Blogs from Quito, North, Ecuador, South America - page 20


South America » Ecuador » North » Quito November 5th 2012

The day started well yummy breakfast at the Hilton Colon, then sunshine as we ventured out to walk to the botanic gardens. Firstly we visited the cultural centre which is closed on Mondays but looks promising to visit tomorrow. A stop at a cafe for delicious apple cake and then onwards. The walk was much longer than we thought and then we came across a shopping centre, so unlike the Quito we had come to know. It was just like any modern shopping mall, with up market shops (no one in them) and all marble and stainless steel we could have been anywhere and on the top floor yes the restaurants, Macdonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut yes it was all there and very few EcuadorIan restaurants. Leaving the mall behind we eventually arrived ... read more
Rain coming
Pineapple plant

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito November 4th 2012

Arrived in Quito last night and staying in Hilton Colon we thought it would be as its name suggests but its amazing like an oasis in this very poor country. We took the bus tour of Quito stopping in the old colonial town of which we had read so much. Well there are very old buildings there and whilst those in central plaza have been maintained mostly the buildings are in need of renovation. We felt very much like rich tourists yet we weren't wearing anything posh. We found an inner courtyard where we had a lovely coffee, well more milk than coffee. We visited a church that was so richly adorned and was in sharp contrast to the outside where everywhere we looked there was poverty, however this was holiday time and as in most ... read more
Inner courtyard of hotel
Friendly locals

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito October 30th 2012

Na de stop-over in NYC, ging ons Zuid-Amerika avontuur dan toch echt beginnen. 's Avonds landden we in Quito, de hoofdstad van Ecuador. En gelijk met een geweldig begin, we werden opgewacht door de super aardige familie van Veronica & Frans (familie van Marissa), waar we bleven logeren. In hun mooie grote huis, kregen we ons eigen kamertje en al gelijk allerlei tips over Quito. Byron, Daniel, Josue en de moeder van Veronica waren allemaal super aardig en heel leuk om ze te leren kennen. Ze vertelden allerlei verhalen over Quito, Ecuador, tradities, de cultuur etc. En wat een goede oefening voor ons spaans zeg!! Echt heel leuk om dat weer zo heel de tijd te praten. Al waren we ook wel blij als na een lange vermoeiende dag Josue ff zijn engels wilde oefenen ;). ... read more
Quito Colonial Centre
Quito - El Panecillo
Quito vanaf Teleferico

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito October 22nd 2012

After crossing the border with Chris and Sam the two English guys I'd met in Colombia we arrived in Quito the capital of Ecuador, huge city with old and new town. Stayed in the new town which was very commercialised, full of restaurants and bars and not much else! Leigh and Graham the two South Africans that we also travelled with in Colombia arrived a day later. We went to visit the centre of the world at the equator, the old one that was discovered a long time ago and the new one that has been determined by GPS...only 200m in the difference, not bad! Got to do weird experiments like watch water flow down a sink, it goes opposite directions in the southern and northern hemispheres and straight down when on the equator line, weird. ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center October 19th 2012

We have a saying in the UK, usually used when the powers that be suddenly step in and stop you doing something (or apply a load of rules and regulations to something) that you're capable of doing without mishap, because someone lacking in common sense may or may not injure themselves whilst carrying out said task...... 'Health and safety gone mad' After a day of wandering the city my first impression of Quito, and I’m guessing this may apply to much more of South America, is that if it was possible this city is the exact opposite of that saying, but as I can’t think of what the exact opposite to the silly saying would be I’ll settle with ‘Wozers, I can’t believe we were allowed to do that’ and also ‘Sorry Mum, I promise that ... read more
Going Up
Looking Across

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito October 19th 2012

Escaped out of the city today to hang out with some hummingbirds, hike through a cloud forest and climb waterfalls. The Bellavista reserve is a cloud forest (or pre-montane / subtropical rain forest) at the southern edge of the Choco / Andean rain forest. With an early start of 6.30am our driver Jonny picked us up from the hotel and we set off on the 50k drive to the cloud forest reserve. Whilst only 50k away from the city the drive took a little over 2 hours as the last 10k is on an unpaved road twisting and turning up into the sky – it was a bone shaking ride with stunning and sometime slightly concerning views with steep drops to the side of the narrow road. The Bellavista lodge is an amazing setup in the ... read more
Forest In The Clouds
Climbing The Falls
Humming Birds

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito September 20th 2012

Today, we traveled back to Quito to the airport. Glad to be going home but it’s bittersweet because this trip has been so amazing. We stopped at one of the hospitals that we referred patients to for a tour. You can look at the pictures. We had one last meal before we went to the airport and it was the best meal of the trip! I met some really amazing people and got to do some really amazing things. I have never felt like I was making such an amazing difference in the lives of so many people and it is comforting to know that we will continue to make a difference through the health promoters we trained. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have this experience and cannot wait to do something like ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito September 18th 2012

Since the last blog a few changes occurred... The main one is that Tatiana decided to volunteer for a while on a farm in Colombia (we will meet up later on again), and the other main change is that I am in Ecuador. I arrived in Quito last week on Monday, the busride from Cali was the usual adventure and took in total about 17 hours and 4 buses. The border crossing was easy and quick. For the first time at the border, I decided to exchanged my Colombian pesos for dollars with the dodgy men who carry a huge pile of cash, waving it into your face while you pass. Of course the guy tried to rip me off by about 30% but it didn't require more than a smile and a "no way dude" ... read more
Coconut ice cream
The basilica :)
the cute girls

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center September 12th 2012

Starting off our experience in this city had been more of a gringo experience than we had ever wanted. Yes, we did have our first Ecuadorian beers – Pilsener and Club. But as far as getting a native or cultural experience was concerned – that was the extent of it. No hard core diving into the “Anthony Bourdain” style of eating street foods, no listening to local musicians, dancing on tables and having pure fun in the true Ecuadorian spirit. What we did do, was got settled in our little hotel nestled in the center of the La Mariscal District, affectionately known as Gringolandia, a highly Americanized section of this culturally diverse city. We are surrounding by nightclubs, discoteques and trendy restaurants. Feels a bit like South Beach. We enjoyed a tasty Mexican dinner and passed ... read more
Steve and His Beers
Top of the World
La Basilica

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito September 11th 2012

We are off...Pack is packed, and weighs a little more than 1/4 of my weight - not ideal but we are trekking cold weather to warm and a girls gotta have some clothes. Fly to Quito tomorrow and then trek south and north and down and up... It'll be an adventure. Stay tuned........ read more

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