Hakuna Matata

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Africa » Zambia » South Luangwa
December 28th 2009
Published: December 28th 2009
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Helloo everyone!
A quick hello from Zambia! It has been a action packed last few days! It has included my first aid skills, bar fights, Christmas Mass in the local village, listening to my new favorite music artists on the beach, an elephant charging at our safari truck (barely missed us) and no dry clothing. I'm really learning a lot about the local cultures and different ways of life. The western way is not always the right way and even though everything takes sooo long here, it makes the destination so much more enjoyable. I'm also learning about myself and working on making the qualities I like in other people the qualities I like about myself (in my own way of course). One of the best things I've learned is everyone has a story. I often hear myself sounding just like my dad asking lots of personal questions and talking to everyone. I never thought I would do this before! I'm off to lunch now before heading out on the night safari. Hope Christmas relaxing and enjoyable! Thank you to those of you who have been messaging me! Every time I read one I can't stop smiling! Miss you all! xoxox


29th December 2009

Wish I was in Zambia
Hi Caroline I'm so glad you've learnt 'That Africa' and that everyone has a story. Now you know why I love Africa so much and traveling, I bet you have met some amazing people who have done so much with their lives. We've had a lovely Christmas in our new home but can't help missing having 'the Owens in town' and doing some traveling with you - perhaps next year? Keep the blogs coming, don't worry about spending a long time writing them just send it as it comes we don't mind. We look forward to your next installment every day. Remember 'keep safe'. Lots of love Sue xxxxxx
31st December 2009

Caroline Owen i have just finished reading your blogs and am about to look at your pictures because everyone's been raving about them!! I am so extremely jealous and this may be weird to say BUT, am so inspired by what you're doing. I would love, love, love times infinity to be able to travel and meet people like you are! I hope you're having an amazing, life changing experience and I can't wait to hopefully see you sometime after you get back! Lots of love, warm wishes and good luck from me to youuu :)
5th January 2010

caroline owen could be the coolest girl on the planet
caroline sounds amazing!!!! as always !..it sounds like you are growing as a person so much and that could possibly be the greatest thing you take from your trip. you still have so much more to go and so much more to learn as im sure you already know . keep embracing everything so you can come home and teach me! dont go near any hippos, they're the most dangerous animal in the world and WILL eat you. have you found an african lover yet? your definatly making me want to start planing a trip! i wish i could come meet you in some country, unfortunatly but fortunatly im on my own adventure at a place called university. im also learning lots about the third world and africa. we will both be more edcuated and be able to share stories- i cant wait. i lvoe you so so so so so so sooo much! and missin my sista xoxxoxoxox j
6th January 2010

Liney this is sooooo crazy.You must be having so much fun.3 marriage proposals?Think about you lots miss you Love Berry
16th January 2010

Love you honey!
Only a couple more weeks and you'll be settled for a while after all the travel and on the go...we miss you lovey and hope that you are soaking up everything you can. I loved your comment about everyone having a story - how true. Just think how amazing your story is now! So proud of you, love Mum x

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