CHLOE VINE- Saturday April 1st- packing

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April 1st 2006
Published: April 1st 2006
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We have just spent the last 3 hours going through our kit for the race. We have only managed to pack Carl's's amazing how time consuming this process is.
Imagine trying to fit 7 days worth of food, clothes, first aid, plus flash light, camera, sleeping bag, etc. into the size of a small the one you would have carried at school for your books. Its a complete puzzle trying to fit it all in. Not to mention the fact that the race organizers penalize you if you forget things like your snake bite pump, your compass or the reflective mirror (used to reflect light if you get lost out in the dunes)

I must say that I am really looking forward to our delicious freeze dried meals and the 3 daily servings of Power Bars...not to mention the oh-so-yummy Gu's...carbohydrate gels. They say that some people eat to live while others live to eat. Carl and I definitely fall in the later category. I can not even imagine the food cravings I'll be having come day 2...let alone day 7!!

Oh, and the update on the party. We raised HKD250,000...which is $32,000. Amazing result!! Most of the cash came from the raffle and auction plus a bit from the ticket sales. People really went all out with the costumes. I've posted the pics onto our website...please feel free to have a look.
*side note, I've posted my own photos from Vietnam on the same site...feel free to have a peek...went up to the nothern mountains...simply stunning people and scenery.

We're off to go do some sand running this afternoon on our local beach...with our full packs.
The mental preparation is beginning to kick in full force... "smile at the pain" is a new mantra we've adopted (complements of my yoga instructor)
We fly out in 5 days and start running in 8 days.


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