Blogs from La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 7


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana October 6th 2016

The bus ride from Uyuni to Potosi traversed some dramatic mountainous countryside as we continued our journey north through the Andes. There were a few close calls with Vicuna and llama which slowed the journey a little, about an hour out of Potosi a salesman got on the bus and delivered his pitch to a captive audience, he went on and on about the benefits of what ever snake oil he was selling. On arrival in Potosi we hopped in a cab to our hotel high in the old town, travel in Bolivia is very cheap compared to Chile, so the two dollar cab fare was a welcome surprise. Potosi has a world heritage listed old town with a strong Spanish flavour, this is not surprising considering the tonnes of silver dug out of the mountains ... read more
Rooftops of Potosi
Potosi church
Alleyways of the old town

Dragging myself from the oxygen deprived city of La Paz, I booked myself yet another bus headed North to Copacabana, Bolivia (no, I could not stop the song in my head) which was to be my jumping point into Peru. As a bonus Copacabana is right on the shores of Lake Titicaca, try not to laugh, which sits at a dizzying 12,500ft and according to Inca legend is the birthplace of the sun. This seemed like a good segue into Peru so I decided to stop and spend the night on the island and enjoy a sun filled day of hiking and get a first glimpse of Inca lore. After a good night's sleep in Copacabana I set out the next morning and caught the first boat bound for the two hour journey to Isla del ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 21st 2016

After a final administrative day in Sucre doing laundry, cleaning my bag, and generally just trying to get myself together I booked an overnight bus bound for the current capital of this country La Paz at a cost of $90 Bolivianos which is around $13 USD. Transportation, really everything in this country, is ridiculously cheap. Fifteen hours later I arrived into La Paz with its five million inhabitants and its world record (for a capital city) oxygen depriving altitude of 13,000 feet. I had a few things on my agenda here including a witches market, the infamous Route 36, and the legendary World's Most Dangerous Road. My heart was already pumping and I thought I might have an aneurysm. I told myself that when I got to La Paz I would check into one of the ... read more

It is not every day you take a bus and are asked to leave the bus, take a boat across the water whilst your bus travels on a small wooden boat across the water, for you to hopefully meet it on the other side, but that’s exactly what happened on the way to Copacabana. The town itself, Copacabana is situated right on the bank of Lake Titicaca. When we arrived we hadn’t noticed google maps had decided to change our hotel to a different hotel. After checking in and getting to our room we then realised we were in the wrong place and had to sheepishly check out and find our right hostel. Our first day we headed up the hill next to the ... read more
Top of Cerro Calvario, Copacabana

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz June 29th 2016

Heading to La Paz was a choice to be made either by 50 minute flight or 13 hr overnight bus. Hastily we decided on the flight which flew you straight over the Andes and up to the 4000m La Paz airport in El Alto. With the air so thin the runway is twice as long as a standard runway due to the planes requiring that length for landing and take-off. You could definitely feel the thin air, but it was great to be heading down to the 3500m city of La Paz, which pretty much happens all of a sudden. La Paz is like a bowl, with the top being El Alto and the main city at the bottom of the bowl. We checked into a really nice guesthouse run by some Americans, with a hint ... read more
Government House
Presidents Palace
Cliff Park and city

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku May 26th 2016

Lundi 25 avril 2016 Simon A une soixantaine de kilomètres au nord-ouest de la Paz, à proximité du lac Titicaca, se trouvent les vestiges d'une civilisation qui conserve bien des mystères... Cette civilisation serait apparue entre 2200 et 1200 avant JC sur l'Altiplano bolivien, ses habitants ont réalisé de nombreux ouvrages sur le site du même nom, plusieurs temples, une pyramide, des jardins et un 'ombre important de sculptures et de gravures. Le temps et les conquistadors espagnols n'auront malheureusement laissé que des bien qu'on peut passer à côté en les prenant pour des tas de pierres...d'ailleurs, peu de touristes daignent s'y arrêter. Pourtant, en les regardant de plus près, ces pierres s'avèrent plus qu'intrigantes...ce sont des quadrilatères aux angles à 90 degrés, aux arêtes vives, taillés dans du basalte ou de l'andesite, des ro ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 23rd 2016

After Cusco we headed to Peru´s second city Arequipa, which feels much more Peruvian than Lima with colonial architecture in the centre of the city. Following our theme for big cities we didn´t see much in the way of sights as such but spent a pleasent couple of days pottering around the city, walking up through an older neighbourhood for a view of the city with snowcapped volcanos in the background and enjoying the in house roasted coffee that Chris had tracked down in his endless quest to find good coffee in South America. Then we headed to the regions big hitting sight, the colca canyon, which is twice as deep as the grand canyon. We decided to skip the guided tours, so took ourselves off on the local bus 6 hours to the village of ... read more
Colca Canyon
Animal Refuge
Isla Del Sol

Parc Torotoro - du 12 au 16 avril 2016 Isla del Sol - du 19 au 22 avril 2016 Dans un tout autre registre que nos précédentes découvertes boliviennes, nous avons eu la chance de randonner dans deux régions très reculées où vivent des gens complètement à l'ancienne, parfois sans eau courante... le parc Torotoro et la Isla del Sol. Rien que pour s'y rendre, c'est une aventure en soi ! Pour le parc Torotoro, rien de moins que cinq heures de bus sur un chemin de terre montagneux et tortueux...pour parcourir 130 kilomètres! On s'y rend à partir d'une ville du nord de la Bolivie, Cochabamba, ville que nous avons traversé par une journée de grève générale...pas un seul bus pour relier les 3 kms qui séparent la gare routière du départ du bus, des ... read more

Il taxi ci scarica appena fuori città, dove inizia il blocco. Camminiamo per file chilometriche di tir sparsi lungo la strada, gente che campeggia ai bordi delle strade, che dorme sotto i camion, anziane che camminano con il loro aguayo carico sotto il sole e noi con le valigie. Ci tocca il solito bus tra le galline, a meno che non vogliamo camminare per altri 10km di tir. Appena dopo il blocco comincia la guerra di taxi abusivi e pseudo bus a caricare la gente disperata. Anche la benzina comincia a scarseggiare in un paese immobile, ogni bus potrebbe essere l'ultimo! L'unica destinazione possibile è Potosì. Aspetteremo circa 3-4 ore prima che Alessia riesca a trovcarci un....qualcosa per muoverci da lì. L' autista ci avvisa subito che il bus non sta messo bene. Tradotto, facciamo un ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz April 15th 2016

Du 28 au 31 mars 2016 ; du 16 au 19 avril 2016 Simon C'est en avion que nous rejoingnons la Paz depuis Santiago. Du ciel, les paysages changent, le climat de type méditerranéen de la région de Santiago progressivement fait place à un climat beaucoup plus aride, quasi désertique que nous pouvons apprécier à Iquique où nous faisons escale. Iquique est une ville au nord du Chili, une oasis entourée de montagnes dénuées de toute végétation. En volant un peu plus au nord, nous admirons de nombreux sommets et volcans aux cônes enneigés de la Cordillere des Andes. Puis l'avion change de cap pour l'est et survole l'immense chaîne de montagnes pour rejoindre le fameux Altiplano bolivien, sorte de plateau culminant entre 3500 et 4500 mètres d'altitude. Les cours d'eau refont leur apparition et avec ... read more

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