Jingshan (Coal Hill), Great views, Attractions Beijing

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July 2nd 2008
Published: July 2nd 2008
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There is only one hill to be found in Beijing: Jingshan Hill, also known as “Feng Shui Hill” or as “Coal Hill“. It offers very impressive views of the Forbidden City and entire Beijing.

Reasons to go there

From the top of the hill there are wonderful views of Beijing, especially over the Forbidden City, hence its name, which means “Scenic Hill”. The hill top offers a 360 degree vista: DianMen Dajie with at the end the Drum Tower, Beihai Park and of course the entire city itself. It might be a good idea to start your sightseeing trip of Beijing here.

Below the hill there are a small gardens with benches to relax weary feet and maybe write a postcard or two.

Helpful Tips

It is a perfect spot to watch the sunset.

Nice flowers in season, and good for strolling.

April and May daily 6 am-9 pm; June-August 6 am-10 pm; September and October 6 am to midnight; November-March 6:30 am-8 pm. 10 yuan.

How to get there

The park is located at the north of the Forbidden City, when you leave the palace through the North Gate you just cross the street and the you are in Jingshan Park.

Additional Infos

The 45.7-metre high artificial hill was constructed in the Yongle era of the Ming Dynasty entirely from the soil excavated in forming the moats of the Imperial Palace and nearby canals. It is especially impressive when one considers that all of this material was moved only by manual labor and animal power.

This park has several names: Jingshan Park, or Ching-shan Park, or Coal Hill Park, or Meishan Park, or Prospect Hill Park.

Jingshan Park also boasts some charming natural scenery with a planted area in the park of about 1100 square meters (about 1316 square yards). This park is the biggest peony rose garden in Beijing and during May each year, with the 20,000 peony roses of some 200 varieties in full bloom the park displays a wonderful and colorful scene.

Photos of Jingshan (Coal Hill)

We postet all our photos of the Coal Hill (Jingshan) at findoutwheretogo.com. We hope they help for your Beijing trip. In our opionion you can travel on your own - you don’t need a Beijing Guide. Travel Beijing - it´s an amazing city!

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