Blogs from Pantanal, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Pantanal September 7th 2018

14 hour bus ride ? to Bonito not much to do once there other than grab a bite to eat and bed. Following day we had booked a snorkelling excursion down the Rio De Prata an hour or so away from Bonito. Unfortunately ☔️ it was throwing it down and the thought of having to swim in a river for a couple of hours as well as a 30 minute trek to the starting point in wet suits only meant a lot of long faces that morning. We did however manage to switch to the following day where the weather was looking if not great then certainly better. This meant a day playing cards, getting out to watch the Man Utd Burnley game and getting wet going from one place to another during the day. Roll ... read more
In flight
watching me watching you

South America » Brazil » Pantanal December 29th 2016

13. Dezember Uruguay Heute fuhren wir mit der Fähre von buenos aires nach colonia in Uruguay. Es ist eine ganz kleine Stadt und man fühlt sich wie in Italien. Kleine Gassen, überall Blumen und eine Menge Wein. Es war ein wunderschöner Tag. Am Abend trafen wir die neuen Leute die mit uns nach Rio reisen. 14.Dezember Lydias Geburtstag Die Free walking tour (in den meisten Großstädte in Südamerika werden gratis "Spaziergänge" durch die Stadt angeboten. Man trifft sich auf einem bestimmten Punkt und von dort aus wird die Stadt zufuß erkundigt und man bekommt natürlich auch alles erklärt) durch das Zentrum von BA. Am Nachmittag erkundeten wir noch andere Stadtteile alleine und wir mussten feststellen das die Stadt viel zu groß ist für nur 2 tage sightseeing. Am Abend machten wir uns fertig zum Geburtstag feiern. ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal January 19th 2016

From Iguazu it is only a short flight to another unique part of Brazilian nature, the pantanal. Maybe not as well known as the amazon, but certainly as beautiful and probably even more diverse in wildlife. The pantanal is the biggest wetland in the world, mainly located in Brazil, but also extending into Bolivia and Paraguay. In total it is four times the size of Holland, but there is only one road, the Transpantaneira, which leads 150km straight into the heart of the pantanal. Originally the road was supposed to extend to the other side, but (luckily) it was never completed. As the road is about two meters higher than the surrounding wetlands it is a perfect place for all the animals to keep their feet dry during the rainy season. And thus perfect for us ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal September 30th 2014

Choosing whether to visit the Amazon or the Pantanal is often a dilemma for people - you read that the Amazon is better for jungle whereas the Pantanal is better for wildlife spotting. Tomas and I are fortunate, we didn't have to make that tough decision. We'd already travelled the Amazon and were now visiting the Pantanal. We decided not to pre book a tour to the Pantanal before arriving to Camp Grande, we'd learnt from experience that it can be more economical to organise tours and excursions when you arrive (with the exception of the Inca trek which needs to be booked at least 6 months in advance and other highly popular tours). We arrived into Campo Grande at 8pm from Curumba (7hrs B$90 each) with no accommodation booked, which was becoming a common theme ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal March 12th 2013

Diena kaip ir vakar prasideda anksti, apie 6 ryto. Tiesa iškeliauti šį rytą reik su visais daugtais, tad iš ryto dar viską sužiūrėti, kad nieko nepalikčiau. Papusryčiaujam, persikėlę per upę sėdam į džipą ir važiuojam link pagrindinio kelio tikėdamiesi dar kažką įdomaus šiandien pamatyti. Dar laukia pietūs kažkokioj stovyklavietėj, bei nedidelis žygis. Klausiam gido ką šiandien galim pamatyti, jis tik sumurma, kad negali žinoti, bet paklausus ar yra šansų pamatyti didelę anakondą, jis atsako, kad greičiausiai ne. Bet praėjus vos geroms 10 ar 15 minučių pamatom šalia kelio kokių 2m ilgio anakondą !! Aš laimingas, nes vakar buvau gan nusivylęs kand tiap jos ir nepamačiau, o čia dabar prieš mano akis 2 metrų ilgio anakonda. vat tau ir minčių galia. Važiuojam toliau, pakeliui jau matyti, bet vistiek įdomūs ir neįprasti paukščiai, kaimanai, kapibaros. Ir netrukus pamatom ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal March 8th 2013

Keliamės anksti, apie 6 ryto, pusryčiai 6.30. Pirmiausiai išplaukia vakar sutikti 5 draugai, po to mes keliaujam pasiplaukiot. Pakeliui matom tuos pačius žvėris: kapibara, kaimanus, pempių paukščius. Tada sustojam nedidelėj saloj ieškoti anakondų. Deja randam tik vieną mažą anakondą, sako nepakankamai karšta, kad didžiosios išlystų iš krūmų. Daugiausiai šansų jas pamatyti kai temperatūra viršija +40, šiandien turbūt net nėra +30. Tad grįžtam namo taip ir nepamatę didelės anakondos. Papietaujam, o po pietų plaukiam žvejoti piranijų. Čia jų labai daug. Sako, kad aksčiau žmonės plaukdavo be valčių per šioje vietoje per upę, bet tam, kad saugiai galėtų perplaukti turėdavo paaukoti 4-5 karves. Taigi atplaukiam į vejybos vietą, gidas supjausto karvės širdį, kurią naudojam kaip masalą. Žvejyba neįprasta, nes reikia spėti ištraukti žuvį, kol ji nespėja suvalgyti viso masalo, o tam užtenka 15 se... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal March 8th 2013

Po nakties rūbai kuriuos vakar išsiskalbiau nė kiek nepradžiūvę, bet tikiuosi, kad iki 12 val. aukščiau pakilus saulei jie bent kiek pradžius, kad nereiktų šlapių dėtis į kuprinę. Sočiai papusryčiauju, po to perdžiaunu rūbus kur daugiau saulės. Diena karšta, tad maždaug per 2 val. visi rūbai spėja išdžiūti. Susikraunu daigtus ir keliauju į autobusų stotį iš kur turėčiau pradėti savo turą. Ten man duoda autobuso bilietą ir sako, kad turiu dar apie 2 valandas važiuoti iki vietos iš kur pradėsiu ekskursiją. Taigi po 2 val. išlipu iš autobuso kur mane pasitinka vairuotojas su džipu. Tada dar apie pusvalandį laukiam kol atvažiuos kiti keleiviai. Tada visi susėdam ir važiuojam žvyrkeliu iki vietos kur apsistosim. Pakeliui sustojam kur pamatos įdomesnių žvėrių ar paukščių. Pirmiausiai pamatau Tukaną, po to dar kelis įdomius paukščius. Sustojam prie vienos kūdros kur šimtai, ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal May 14th 2012

We have been travelling for just over a week now. Since my last update we returned to the mainland and visited a beautiful colonial town called Paraty. I really liked this town. It reminded me of Antigua in Guatemala with cobbled streets and colonial buildings but it had the advantage of being on the coast. We went out for an amazing Thai meal on the first night and though expensive, it was probably one of the best meals I have ever had- shrimps with asparagus! My favourite. The next day we went out on a "party" boat. We were fortunate to have great weather and we visited a number of beaches and could jump off the boat into the moderately warm, but crystal clear sea. Due to its party boat nature it did also involve some ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal February 15th 2012

We arrived at the airposr and our guide Julinho was there to greet us. I dont know how they do it but some of our guides so far have recognised us at the airport immediately. Maybeit is because we look like gringos... Anw he took us at pur hotel for the night and the next morning he picked us up to start our journey in the Pantanal. Pantanal is an amazing area very different to the Amazon, though some animals can live in both environments. Pantanal is a biosphere subdivided in 11 microspheres. It is very open very flat and it is easier to spot the animals. The particular area we visited and the timing weren´t ideal to encounter wild cats or jaguars but we have encountered many other species. Orange whistling ducks, black-collared hawk, another ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pantanal January 26th 2012

A private tour with charming Brazilian guide ‘Fabiano’. Started on the Argentinian side with a little train ride to the falls. It was heaving with coach-loads of tourists – an invasion of our space until we remembered that we were also tourists. First surprises – the Iguazu river is huge (several kilometres wide) but shallow with hundreds of little islands and it was surrounded by dense jungle. Having elbowed our way to the front the falls were spectacular and surprise, surprise John took hundreds of photos. Over the border into Brazil (the bridge was painted blue and white on Argentinian side and ended green and yellow in Brazil) and as Fabiano had predicted, the falls were much better – and fewer tourists. Walkways led to increasingly amazing panoramic views ( another hundred photos). Wildlife included vultures, ... read more
Iguazu river 2
Iguazu falls 1
Iguazu falls 2

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