Underground Malls and Maccers

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August 3rd 2005
Published: August 3rd 2005
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Monday was my day off so I went shopping with Snow in the afternoon. We took the bus to an average looking road, but down about 20 steps there is an entire mall underneath the road, that just goes on forever. We spent a while in there, a few hours at least and I bought a few little things that Snow bargained down for me. That's the nice thing about shopping with a Chinese person!

I saw a building with pink glass windows.

Apparenty, Mr. Je, the school's handy-man and van-driver is a gangsta. No shitting, either. Kinda freaky.

I bought a plant for my apartment and actually found some candles yesterday. It's starting to feel a bit like home... and I've been doing okay on my own but Daphne is moving in tonight I think.

As for the laptop situation, I think I am going to wait a month and save up some of my money I earn so I don't have to cash in any American. I'll buy it before Daphne leaves though.

I bought a colouring book last night, so I've been colouring non-stop. It gives me something to do.

The last few nights, it's been raining. Not a gentle rain, but the kind that pounds down so hard you think the ground is going to give in. The walls here are so thin too.. you hear it all night. And it isn't just rain.. but the most magnificant thunder and lightning I have ever experienced.

I know some of you will be disappointed, and Mom you will probably have a heart attack, but yesterday I actually ATE at McDonalds. Yeah, I know. But I was so hungry and it's cheap, FAMILIAR food there so I had fries and a milkshake and an apple pie. Haha, I don't think I'll do it again any time soon, because it sat like a rock in my gut and didn't make me feel too hot.

This morning I called Lynne and Earl, and then Katlin from the comfort of my BED! Yeah that's right I got my cell phone so I lay there and talked for a while. Then I coloured. Ate half a grapefruit, and came to school.

After the rain, it is SO muddy here.. especially since the streets are in constant repair. When it's muddy you don't wear shoes, you wear flip flops otherwise your shoes get covered in red mud. So I walked to school in flip flops and my feet got soaked with mud. But there is a shower thing at the school to wash your feet off with.

I got mail from Mom today! Mail makes me SO happy, even happier than getting mail in Canada! So everyone, I sent you my address, send me mail!! Hehe.

Anyways, I think that's about it. Hopefully this post goes through because the computer has been having problems today...

I'll write again soon,
and hopefully be posting some pictures.

Love Laur


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