Blogs from Popayan, Colombia, South America - page 2


South America » Colombia » Popayan September 2nd 2012

Als ich aus Cali abreisen will, steht in der Einfahrt ein riesiger SUV mit laufendem Motor, bewacht von zwei schwer bewaffneten, grimmig drein blickenden Söldnern. Im Garten ist offensichtlich Druglord-Konferenz, und ich frage mich, ob es so weise ist, diese durch meinen Abreisewunsch zu stören. Schließlich gelange ich jedoch heil und ohne Umwege zum Busterminal und bin bereits drei Stunden später in Popayan. Die Hauptstadt der Region mit einer der weltweit höchsten Biodiversitäten (sic!) ist – zumindest im kolonialen Zentrum – vollständig weiß getüncht. Nur das Militär, was vermutlich wegen den Cauca-Separatisten überall rumsteht, hebt sich in grün von diesem feinen Stadtbild ab. Ansonsten besteht die Stadt aus etwa 50 Kirchen. Auf dem Hauptplatz, der wieder mal Plaza Bolivar heißt, werde ich mit einer Playback-unterstützten Panflötenversion von Sound of Silence begrüßt, während mich... read more
Plaza Bolivar
Book Exchange

South America » Colombia » Popayan August 28th 2012

I went to a city yesterday called Popayán. It is a city of about 500,000 located in the mountains south of Cali. My family and I went to some hot springs nearby with some family friends. The few pictures I took (on the cell phone of my host family-- my camera's battery died and I need to buy a charger) say it all.... read more
2012-08-26 16.53.19
2012-08-26 16.32.34

South America » Colombia » Popayan July 11th 2012

After a few sunny days in Mancora I took a bus over the border to Cuenca, in Ecuador. For a country that had considered skipping entirely, Ecuador was actually great. Although small, it has a little bit of everything South America has to offer: white sand beaches, pretty Andean towns and wild jungle. It's a lot greener (and warmer) than Peru and Bolivia, and the people demonstrate a mix of the indigenous culture of the Andean countries and the vibrant Latin feel of Central America. I wasn't particularly thrilled about leaving the sunny beach to go back into the mountains but Cuenca was a pleasant enough place. It had two lovely cathedrals, a small flower market and a pretty central square where I was interviewed by some local students as part of their project on tourism. ... read more
Whales near Puerto Lopez
Cycling near Banos
'Bob Marley Shots' in Banos

South America » Colombia » Popayan February 18th 2012

The border crossing from Ecuador to Colombia was the most strenuous, long and annoying on our trip. We left Otavalo in the morning to catch a bus to the border town of Tulcán. This was the first time we actually had to stand in a long-distance bus but most of the local passengers got off after a while so we could sit and "enjoy" the rest of the most ridiculous film that we saw on our bus trips: "The good, the bad and the weird". It was some sort of a Korean fantasy western and it sucked big time. Anyway, when we got to Tulcán after three hours, we were greeted by rain and a huge queue in front of customs where we had to get our exit stamps. The queue barely moved which was mainly ... read more
The cute Parklife Hostel
Grim on the small "Puente de la Custodia"

South America » Colombia » Popayan October 4th 2011

The past few days have been a whirlwind of events. Our first stop: Purace Volcano. We thought it would be a quick day hike to the crater of a volcano. We forgot one minor detail though - it is in the Andes Mountains! And the top is at 4700m! Which is about 1000m less than Kilimanjaro. We camped at 3300m in a beautiful area, with a view of the volcano. A fellow ¨gringo¨ (what the locals here call foreigners), Benjamin, joined us. There are no shops nearby, so we had come well prepared food wise. After asking Benjamin whether he thought there were any wild animals about, he commented that there could prehaps be a dog or two but no wild animals to worry about. That night Marco got up to go to the bathroom, aka ... read more
Purace Volcano
Purace Volcano
Purace Volcano

South America » Colombia » Popayan September 30th 2011

Our next leg of the trip started much like the others: a 5hour bus trip which took 9 hours, a crazy bus ride into town and a hunt for a hostel, which in this case, was the Cranky Croc Hostel. Our dorm consisted of 3 nocturnal people, which suited us quite well. We slept while they were out and they came home anytime btwn 6am and 10am, just as we were leaving for the day. Bogota is a nice city with a number of things to see. We went to the police museum, where we learnt more about Pablo Escobar (the drug kingpin who was shot down after a 499 day manhunt) and the different police sectors (public police service is compulsory for all men after school). We enjoyed a very different graffiti tour and learnt ... read more
Graffiti Tour
Graffiti Tour
Graffiti Tour

South America » Colombia » Popayan September 5th 2010

Na vier dagen Quito was het tijd om naar Colombia te gaan. Het land dat al snel associaties oproept met geweld, guerrilla, paramilitairen, Pablo Escobar en cocaine. Maar zowel voorafgaand aan onze reis in Nederland als gedurende de laatste vier maanden hadden we vrijwel uitsluitend enthousiaste verhalen gehoord van mensen die het land hadden bezocht. Zo hadden we bijvoorbeeld vernomen dat er relatief weinig buitenlandse toeristen zijn, dat Colombianen de aardigste mensen van Zuid-Amerika zijn en dat het landschap prachtig is. Met name vanwege dat landschap wilden we graag met de bus Zuid-Colombia in en niet met het vliegtuig meteen helemaal naar het veel noordelijker gelegen Cali vliegen. En net als over zoveel van de eerder bezochte plekken, hadden we ook ditmaal een hoop spookverhalen gehoord over de grensovergang met Colombia. Zo zou het grensgebied onveilig ... read more
De weg naar Popayan
De weg naar Popayan
De weg naar Popayan

South America » Colombia » Popayan July 20th 2010

So Iv just arrived in Colombia (all good so far, very friendly people and even more importantly, some very fit guys!). Mission Get To Colombia As Fast As You Can has been completed and I am here for pretty much the last 4 weeks of my trip (when I get a flight to Buenos Aires for 2 days before home) so thats exciting. The initial plan was just to get a bus straight through to Quito and then to Colombia, but Im really happy I decided not to. I didnt stop much, but the two stops, at Cuenca and then at Baños were amazing and Iv got some great first impressions of Ecuador. My last 2 buses in Peru involved me being hassled a lot by some disgusting guys so that meant I didnt leave on ... read more
Cuenca flower market
Cuenca cathedral

South America » Colombia » Popayan June 23rd 2010

First of all, sorry for the blog overkill. We have finally arrived in a town that is so laid-back that there is actually nothing to do because the weather is bad today, so I finally have time to catch up on the blog. I hope to actually catch it up to date, but my butt might fall asleep on this plastic chair before I get to it. Secondly, thanks to everyone who is following the blog and I always appreciate reading your comments!! We spent our first hour in Popayan checking out probably all 5 hostels there. We ended up at Hostel Trail, one of the nicest and cheapest with a super nice employee named Edward. We checked into a shared room with Benoit and Amelie. Popayan is another small town with not a lot going ... read more
Popayan religious procession
Popayan religious procession

South America » Colombia » Popayan May 16th 2010

Hi all, After a long time being behind the camera, I have missed the writing experience and decided to take a turn and write this entry. So, this one is from me - Tal. From Buenaventura - following the strange vessel ride - we took a bus toward our next destination - Popayan - the White City. Popayan is a well preserved colonial city, founded in the year 1537 and known for its beautiful streets, balconies, restored churches and white-washed historical centre, full with good restaurants, cefeterias and bars. We accomodated ourselves in one of the best hostels so far in South America - Hosteltrail - a clean, well organized and warm hostel, with great internet, kitchen and TV room facilities - and the best for me - free freshly brewed local coffee - all day ... read more
Coconuco Thermal Bath
Shachar is Sleeping in a Bus
Walking Ally in the streets of Popayan

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