Blogs from South, Cambodia, Asia - page 336


Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 2nd 2005

all is good here at the moment, have had two weeks of heading out the Zoo (Phenom Tamao) and starting on the project i have been set with weekends of seeing main things in town - Royal Palace, Killing Feilds of Cambodia and Museum. So you all know what the hell i am doing out here, here is a brief rundown... the Zoo is very much at its initial stages but very much a wildlife rehabilitation centre for many confiscated animals... (there are elephants, lions, tigers, otters, so many sunbears, so many gibbons!, so many birds and more!). I am currently working on putting together some interpretation signage for Section 1 of the Zoo. Idea is to create a little more awareness of the species found in this area (Siamese Crocodile, Elk's Deer, Pig, Munjac, Civet, ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh June 30th 2005

This was my last day in Cambodia, a 37 hour day by my calculations. I was not a math major, so if I'm off don't be surprised. I left Phnom Penh just after noon, but arrived in Seattle at 2pm the same day. It felt like more than a 37 hour day. Being back in Seattle is a bit odd, and definately cold. I had my first warm shower in a month - only crazy people want hot water in Cambodia. There was one tourist at our hotel in Siem Reap, he was complaining to one of the women who worked there how the hot water in his room didn't work. I tried hard not to laugh out loud at him. Cold showers are the only relief I could get from the heat. The last thing ... read more
Morning Routine

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville June 27th 2005

So, though we'd already been there, we headed back to the beach. We had played around with the idea of going to Kampong Cham, but it felt like forced tourism. We would have been going there just because we hadn't been there before. According to Lonely Planet and the few people we talked to in Phnom Penh, there isn't much to see in Kampong Cham. There's supposed to be some temples, but they apparently haven't been reconstructed much since the Khmer Rouge destroyed everything, and we heard that they're dissapointing to visit right after Angkor Wat. So I was very happy when Anisa suggested we abandon out northward travel plans and head south back to the beach. We skipped Kep and Kampot and just stayed at Serendipity close to where we had been before. Anisa treated ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh June 25th 2005

I ended up getting a bad cold, or perhaps a flu on our last day at Siem Reap and was miserable on the six hours bus ride back to Phnom Penh. I was happy to be going back to the comfort of Anisa's apartment though, and she took very good care of me. We were planning on turning right back around and leaving for the northeast, Krachie or Ratnakiri, but my cold got in the way. We decided to rest in town for a couple days and decide later. I just wasn't up for the twelve hour bus ride and I doubt Anisa was looking forward to it either. Hanging out in town included multiple trips to Psar Toul Tom Pong to buy kramas and other gifts. I also accompanied Anisa to the Intercontinental Hotel where ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot June 20th 2005

Even though I’d imagine the worst in terms of health care while mentally preparing for Cambodia, the reality still shocks me. After one morning at the Kep Referral Hospital, we’d been confronted with: 1) Active TB with severe lung scarring on the chest x-ray 2) Chronic glandular TB 3) 2 pediatric cases of typhoid fever 4) 1 adult case of typhoid fever 5) severe pitting edema with a 6 inch long abscess and rheumatoid arthritis Let’s just say that the Canadian medical school curriculum, with it’s weeks of heart attacks, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer’s isn’t the greatest preparation for the infectious diseases we’re seeing these days. The next day, we followed one of the local Health Centre physicians around on one of his 5 monthly days of vaccinations. In my mind, I was picturing an open-air ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot June 17th 2005

What’s Hot in Kep -the weather -30-60 min morning motorbike commute -4 inch wide paths between rice paddies -emaciated feral dogs running loose -bullocks, dogs, chickens and pigs in the middle of the road -free brown highlighted hair due to malnutrition -open-air air-conditioning with topnotes of eau de manure -people 5’6” and under -rice, rice, rice, and more rice -being first in line to diagnose TB, typhoid and acromegaly What’s Not in Kep -snow -8 min morning walk to MSB, the UofT meds’ dungeon -4 lane wide highways -leashed licensed dogs eating caviar in Yorkville -concrete median dividers in the middle of the road -$200 professionally highlighted brown hair -impersonally filtered air conditioned air with topnotes of Kenny G -people 5’6” and over -french fries -being last in line to diagnose LOL’s in NAD* and GOMERs** ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot June 16th 2005

Bokor was made a park in 1993, so it's still a new part of the budding national park system here. Anisa has wanted to visit it for quite some time and it's a common day trip out of Kampot, so we decided to give it a shot. I'll admit the road was rougher than I had expected, and sitting was out of the question that evening, but it was beautiful up there. The humidity and even the heat droped away as we climed up the "mountain". It might be a hill in Idaho, but compared to the rice paddies around it looks like a mountain even to me. We saw lots of remains of French colonialism and former palaces of the Cambodian Royalty. The place hasn't just been discovered, Cambodians have always known that it is ... read more
French Church
Military at the Casino

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville June 13th 2005

Anisa needed a break after her last week of school so we went directly out to the beach on Monday. It's technically the rainy season - though it hasn't really rained much yet - so we were almost the only tourists there. It was very relaxing and we didn't do much besides sit around on the beach reading. I've been feeling pretty sick since Sunday morning: stomach cramps, probably from eating poorly washed vegetables in Vietnam. Poorly washed doesn't just mean washed with tap water it can mean washed in the river or not washed at all. The south along the coast is much greener than around Phnom Penh. The scenery between PP and Sihanoukville was beautiful. It was a big change because we started into the hills, everything around Phnom Penh is flatter than the ... read more
Waiting for School
The Beach
Tourist Photo

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot June 13th 2005

Cambodia's sure full of surprises. And creepy crawlies. So far in and around the house, there have been sightings of: 2 scorpions, innumerable geckos and ants, 1 spider, and a large lizard who's taken up residence in one of my colleague's rooms. All in the span of 2 days. But the real surprise was the rather unexpected clinical experience us three meddies received the other night. It was a good thing we ended the year with brain and behaviour topics, because we had to manage a 45 minute generalized tonic-clonic epileptic seizure with clonus down the entire left side. Our supervisor started seizing in the car and we put the whole sequence into action: stabilized airway and breathing and circulation, assessed GCS, assessed pupillary reflexes, monitored vitals, wished for iv abilities to put in saline and ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot June 11th 2005

I think that I needed this trip, after the academic tumult and emotional histrionics that has characterized this last school year. The change to this rural setting has been surprisingly easy, full of sunshine, languor and rest. My brain is revelling in the lack of hyperkinetic memorization, wallowing contentedly from each full night of sleep like an elephant who’s just found a mud patch. The slower pace has also allowed me to rediscover the red, orange and yellow end of the colour spectrum as I relearned how to drive a 100 cc scooter. Culture and perception is a funny thing. Put on a pair of long pants, and I blend into the general population in Cambodia as just another face with ubiquitous black hair and eyes. Put on a pair of shorts, however, and I’m instantly ... read more

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