maggy - fernand - nathalie und jasmine... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta July 3rd 2006

We arrived in Jakarta, from Kuala Lumpur after a short flight. Our initial plan was to spend some time here, then head south towards Yogyakarta, but the few days in KL really got me tired of big cities. I don't like big cities. So I convinced my brother Robert, to try to skip Jakarta, find a flight to Bali, and come back from the South instead of to the South. After a bit of convincing, Robert concurred. After running around the airport for hours, we were able to find stand-by tickets on Garuda to the airport in Denpasar. On the gate, we met Clara, a brasilian that used to live in Bali. We soon got to talking, and she invited us to watch the Brasil x France game with a group of Brasilians in Bali. We ... read more
Sunset at Uluatu
Monkey thiefs

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kintamani July 2nd 2006

What an amazing place. A large rippling grey lake within a huge 300 year old blow-out caldera surrounded by several little poor vilages living on the edge in the shaddow of the active mountain: Gnung Batur. The volcano last errupted in 2002 I believe, but there was also a small 'leak' last year the bubbling lava from which I should be able to walk by when I trek up to the smaller active crater early tomorrow morning. I can't wait. A lovely man - Nyoman - (pronounced N-yeoman), accosted me when I entered the Kintermani region and took me to his losman, sorted me out with a discounted room overlooking the lake and a bargin guided tour up the mountain starting at 4am tomorrow. (The Aussie girl also staying at the home-stay has paid 50 US ... read more
Little man in a boat
Gnung Batur
Gnung Batur

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta July 1st 2006

Well I'm in Bali, of course!!! Nothing could have been more of a relief than the beach. I've been surfing the past few days away. I took a lesson the first day and I guess I caught on pretty easily. Definately not a pro though. It made me realize how unfit I really am. I think after a week of surfing a guy would be in OK shape. Here's the scoop. Borneo was just not set up for backpackers. It's a place for people who are on a holiday to go and hike in the jungle (or up southeast Asia's highest mountian) and see some really cool stuff. From pictures I saw, the scuba diving there looked absolutley stunning. But it's all group tours and tour guides (huge fees), and entry fees to parks, and not ... read more
On the way to Bali
Ice Cream Man

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta June 30th 2006

June 29th 2006 tach "Ansgar" Hömma, seid Ihr im Ausland??? Oder sind die Fotos vor der Fototapete jemacht..sieht toll aus. Viel Spass Euch weiter und liebe Gruesse aus Muenchen von Ansgar & the coconuts June 29th 2006 harpener "ma" (NINE) hallo schatz, hoffentlich ist dein fuß wieder ok. bilder sind angekommen .danach scheint es euch ja wirklich gut zugehen. anrufe auf dein handy gehen durch bist du sicher ,dass du es nicht verlegt oder verloren hast hier alles ok oma ist ganz traurig,dass sie dich nicht anrufen kann kuss von uns allen Re: endlich fotos!!!falls es klappt... ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta June 30th 2006

hallo ihr lieben......:-))))))) bei uns ist alles im lot. waren gestern mal wieder an dem besagtem *Dreamland-Beach*. eine truppe von rund 20 leuten. die wellen waren wirklich der -hammer- !!!!!! zwei balinesen sind beinahe ertrunken und das ninchen konnte die eine frau mit hilfe eines anderen aus dem wasser holen. solche wellen mit einer solchen kraft werden wirklich unterschaetzt. ich kann gar nicht genau sagen wie hoch aber ich schaetze mal 3-4 meter hoch.als wir alle dort ankamen sind wir ins wasser und hatten anfangs eine menge spass. danach bin ich (nine) aber nicht mehr rein gegangen, weil es mir zu gefaehrlich war. unsere kleine wasserratte (nicki) hat sich in die reissenden wellen gestuertzt und war die einzige die den wellen herr wurde. marit hat sich einen leichten sonnenstich eingefangen .....aber sonst ist alles o.k. wir ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud June 29th 2006

After a hair raising hour's journey on my suicike (suicide bike), stopping around 5 times to get directions, I've finally made it to Bali's second most important temple: Pura Taman Ayun. Surrounded by moats and covered with lotus blossums this 'Garden Temple On The Water' is truely amazing. Eeek! Suddenly, out of nowhere came 30 Indonesia kids, surrounding me, watching me write my diary and laughing! I was a bit lost as to what to do. I tried conversation but with no luck, I tried showing them a map of Bali and indicating for them to show me where home was, but again their response was laughter. There was only one more trick I had up my sleave: I'm from Man-ches-ter. Manchester United? David Beckham? Success! The kids joined in with a chorus of Rooooooney! and ... read more
Taman Ayun
Ida and the singing kids
Pura Taman Ayun

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