Blogs from Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 2


Just got back from two thoroughly relaxing days at Rodolpho's father's vacation house in Angra dos Reis, RJ. Three hours south of here (driving fast!) it's halfway between Rio and Sao Paulo, on the coast, and a favorite weekend getaway for Rio's upper class. Rogerio (that's R's dad) has a modest but very comfortable house on the bay there, and a gorgeous sailboat that is moored right in the canal where the house is located. Technically we were in the Marina da Bracui, which is tiny community that basically consists of a marina and a bunch of vacation houses on the eastern side of the bay. A canal was dredged so that people could keep their boats on their property, and today it's lined with picturesque homes, each with its own boat floating out back. Words ... read more
Boats on the Channel
The Ro-Bin-Rudy

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Angra dos Reis March 12th 2009

A cab through downtown Rio at what was probably just after peak time took us to the bus station. The cab driver knew all the back alleys and got us there in no time at all and surprisingly, we were not fleeced! All the travel books give warnings about the bus station, so packs tightly held we entered to catch the Costa Verde bus to Angra Dos Rais, some 2-3 hours south of Rio. The outskirts of Rio are a shanty sprawl of unfinished houses and sheds amassed alongside a four lane industrial style road. In stark contrast, the backdrop is of green forested hills leading to the mountains, with clouds fluttering across the top and a misty haze that hugs the hills like a fine rain. The sprawl lasts for about 40 minutes (no idea ... read more
Ilha Grande
Ilha Grande
Ilha Grande

Jelikoz uz mame Ria dost, vyrazime smer Jih. Pvni zastavka je v Rio Bracui mezi Angra Dos Reis a Paraty. Jakmile jsme sem prijeli, potkali jsme cesky geng 5 typku, kteri se chystali na nocni prohlidku Paraty. Nakonec jsme jeli s nima a prohlidli si cele mesto :) No po Ouro preto nas to trosku zklamalo. Cele se to dalo projit za 2 hodinky. Druhy den cela bandicka cechu odjizdela tak jsme vecer jeste trosku popili. Rano jsme vyrazili do Angry na okruzni jizdu lodi po mistnich ostrovech. Nasedli jsme na lod a za chvilku uz jsme mirili na prvni plaz. Voda byla az moc tepla - vubec nas to neosvezilo :) Ale jinak pruzracne cista a plna rybicek. Dalsi zastavky byli uz v zakouti nejakych ostrovu, kde jsme skakali do vody rovnou z lodi. Po ... read more
Kostelik v Angre

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Angra dos Reis September 28th 2008

Rio de Janeiroko Rodoviarian OVNIbus bat hartu eta gero, Angra dos Reisera juen ginen, Rio de Janeiro estatuko herri kostero bat: tipo Trintxerpe baina trikitixie forró musikiaz kanbixaute eta ezpatadantza kapoeirakin kanbixaute, Tom Waitsen lehengusu brazileiruek ritmue ipinten zauelarik. Afalostien portuko banko baten jarri ginen zerbeza lata pare batekin eta onduen 17 urte inguruko kuadrila bat musikie joten hasi zien, forró: gitarra bi, triangulo bat eta kaja-bonbo batekin, anbiente oso guapue. Ni berotu in nintzen eta halako baten eskatu notsan gitarrie eta jo nabezan eurekin kanta pare bat. Oso jente jatorra zien eta denbora bat emon ginun eurekin berbetan eta musikie iten. Akojonantie zana da danak joten ebiezela instrumento DANAK eta danek ite ebiela DANTZA de puta madre. Mas o menos guk euren edadie geunkenien iten ginun moduen... Hurrengo egunien barko bat hartu eta Ilha... read more
Angra dos Reis 1
Forrò with the brazilians
Streets of Angra dos Reis

Who were we to turn down an invitation to join the Geyer family at their beach house in Angra? just wouldn't be right. Angra is two hours south of Rio and boasts 365 islands and 2000 beaches so finding a nice white sand beach for yourself isn't terribly difficult if you boat around the endless coves. A special thanks to the Geyer family and staff that made this visit so unforgettable. The days were full of sight seeing the surrounding beaches of which "Dentist Island" I will forever day dream of with it's perfectly round coral white grains of sand that you could roll in your fingers like fine caviar...i was caught staring at it too many times. Paradise was realized here with perfect weather, crystal clear blue water, floating restaurants delivering boatside fresh seafood ... read more
our favorite bartender Zarcarlos!!
another tough day...

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Angra dos Reis March 26th 2007

Angra dos ReisEdson dos Santos LuizA beautiful place with way of small city. Angra dos Reis is a place with your mysteries...Very receptive people to tourists and with a special touch of elegance. I love that city...... read more
Na Estrada 2
E e as Crianças

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Angra dos Reis January 1st 2007

Rio oli jo nähty, olisihan siellä varmaan vaikka mitä nähtävää, mutta ei mitään sellaista mitä ei vois tulla katsomaan joku toinen kerta uudestaan ;) Päätettiin lähteä kohti Ihla Grandea, jonne pääsee Angra Dos Reis-nimisen kalastaja/telakka kaupungin kautta. Bussi ei kestänyt kuin kolmisen tuntia, joten se oli aika kivuton matka (lukuun ottamatta uudenvuoden yöstä jäänyttä pientä heikkoa oloa). Tie myötäili rannikkoa ja kävi välillä korkealla vuorilla, joten maisemat olivat ihan ok. Katja taas nukkui tavalliseen tapaansa. Saavuttiin tosin sen verran myöhään, että paatti saarelle oli jo mennyt. Jubaltiin parin muun reissaajan kanssa ja he osasivat opastaa meidät paikkaan, josta voisi lähteä muitakin kyytejä. Sinne päin mennessämme kävelimme jonkinlaisen vesikarnevaalin läpi. Beachilla oli stage pystyssä missä poppi jytäs. Poliiseja oli vartoimassa 300 metrin välein, että homma pysyy lapa... read more

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