Blogs from São Paulo, Brazil, South America - page 5


South America » Brazil » São Paulo » Araraquara October 26th 2014

So here is How this week's schedule went: Tuesday night a party at Sandra and Valdir Marques' home. It was a huge house and a huge party. Arrival time was 8 pm - but that is only a suggestion as people we're still arriving after 10. The beer flowed freely as did guarana', a Brazilian soft drink that tastes like a sparkling champagne but is used as a stimulant. I didn't find that out till about 2:30 am when I couldn't get to sleep. The food was delicious although I can't tell you most of what I ate. Around 11:30 a birthday cake was wheeled out and it was for one of our FF members from Memphis. He was very surprised and very moved by the gesture. Wed. - We toured the TAM air museum. I ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » Araraquara October 24th 2014

After a very long 10 hour flight from Atlanta to São Paulo I arrived in Brazil. I've always wanted to visit here but was a bit intimidated by its size (5th largest country in the world) and by its past reputation of being a very dangerous place. But living in Memphis has put that one to rest. Our group of 8 from Memphis was meeting 9 folks from MI. Unfortunately, one member was coming in on a different flight and, unbeknown to us, in a different terminal. It took quite awhile before we were all united. We were taking a bus to Araraquara which was about a 5 hour ride. The delay made us about 3 hours late but the host families were all waiting for us with smiles and welcome signs. It appears that time ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » Araraquara October 24th 2014

To sum it up - long, long 10 hour flight from Atlanta and São Paulo. Hint if your airline offers something like Delta's Economy Comfort it is worth the extra bucks...more leg room, better service, no one's seat back in your face. Enough said. After we connected with all the folks from Friendship Force MI we were on a lovely very comfy bus for a 5 hour ride to Araraquara a small city of about 200,000 in Southwest Brazil. Even though we were 3 hours late in arriving all the hosts families were waiting for us with welcome signs and smiles. We were welcomed at a small ' chacara' or farm which had a huge, no really HUGE terrace with a pool, two bars, an outdoor kitchen, covered porches, many tables and chairs. Picture the most ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo September 20th 2014

If you love cities, Sao Paulo is for you. I am not usually a city guy, but with the help of our good friend Skip Roberts, known as Uncle Skip to the boys, we navigated this empire of over 20 million people (it is one of the 9 largest cities in the world, depending upon how you count). We arrived at GRU on time, as all of our flights in this country have been, and grabbed a cab for the hotel. Very civilized, you go to the taxi stand, they compute the fare there, you pay, get a receipt, and then to the cab (no guessing if you were overcharged). After checking in at the hotel, we were off. The metro was our main source of transportation, efficient, air-conditioned and the stations were often filled with ... read more
Shopping district
Fruit salad
Steak House Service

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo August 26th 2014

Nach einer interessanten Woche in Jeri und viel gutem Essen ging es über Fortaleza wieder zurück nach Sao Paulo. In einem einfachen Hotel im Zentrum der Stadt mietete ich für 5 Nächte ein Zimmer. Mittlerweile kenne ich mich in dieser Gegend doch ein bisschen aus. Wie in anderen Städten ist das Zentrum der Stadt nicht unbedingt die schönste Gegend. Besonders hier finden sich extrem viele Obdachlose die an jeder Ecke und in jedem Park herumliegen. Während der WM hat es hier noch anders ausgesehen, da wurde also doch was unternommen um das Bild des Stadtzentrums etwas zu beschönigen. Auch die Polizeipräsenz hat merklich abgenommen. Unsicher habe ich mich jedoch auch in diesen Tagen nie gefühlt. Während meiner ganzen Zeit hier in Brasilien habe ich bezüglich diesem Thema nie Angst haben müssen. Auch existiert in der Nähe ... read more
...auch das ist Sao Paulo
Mittelklasse Wohnhäuser

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo August 25th 2014

erste rückreise-etappe: von foz do iguaçu nach são paulo. das ist eine recht kurze strecke und wir verbringen den tag in são paulo, eigentlich eine schande, aber die stadt soll laut mehrerer aussagen einfach wirklich nicht sehenswert sein, in unserem hotel. in unserem ersten herrlich gesichtslosen ketten-hotel. das mercure airport bietet uns alles, was wir brauchen: ein blitzsauberes welt-standard-zimmer mit großem tv, fitnessraum, pool und subway um die ecke. so lässt sich der wunderbar warme nachmittag am rooftop-pool verbringen. bissi sport-einheit vor dem mörder-flug von 12 ½ stunden morgen und dann haben wir uns total gemütlich mit microwellen-futter und snacks eingedeckt. der abend wird vor dem fernseher verbracht, ausgestreckt und fein. kurz nach mitternacht beginnt immerhin schon unsere zweite etappe. bis dahin, finden wir, haben wir uns pure entspannung verdient. auch, weil wir ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo August 14th 2014

É hoje... Tudo preparado. Mala: OK Passagem: OK Passaporte: OK Encontrei pessoas queridas ao longo desses dias, agora deu um friozinho na barriga, mas ainda não "caiu a ficha" totalmente. Hoje a noite vou partir para o Panamá, passar o dia 14 lá e a noite partir para El Salvador. Estou com um sentimento misto de alegria e tristeza, emoções complexas. Vou sentir saudade de todos! Vou posta minhas "aventuras" aqui.... ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo August 5th 2014

Na contagem regressiva... 9 dias para partir, check-list quase completo. Parece que quanto mais perto da viagem, mais tenho coisa para fazer. Quase todos os vistos prontos. Mala a fazer, compras a fazer. Ansiedade ok, acho que ainda não caiu a ficha. Preparos finais e o mais importante... festa de despedida sexta!!! Uhull, vamos curtir os amigos!!!... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 21st 2014

Bereits eine Woche befinden wir uns wieder in der grössten brasilianischen Stadt. Wohnen dürfen wir bei einem Kollegen, da er sein Appartement nur bedingt selber gebraucht haben wir die Chance uns dort einzuquartieren. An bester zentraler Lage nur 5 Gehminuten von der Avenida Paulista oder der Rua Augusta entfernt, haben wir im 8.Stock einen angenehmen Ausblick über einen Kleinen Teil Sao Paulo's. Während meiner ganzen Zeit hier in der Stadt hatte ich nicht einmal ein negatives Erlebnis mit den Bewohnern, den Paulistanos. dies liegt vielleicht daran, dass die Stadt sehr weltoffen ist und Menschen aus verschiedensten Kulturen hier leben. Man hat das Gefühl die Menschen die hier leben sind trotz des dauernd starken Verkehrs oder der überfüllten Shoppingmalls (um jede Uhrzeit) nie wirklich gestresst. In Bern sehe ich jeden Morgen und Abend mehr gestresste Leute! Man ... read more
Sonnen Caipirinha

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 4th 2014

Resumo: Exposição de Fotos, A Origem da Felicidade, Muita alegria. Desde que eu voltei ao Brasil eu queria fazer uma exposição de fotos. Não que eu me ache uma fotógrafa, longe disso!! Não sou e nem tenho a intenção de ser. Mas achei que de alguma forma as minhas fotos tinham o que contar! Jantando com o meu pai descobri que o tema do Festival do Japão deste ano era: A Origem da Felicidade. Arrepiei. Sim, eu tinha que participar. Consegui o contato da assessoria de imprensa, fiz uma apresentação em PowerPoint explicando brevemente quem eu sou e qual o meu propósito, cruzei os dedos e enviei o meu pedido. Perguntei se conseguiria pagar mais barato por um espaço no Festival, pois o meu intuito é fazer trabalho social aqui no Brasil. Após alguns dias, recebi ... read more
Exposição de Fotos Montada
Não sou Fotógrafa. Não sou Blogueira
Velhas Amigas

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