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Africa » Botswana » North-West » Chobe National Park
August 12th 2006
Published: August 12th 2006
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We arrived in Botswana and were amazed to experience a border crossing where security was something more than a hut and bamboo sticks, and the whole process took less than five hours. We drove to Chobe National Park which is definitely the most amazing place I have been so far, we did a jeep and barge safari and saw more than 100 elephants - the barge takes you right up to little floating islands in the river where the elephants are grazing and washing themselves so we got so close up to them it was fantastic! After the trauma of the 75,000 crocodiles at the farm in Zambia we were all a bit on edge to see yet more 8 metre male crocs on the shore too, and saw an elephant that had drowned and was floating on its back and being ripped apart by crocodiles - it was the most horrible sight I have ever seen so naturally felt I had to share it with you all.

They are totally paranoid about foot in mouth so several times we were thrown off the truck to trample through some vile looking puddle which splashed up our legs and will probably cause our skin to disintegrate at some point in the future. We drove down to the Okavango Delta and bush camped on a little island for two days. We went up the river in Mkoros (dug out canoes) driven by polers who were fantastic but when we tried to pole we just fell in..! We went on lots of game walks but only saw zebras (we are SO over zebras!). I went on a scenic flight over the Delta - I hear the herds of buffalo and elephants walking through the river 500 feet below looked stunning from up there, I wouldn't know, I had my head in a sick bag and my view consisted of "back of pilot's head-where's my sick bag-lap-bottom of sick bag".... what a waste of $70!!!!!!!!!!!!


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