From Baga to Hampi to Bangalore

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January 4th 2007
Published: January 4th 2007
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Been a while since I lasted entered some blog. Well since I last wrote I was ill for a week. Bad tummy and coughing. I did go to the Dr the day after Emelie had left. He perscribed me 5 different pills and cough mixture to cure me from my bad tummy, throat and cough. This meant I would have to take 11 tablets per day. Crazy talk!!! I just took the antibiotics for my cough as my stomach was then back to normal. I am now feeling good again.

On the 24th I went to Hampi where I met my friend Ajay. Hampi is amazing! " If dreams were made out of stone, it would be Hampi ". There are thousands of temples and surrounder by massive stones that seems to have to have fallen directly from the sky on top of each other in all various positions. The train journey there was amazing. Felt like I was going through a passage from the jungle book where there were palmtrees everywhere and waterfalls. The only downfall with the train journey was that instead of taking 6 hours it took 12 hours as they were working on the tracks. I will upload photos of Hampi later when I have downloaded them onto cd. Amazing place.

I left Hampi on the 29th and had then decided to meet with Ajay in Bangalore for New Years as there were so many uncertainties in Baga and Anjuna over the New Year. So I flew to Bangalore on the 31st where I met Ajay and Vishu at the airport and then went to a New Years Party with them. I am currently still in Banaglore but hoping to go to Philippines soon. Just waiting for Ajay's visa to get sorted and then I will go with him there for a couple of weeks or so. I have rescheduled my flight now so will now fly back end of Jan.

Oh well, thats about it for now folks. Happy New Year to you all.


11th January 2007

From Baga to Hampi to Bangalore
Happy New year to you too! I actually took some time out to check where all these exciting places are on the map......Here the bad weather seems to be holding on - last night I prayed the roof wouldn't come down. Let us know when you get moving again. Love Margareta
20th January 2007

Hoppas du fick vårt grattismeddelande, annars får du en försenad hälsning från kalla Sverige. Tycker du har sackat ner i skrivandet av dagboken, vad försegår där nere egentligen??? Ha ha Det är skönt att veta att du trivs och att du är i gott sällskap. Ska bli kul att träffa dig när du kommer hem om du kommer någon gång... Annars är allt bra med oss jobbar och står i. Massa massa kramar

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