From Buenos Aires to The End of the World

Antarctica » Antarctica
January 30th 2011
Published: January 30th 2011
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Compared to the usual UK festivities, Christmas in BA was relatively quiet and relaxing. That is except for the fireworks that erupted a few minutes before midnight on Christmas Eve and continued for well over an hour. Although we had been forewarned, neither of us expected the city to turn into the war zone that it did. At first there were just a few bangs and explosions in the distance, but t... Read Full Entry

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31st January 2011
Get out of my way.

The Antarctic pics were amaaazing. We currently in Sydney and I heard about the Antarctic tours for the first time last week. Keep on blogging, it's wonderful to read x x Karen
31st January 2011

What a trip - it will be a long time before Binning and i will be able to do something like that, hence the jealousy! It all looks incredible, especially A. All well here - cold but bright day and very much back into routine with kids back at school. Hope all continues to go well for you. Anita XO
31st January 2011

Happy Travels
Hello, Thanks so much for sending the info - I love the thought of your Xmas, and the vision of the ice and wild life. The boat trip sounds just the best - superlatives are not needed!! Though I am not in the least interested in the discomfort of the coach trip - I'm sure it will be a good experience, and the drive to the old estancia, brings back memories of... well hours and hours of scenery. You know you will need to tells us about it all over again when you get back - AXX
2nd February 2011
Luv yer

Steve and Marianne after Lunch
Love the blog What a great experience!
6th February 2011

Vicarious travel
Thoroughly enjoyable. Very jealous of the Arctic trip looked amazing. With Bruce Parry in the Arctic all this ice is very topical at the moment. Keep up the bolgs they are very interesting
21st February 2011

Great trip
What a great trip though hard! The rare creatures in their own habitat and various iceberg and the uique beauty! What a scene that there is an old man on the left in the picture of the Post Office of the end of the world! HI, Marianne, you look great in the picture of Christmas lunch.
6th April 2011

Looks Familiar!
Funny, it's almost as if we were on the Antarctic Dream with you! Your descriptions, photos captured well those great moments we thought were only OURS to appreciate!! Having had that common experience with you now makes the whole thing that much more interesting, fun, unique and humorous. [And thanks for saving the photo of the quick-dry underpants for the end of the trip blog!] Bill and Rachel

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