Arabian Nights Extravaganza - TONIGHT!

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Asia » Hong Kong
March 25th 2006
Published: March 24th 2006
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After lots and lots of hard work, the day has finally come...our Arabian Nights fundraising extravaganza. We have sold 300 tickets and are planning to hold a large auction and raffle which should put us well over our fundraising goal of $24,000. The weather is terrible...rainy and cold...which is a shame because it is an outdoor party, but a friend has loaned us tents and we've found outdoor heaters . We are hoping that we can pull it off regardless.

Its all very very exciting, besides being a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of Operation Smile in Hong Kong its also been good for me personally because it has helped to take my mind of the big looming run that is ahead of us.

In fact, tomorrow after the party is wrapped-up I am heading to northern Vietnam for 5 days to take my mind off of the this point there is really no more training to be done. I'm just trying to get my body to feel somewhat fresh and new again...a big ask considering all of the niggling aches and pains I've developed along the way.

Anyhow, I will be sure to let everyone know how the fundraising this evening goes...hope Hong Kongers are feeling generous😊)


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