Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America - page 10


South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca August 1st 2010

on of the most amazing mountains in the world (didn't see many, but I'm sure of that ;)... read more
at the terminal - still optimistic
we got the bus
dunes near to Piura

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 27th 2010

Day 2 - Paria to Tuallipampa This was, by far, one of the hardest days of trekking we have ever done. We knew from the start that it would be difficult, since long days on the trail are not only a physical but a mental challenge. What we didn't expect was to actually lose the trail for an hour, go slogging aimlessly through a meadow of dry grass and cow trails, and then connect back with the main trail no worse for the wear. But I digress. Day two started off innocuously enough. The trail gained elevation here and there for the first few hours, and as the sun came up, it definitely got warm. We played leapfrog with a crew from France, two girls and a guy, who we later had lunch with and had ... read more
5 hours in...
7 hours in...
8 hours in...

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 9th 2010

"The best part is getting to the top 'cause the pain's all over." Dan Osman Frisch geduscht und nur mit dem Notwendigsten ausgeruestet erreichten wir nach einer Odyssee in Taxis und Kleinbussen Cebollapampa (3900 m ue. M.). Waehrend der Fahrt wurden wir mit Juan - unserem Koch und Arriero ("donkey driver", wie die Gringos so schoen sagen) - bekannt gemacht. Wir wurden ausfuehrlich ueber die Vorkommnisse unserer Vornamen in seinem ausgedehnten Stammbaum unterrichtet und mussten sein grosszuegiges Angebot - Peyote (Meskalin) fuer nur 30 Sol - dankend ablehnen. Anschliessend ein dreistuendiger Aufstieg ins Basislager des Nevado Pisco auf etwa 4800 m ue. M. Unser Bergfuehrer Arnoldo berichtete uns derweil von seinen Erfahrungen mit Pisco, unter anderem einer beeindruckenden Besteigung via die steile Eiswand der Suedflanke. Nachdem wir unsere Ausruestung kontrolliert und eine r... read more
Eislandschaft I
Nevado Pisco

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huarmey June 17th 2010

Huarmey is an hour south of Casma, along the Panamerican Highway. It´s a five-hour bus from Lima and is a lively, relatively wealthy little pueblo with plenty of accommodations and restaurants. In winter, reservations are apparently unnecessary. In two days I haven´t run into another tourist anywhere. I came here on a whim and my experiences below prove I had no idea what I was doing, which I suppose was the fun of it. I booked a room through Hostelworld. It took me a while to find it, but while ´Hostal Jamie Crazy´ is described as some kind of backpacker haven, I found that it´s just a friendly mom and pop hostal run by Ana y Marrique Jara, two people who do everything possible to make guests feel comfortable. The rooms are 7 soles and are ... read more
Hosts @ Hostal Jaime Crazy
Playa 2

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 12th 2010

Apres 14h de voyage en passant par Lima ou l on fera une halte d une nuit, on se remet en route pour la Cordillere blanche (8h de trajet en plus), et on se fait deposer par le taxi a un super hotel(eco) el Tambo, ou par chance on retrouve Arthur et Anna, on rencontre aussi Martha et Romain avec qui on decide de faire le Trek de Santa Cruz, un des plus accessibles, evitant ainsi de payer un guide et des mules durant 4 jours. C est parti avec a peu pres 10-12kg chacun sur le dos!Le trek facile s avere une vraie epopee, mais le jeu en valait la chandelle car le paysage durant ces 4 jours fut magnifique!4 Jours de soleil, et des nuits glacees, plus ou moins - 3 degres vue la ... read more
Debut du trek avec Martha et Romain

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 11th 2010

Kurz nach Lima verlassen wir bereits wieder die Panamericana und fahren mit dem Bus in die Anden. Huaraz (3100m) ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt, um die Cordillera Blanca zu erkunden. Die Cordillera Blanca ist nach dem Himalaya die zweithoechste Bergkette der Welt. Gut 20 Gipfel sind hoeher als 6000m, einer von ihnen, der Huascaran, ist mit 6768m der hoechste Berg Perus. Von Huaraz aus machen wir eine Tageswanderung zur Laguna Churup auf 4450m. Da wir vorher gut eine Woche auf Meereshoehe verbracht haben und wir uns nur wenig Zeit zum akklimatisieren genommen haben, spueren wir die Hoehe wie nie zuvor. So sind fuer uns die rund 1000m Auf- und Abstieg eine der anstrengendsten Wanderungen, die wir je gemacht haben! Am naechsten Tag fahren wir nach Yungay, von wo aus wir einen gemuetlicheren Tagesausflug zu den Lagunas Llanganuco ... read more
Cordillera Blanca im Abendlicht
Unterwegs zur Laguna Churup

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 6th 2010

I arrived in Huaraz 2 hours late. Immediately I stepped out of the security of the bus station, I was surround by 5 taxi drivers touting for business of hostels or tours (much to the amusment of some locals standing close-by). After saying no thanks probably 5 times, I started to walk off pursued by one die-hard. He got the message eventually! I decided to go on a 4 day/3 night trek hoping to see more of the mountains than a one day trip would have allowed. I booked with Galaxia Expeditions who turned out to be very well organised and the guide was excellent. Day 1 On Sunday morning, an early start was needed at 6am as there was approx a 4 hour drive from Huaraz to the drop-off point where the walking would begin. ... read more
day 1
day 1
day 1

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 23rd 2010

Hooray! I left Lima on Sunday 23rd May on an 8-hour bus journey to Huaraz in the Cordillera Blanca. After about 3 and a half hours, we finally left the fogginess that is coastal Peru and began to see some rather lovely landscape. Huaraz is a town surrounded by mountains, many of them snow-capped, which was levelled during an earthquake in the Seventies. As a consequence, it´s not really much to look at. However, there´s a lot to look at FROM Huaraz, especially from the roof terrace at Caroline Lodging, which I can wholeheartedly recommend. I turned up wanting to do the Santa Cruz trek and not really sure how to go about it. Luckily, while I was having a beer in the kitchen with two French-Canadian girls from my dorm, I got chatting to two ... read more
Huaraz (1)
Huaraz (3)
Huaraz (9)

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz April 3rd 2010

Hola Chicos y Chicas! So, continuing on from departing Lima...I arrived early into Huaraz to clouds, rain and the cold. It was a far cry from the polished surface of Miraflores and the heat. Luckily I was being picked up by my hostel or you have to run the gauntlet of taxi drivers, tour operators and micro drivers. Even at 6.30 in the morning they are out in force! I had a fairly embarassing exit from the bus, though. I had bought a bottle of water to take with me which I had yet to realise was ´con gas´ (fizzy). So I opened it up after it had been rolling around in the overhead compartment all night and completely soaked the back of the guy in front of me in the baggage queue. Needless to say, ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Chavin de Huantar January 9th 2010

We arrived at around 5am Dec. 12th, 2009... It was a beautiful, clear morning when we arrived in Huaraz, 3000m above sea level. We had travelled overnight by bus through winding mountain roads on our ascent from Lima (9 hrs). Thankfully we decided to try out the ´full-cama´ sleeping beds, chairs that nearly fully recline, to help ease our transition to higher altitude. However, after fighting off a little plane bug from our arrival in Peru and traveling this way to hignçher ground we needed a bit more time to acclimatize. So we got a little ill (soroche= altitude sickness) following our day one excursion to Chavin de Huantar. Chavin looks close and the book says 2.5 hours on a paved rd., but the reality is a much different story. 4-5 hrs on a paved rd ... read more
Daily Life

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