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December 10th 2006
Published: December 10th 2006
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We are now in Varanasi and before I comment on what a wonderful place this is (I will write a seperate entry) I have to tell you what an adventure it was getting here.

Our 15hour train ride from Kolkata did not leave until 8pm but we had checked out of our room at 12noon. I think it was the first time Jenifir almost saw me snap! Kolkata is very intense and my brain was pounding, noise, pollution and nothing to do until 8pm except sit on a busy street and we'd been up since 4am. Jenifir was trying her best to keep my spirits lifted but I was bonking. We went and rented a half day and had a wonderful break from everything.

We had a wonderful political discussion with the owner of our guest house before we left to the train station. He was telling us from his perspective on how the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. He was a very intelligent man and we could ask him questions with him being offended. It is nice to have insight on what the Indian people feel about politics in their own country. Similar to how we feel! imagine that.
It's 7:15 and we have to get a taxi to the train station and find out train by 8pm. What the f$#% are we thinking! Why do we make our stress levels so high when we should've just left sooner. The drive to the station was totally insane, so many cars I am surprised people don't die more often. We both learned what we feel like before we might die-we were surprisingly very calm! We almost had a taxi sandwich in between two HUGE buses. We were really scared when the taxi driver yelled and gave the bus driver the bird, not once but a few times driving up beside him and yelling just so he knew how close we came to danger. so we get to the train station and it's 15minutes to 8 and it's madness. Jenifir looked at me and said "this is the time when we hold hands and run" yes I nod in agreement which I'm feeling light headed but stren, we will find out train! Dashing in and out of crowds we get inside and our train number is not there. My fight or flight kicked in because I don't even remember doing this, Jen says I grabed her hand and ran towards to foreigner! We must have looked totally frazzled by this point- we're going to miss our train! Not a good thing. This nice man helped us and said you must go to the next station! WHAT! We have to go outside and to the next building, and then still find out stupid train and then the car... here is that luck again! We made it obviously!

The funny part is Jenifir and I shared a top bunk, which is about 2 feet wide. seriously. i have some pictures and what are we thinking that this is going to work for 15 hours. we have the timer set while we were spooning and then "switch" to the next side. Eventually we figure out splitting up because someone was about to scam the middle sleeper. We were with an older couple to took us under their wing. We met some nice people and of course were constantly stared at.
Ohh I almost forgot- the bathroom experience on the train!

Jen went first and told me it was ok and kinda clean. I went a couple hours later after much use. Umm there was a puddle of water on the ground, well not water... You know when your toes are curled up in the sandles hoping you don't get even an inch wet, well this what it's like. But listen to this. Apparently I squating the wrong way and well I managed to pee all over my feet- nice and warm. But not I have "pee foot" and I still have to stay on the train for 5 hours, shit! I had to lift my leg high in the sink to rinse with water while the train is rocking back and forth without slipping on the wet floor into the "hole"... and what do we do...laugh...yes we laugh.

Arriving in Varnassi was totally hectic, but again we found two nice and very comedic guys that happened to be going to same place as us. We have been hanging out with them and they cause us much laughter... so now we are here in Varanassi.

p.s. Jenifir and I thought we would start a list of "unmentionables" this is what we talk about when we lie in bed at night thinking of our day
1-how we got scammed 100baht on our plane ticket to India without even realizing it until going to the airport
2-paying 50r's for a coke as soon as we got to the airport in kolkata "welcome to india"
3-peeing on feet
4-boat ride scam
5-mouse tird in porridge


15th December 2006

Sounds all to familar
Thanks kimmy for your wonderful tales and laughs out load as I sit here reading your journal, wishing I was there and remembering all to well how crazy and wonderful India really is. Enjoy! Marnie

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