Blogs from Salar de Uyuni, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 22


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni November 13th 2009

Hi it is Omer In Uyuni we went to a desert called Salar. Actually it´s not a sesert it´s a desert made out of salt and only now starts the adventure! Day 1 - We went to visit a cemetery of trains. The trains that are there, are not in use any longer, because they were working on coal, and now the trains in Bolivia use gasoline. Then we went to the Salar. First of all, we went to mountains of salt. Then we went to a factory of salt. They first dry the salt outside in the sun. Then, they do another level of drying in a kind of oven. When the salt is dry enough they grind the salt a special machine then they put it in a big pile of salt that has ... read more
Cemetery of Trains
Superman in Island of fish
Ahh.. the dinosaur is eating my butt!!

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni November 12th 2009

The expression a picture is worth a thousand words is the impetus for this latest entry! Enjoy!... read more
The crew
That´s the road
A strange oasis

An amazing journey it has been, now in San Pedro Chile having just spent the last 3 days journeying through the south west of Boliva. We left Potosi on some gravel roads for another stunning journey (once the bus company could find the bus driver). This time for 7 hours to Uyuni where we had our tour booked for the following day. We had six in our loaded up 4WD. Deb and I, Rorie and Emer and two Dutch girls Mariska and Jorien. As well as a driver who persisted on playing some of the worst Bolivian music I have ever heard. The scenery on our trip was out of this world, the colours and desolation were unbelievable. Our first day we had a quick look at a train graveyard before on to the Salar de ... read more
Lago Colorada
Isla de la Pescadores
Salt flat photo

After leaving Sarah in Santiago Airport it was back to slumming it on my own around South America. Just my rucksack and a stomach full of red wine and steak. For two weeks, we had dined on some of the best steak and drank some fantastic red wine. No more steak for me, no more red wine, I was going to be heading back to Bolivia where the staple diet wouldn’t consist of the any of the above. I had two items on my list left to do in Bolivia which were Salar de Uyuni and the silver mine tour in Potosi. From Santiago I caught a 24 hour bus to the town of San Pedro de Atacama which is in the north of Chile, about an hour from the Bolivian border and the gateway for ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Well well, what can I say about this trip. It was one of those trips were pictures say more than a thousand words. So I´ll keep it short not to spoil the pics. We booked a tour from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni travelling with a 4WD. 1st day. We left San Pedro de Atacama in a bus towards Bolivia, where we then switched into the 4WD. A group of four; Diana, Fransisco (Portugal), Jean (Brazil) and me, not forgetting our bolivien driver Natalia (Natalio really) then set of on the three day tour. We left over the Andes, passing some breathtaking lakes/lagoons (Laguna Verde, Laguna Blanco) before stopping for a quick swim in some natural hot thermals. Afterwards we made our way towards the highest geysers in the world(4980 m above see lvl) and ... read more
laguna blanco und vicuñas
dean,diana,francisco und jean
desert of dali

Blog to appear at a later date.... read more
Uyuni Tour - Day 1
Uyuni Tour - Day 1
Uyuni Tour - Day 1

After a few days in Tupiza, some horseriding and more pizza eating, we headed off on a 3 day 2 night jeep tour of south west Bolivia. Its a well trodden route, every backpacker does it, and i now know why! It was the best 3 days we have had on our travels yet and we have taken in some of the most unbelievable sites, animals and people! As we are with Jack and Jess we already had our group of 4 good to go so there was no danger of being stuck in a jeep for 3 days with people you wouldnt normally choose to be with, so that was easy. Its a very cool set up. You basically pay your 1000 Bolivianos, and for that you get a driver, a cook, accomodation and 3 ... read more

This 4 day tour was a real experience. Far more driving around in a jeep than any of us expected, but it got nice and cosy in there with Huan Carlos our driver and guide and Mama our cook, the three of us and Mike and Jared, who we met in Salta and were also in our jeep. The major themes of the tour, mountains, llamas, lagoons and flamingos, being at high altitude as well as sitting in a jeep, trying to sleep, the cold outside, the heat in the jeep and the driver only ever addressing the girls: "hola chicas!" This may have had something to do with the fact that only Franki really spoke Spanish so Huan only spoke to her really! The Salt Flats Tour starts in Tupiza in Bolivia and ends in ... read more
la torre
lago colorado

Another sleepless night, but the altitude sickness is wearing off, and I feel surprisingly fresh. With military efficiency we get up, get ready, pack our stuff, and eat breakfast. We want to see the sun rise over the middle of the salt flats, no time to waste. Stuff on top of the car, ourselves inside the car, and race to get as far out as possible before the sun rises. Our German astronomer friend knows his stuff, and down to the minute he predicts how long time we have before the sun is up. Other cars are racing alongside ours. Like little boys with toys the drivers really push their vehicles to the limit. Looking back we’re putting some serious miles behind us, the mountains become smaller and smaller. Looking at the horizon ahead, the distance ... read more
Isla Pescado
Train Cemetary

One of the symptoms of altitude sickness is insomnia. With zero minutes of sleep at this altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level I think it’s safe to conclude I suffered a little bit from this condition. Personally, more of an annoyance than an obstacle. I’ve got limited holidays, can sleep when I get back to (at) work. Rise and shine. Luckily my fellow travel mates are equally alert in the morning, and we’re eager to get an early start to beat the traffic - the traffic being the other tourist cars competing for the same sights. Unfortunately our driver isn’t as keen on getting a head start. That would interfere with his breakfast, and meal time in Bolivia is not to be messed with. The second day of the tour is like the second film ... read more

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