Photos from Orissa, India, Asia - page 8

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
Village - atelier de poterie sous un arbre
Village - potier
Marche - transport rural
Marche - vendeuse
Marche - les hommes prennent de l'alcool
Village - dejeuner
Village -jeune maman au travail
village - pettie espiegle
Village - enfants sortant de l'ecole
Village - femme tressant une corde d'herbes
Konark - salle de danse devant le temple du soleil
Konark - roue du chariot-temple
Konark - entree du Temple du soleil
Konark -temple du soleil
Udaigiri - caves
Bhubaneswar - concert de musique classique
Bhubaneswar -au bord du lac sacre
Bhubaneswar - transport de nourriture cuite au temple
Bhubaneswar - incantations au temple
Bhubaneswar -temple XII s
Yet more erotic carvings at The Kornak sun temple
More erotic carvings at The Kornak sun temple
Myself posing stupidly at The Kornak sun temple
My slowly increasing facial hair
My minging feet after a few days in the bush
My favourite photo from my taking photos of people taking photos project
The boys
A short tribal lady and myself
Daruba tribe village in the morning
Homes being built by the government for the Daruba tribe
Father and child at tribal market
Drunk dude at tribal market
Tribal market
Vote for fish (whoever he/she may be)
A tribal market
Site of our second nights bush camp
Dave and myself
Our truck under a huge banyan tree in a tribal village
Photos of Dave taking a photo of John
Some local observers at a lunch stop in a woodland area
Children having a great time playing with a tyre
The first tribal village we visited
Kornak sun temple again
Erotic carvings at Kornak sun temple
Kornak sun temple
A very quiet and relaxed temple we visited during tribal tour
Rice paddies in Orissa
Traditional fishing nets used by locals tribes
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