Sick time, is always bad time

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January 15th 2009
Published: January 15th 2009
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Flic and I were not being paranoid last night about the food, woke up this morning feeling a little ill - suddenly got really really hot, and the threw up for a few minutes.

Thing is, straight after, and now I feel fine - hopefully it was only a little poisining, because we didn't eat much of the food - we thought it was a little dodgy.

From now on, though, we are going to be a lot more careful.

I am annoyed though - I WANTED TO GO OUT FOR LUNCH.

Thus, the being sick I can cope with. Indeed, between the voimiting, you could hear me saying:

"I like being sick, it makes me feel better".

What I don't like, is that now we can't have lunch, in case it makes me ill again.

And so, sick time, is bad time.

We are at our Hostel now, and will leave in the taxi for the train station in about 2 and a half hours.

We've decided that we want to stay in Hanoi a night, and have one less night in Saigon, which'll be nice.

I think we're also going to try meet with a guy from the Trans-Mongolian in Hanoi too!


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