Finally done with flying - at least for 4 weeks!

July 9th 2009
Published: July 9th 2009
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So as you can all guess, I hae made it safe and sound to Egypt!
The flights were okay but I have been pretty sick, nothing a little self medicating wont fix!
I havent had a chance to see much of the city yet since the flight got in so late and I have just been sleeping!

The organization here seems to be pretty interesting! They are very animal welfare oriented so this is something new for me! I was even asked last night where I stood on the issue ofthe seal hunts in Canada!
Not the best convo subject for 3am in the morn'n! haa

Anyways, apparently the pyramids are like 15 mins from my house right now so we might go see them today if not it will definitely be seen in the near future!
I was told as well that the red sea is gorgeous and one of the ladies has already offered to take me so who knows how that will work out!

Well I will be sure to update you all once I get out and see what an arab country is like!!!


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