Mumbai Madness

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October 6th 2008
Published: October 8th 2008
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After a long and painful flight with kuwait airline (Dont use them) they ran perfectly on time yet there was no kingfisher, also the plane was old and rusty. we arrived in Mumbai on the 3rd at about 5ish am having left london at 11am!!!! We were picked up by phils family friends who took us to the hotel for a few hours needed kip. The hotel was basic but clean and close to the airport as you can tell by the mane of the hotel, Hotel Aircraft! However very expensive for people on a budget at 60pounds for two night this is because Mumbai is becoming one of the most expensive cities in the world. After a few hours sleep poonam picked us up a took us one a tour round mumbai we saw the slums which makes 60 percent population howver it soon came clear that mumbai was extremely wealthy city with houses and apartments going up all the time and would look more at home in london. In the evening we went to a hindu dance festival in which we were the only two white people to be seen out of 3,000. Everyone tryed to get us to dance but however with no kingfisher flowing this was not possible. Second day we were gettin fed up of mumbai as was way to busy and fed up of getting ripped off all the time and paying too much. So we took things into our own hands and got the most crazy train journeys of a life which took us 23km for 7rupees!!!!!! To coloaba the tourist part of mumbai. First of all it was a task to find the right platform but the hardest task was getting on the train. One tip when using indian trains dont get on a only women carrage as we made this mistake it was hard to realise the difference even though it was full of women!!! the ebst part was hanging out of the door dodging oncoming trains, poles, lights and finally people. After all this we arrived in colaba and saw he gate of india which was sadly under construction and lots of other sites like taj hotel etc. We then tryed to get a train to jaipur and other place in the north but we soon found out that there was no spaces available for atleast a week and we could not take this howver we decided to try again the following day. We also looked at light but these were over a 100 pounds. Third Day we checked out and went to mumbai central to see if there really werent any seats which there werent. Here comes the bad news. We then started getting worried as we couldnt find a way out a were deffinatly not staying for another night. So we went to domestic terminal and checked flight to nothern india again too expensive. So we got a 30 pound to Goa for some much needed rest and kingfisher. Howver dont worry as camilio is sorting a train journey for us around jaiur agra and varansi. We have decided not to go to delhi due security warning. We are also thinking about going down to keral soon as its off season here! Message for adam to mum and dad: Sorry cant text back got no credit email me if you can we are both well.


8th October 2008

mein kleiner phil in der großen welt :) viel spaß und pass auf dich auf :)
21st October 2008

hi phil, take it easy and enjoy your andvente journey, get the indian spiritual depth > erwin
5th November 2008

Some blog this ................. I keep looking and nowt appears - what you bin doin for 4 weeks......

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