Blogs from Western, Ghana, Africa - page 6


Africa » Ghana » Western » Tarkwa October 20th 2007

It was deep, smelt like 3-day old festival and ran both sides of the street. In it, stuck fast, random bits of rubbish; waiting for biodegradation, the destruction of the planet or whatever comes first - probably not the Ghanaian garbage service. Is it, I wondered, a drain or very elaborate obruni trap? For beyond the ankle snapping gap, encroaching in fact, to its very edge, was a chaos of road side stalls, leaving me with no option but to walk on the road, drain one side, traffic pulsing past on the other. One lil lurch to the left and I’d be in the sludge, one falter to the right and I’d be one more dent; every car, bus, and truck having a good collection - even the taxi’s and tro-tro’s with their rear window messages ... read more
Read All About It!
So on the List!
My Cuties

Africa » Ghana » Western » Tarkwa October 20th 2007

We were at a security checkpoint now, for which our white skin seemed to be the pass - the guards waving us through on sight, adding, with smiles and salutes, a sense of ceremony to my first glimpse of our new home. Ahead was a series of green roofed houses, all spouting red satellite dishes and planted on the ledges of an almighty hill as if it were one large terraced garden. Ours, the boyo pointed, was at the very top; on the edge of a slope so steep the camp information guide (provided by the appropriately named Allterrain Services) cautioned all drivers and pedestrians to take extra care near it. The hill, but for the fact that it ended with a concrete drain and then a house - one which coincidentally held more company boyo’s ... read more
Using My Noggin
For Give

Africa » Ghana » Western » Butre Beach August 15th 2007

First of all, a massive thankyou to all of you who helped out during the great Travelblog Server Crash of two weeks ago (when 40,000 Travelblog entries were lost into the ether), by saving and submitting copies of the 29 lost blogs. As I write, 31 of 33 have been restored, thanks to you guys. Cheers - I am really grateful. Secondly, this is my first blog in a while written without Susan at my side. My brave young lass returned home in the wee hours of this morning from Accra, and now it's just me and Africa for the next two months, until I meet my next travelling companion. In a whirl of emotions as I write this, so excuse me if I don't make much sense. We left Accra two weeks ago, after Suze ... read more
Busua Beach
Cape Coast sunset

Africa » Ghana » Western » Swedru July 10th 2007

On Monday the 2nd we set off for our 3 weeks of travels, with our hair braided so we dont have to wash it, a 25l backpack for 3 weeks and a daily food budget of $4 Australian. Pretty much we are going to arrive in the u.k filthy. Sars, Gabs, Meg and Chels and i were meeting at the Shell station at 7am except we were delayed an hour as the taxi which Meg chose had a detour to the hospital as the drivers pregnant sister fainted. So far we have witnessed a goat hit and killed by our tro tro, almost had to pawn our few valuables to pay for our tro tro, broken down in a taxi on a deserted road at night, escaped from a stampede of elephants and been chased by ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Swedru July 6th 2007

Our last days in the village were sad yet overshadowed with celebration. Our mum went over the top cooking us ridiculous amounts of food. Continual eating could hardly dent the massive pile. Each day there would be a children waiting outside our bedroom in our courtyard dancing, singing and their new favorite way to greet us - blowing kisses. One little boy who is always there and is one of my favorites is Bright. For the first month we were there he ran away crying but he is no longer scared of the big white ladies. Nights were spent sitting with the elders of the village, helping cook followed by pumping music and dancing. However this would occasionally get out of hand as every child wants to impress us with intricate handstands which have resulted in ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Afransi June 26th 2007

hello alll!!!! how r we? hope everyone is welll. keep up the contact love hearing everyones goss!! This will be short as the internet is particuarly slow today and unknown to me the internet is closing early today so i will be cut off very sooon. The week following my Malaria outbreak was pretty chilled. I took th rest of the week off to recover as i was still pretty dizzy and ridicuously tired, as in falling asleep on the toilet and in a taxi. embarassing. Anyways. My aim was to rest and relax but at times this was tired as almost half the village, all the teachers and many of my fellow obrunis wished to visit me. This was a lovely thought yet very tiring and at times frustrating. But i am completley recovered thanks ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Swedru June 10th 2007

Life in the village as the Ghanians say is 'sweeeeeeeeeeet'. My family is really great. My mum Mary is the funniest woman. She can't speak english very well but she laughs all the time with this deep shrill laugh. She finds us hilarious and is always saying 'my daughters i am your ghana mummy. I will cry when you leave. The 5 kids are all great too. They are so helpful and good most of the time. School starts at 8.00 and goes until 1.30pm. I am often escorted so school by a squealing mob consisting of the majority of the villages children. There are occasionally fights over who will carry my stuff and who will hold my hand. After school we arrive home to cooked lunch. Mary loves us to eat and gets very upset ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Swedru June 1st 2007

OK so after nearly a month at school and 3 weeks teaching i feel like i am starting to make some progress. Continuing on from my last entry the first few days were rough. I was feeling pretty bad about it. I almost felt like a failure and i felt very overwhelmed by the level and range of ability of the classes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were shocking. I managed to gain the students attention and i like to think respect - there is always the odd naughty kid who is sent to the corner or outside. But even though they would pay attention and do the work the work in their textbooks which im meant to teach them is way too advanced for them. I will read a passage, and then get the class to ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Afransi December 25th 2006

Christmas Africa » Ghana » Agona Swedru » Afransi By RosalindCorbyDecember 25th 2006..... read more
Alice and Dina ready for Church on Christmas Day
The kids
The kids

Africa » Ghana » Western » Afransi December 10th 2006

This is my class - Primary 4 at Amazing Grace School. They love being 'snapped' but don't seem to take it too seriously! There is also the addition of a creature they found and took as class mascot for the day. He doesn't appear too camera shy either.... read more
Amazing Grace School, Primary 4
Amazing Grace School, Primary 4

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