Week 2 Getting going

February 23rd 2010
Published: February 23rd 2010
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Week 2 Getting going
It was raining this morning which is a blessing for the locals who are under drought restrictions and panicking about June and the football. It is still warm and no one takes much notice as you don’t really seem to get very wet.
We were the last to arrive today. Everyone prefers us to be last as the road to Joe Slovo is extremely bumpy. The housing situation has improved but the roads are still rough dirt tracks and all the other schools are on “proper” roads. I went in to find another class in Grade2 was moving today so there were desks and and books everywhere in my first class. They had not decided where I could take my groups so I offered tohelp with the move but Sista, trying to sort cupboards and deal with about 40 decided she would give them some maths and I could sort the out while she got her room organized. I had to find my red pen and one child looked disgruntled when I marked all his right and I worked out my ticks were too small! I ave out the books which gave me some pronunciation practice. There are quite a lot who struggle so I could support those and give a quick few extension bits to the quick ones.
In the next class who seemed to have stayed put the teacher had to leave suddenly so I had to improvise - They had been about to do mental maths but I didn’t have the material so we did a bit of revision on the English they had just doen which happened to be on the board, some number recognition. They are quite controllable if you do something interactive where they might have a turn - it seems to concentrate them well. I then grabbed a book from the back which turned out to have flaps to open and gave another turn taking opportunity. The teacher came back when we were in full flow. She thought it was my book!
During the last session which I discovered is quite short as Grade 2 finish at 1.15, the foundation head was trying to do the class and think about a space for me to work. I did the register which gave me more name practice. I still struggle with the clicks but they enjoy my efforts. As some of the children cleaned the room we were investigating a store room currently full of furniture and books when one of the other grade 2 teachers pointed out there was an empty classroom as a result of the two grades leaving and all the moves and it is in the foundation area so I now have a classroom for my group work. There is a square of carpet left in it which I have used to set out my “stall”. It means I can even have a board and notice board and shelves to leave my stuff on but as it was full of dust it needs to be cleaned first. Hopefully, I can get going tomorrow.

I am pleased to be back with the grade 2 groups and it is easier reconnecting with teachers I worked with 2 years ago. They were not expecting me to work with them so it is all off the cuff. I was not expecting to be there either. I did say you have to be flexible!
I have been looking around for some books to use and can see some of those I sent over about. I have not yet found the sets I used with grade 2 last time but they are keen for me to do some phonics which they are supposed to be doing as part of their curriculum.
It was still dull and trying to rain when we got back so we had a walk to the interet café which is greatly improved since the last visit. I did a quick email check and established that I can take a memory stick there which gives me an alternative blog sending option. It takes a bit of organizing!
After dinner we had a gospel choir of five with beautiful voices and wonderful harmony. One of the other Sue’s has some fancy recording device - she is a music specialist - she will make us a cd. The young woman had a really novel conducting style but it worked brilliantly and we will go and see them again as the entertainment repeats on a fortnightly cycle. One of the men had a basso profundo voice which has to be heard. The entertainment is only 45 minutes whichis about enough for us as we have to get up early so need to get organized for tomorrow and get some sleep.


24th February 2010

Wow... it sounds a bit confusing - the teaching side of it...can't imaging trying to "wing" a classroom of 40 2nd graders whose language I can't speak! where do you begin?!! will you now just take small groups out to your "classroom" and work with them? You go girl!! XO Jillian

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