Blogs from Rurrenabaque, Beni Department, Bolivia, South America - page 13


Rurrenbarque Booked our tickets for a Amazonian Basin experience (3 days/2 nights) in La Paz and were told that we would be met at the Airport on arrival. Taxi to Airport was 50 Bs, a bit more than we expected but evidently more or less the correct price. The plane was a 20 seater turboprop and there seemed to be a lot of people waiting to get on but most were hooked out of the boarding line so perhaps they were all standbys? The plane skimmed a wee bit close to some of the mountains as we threaded our way through the Andes and I couldn't help remembering the movie about the plane crash in the Andes!! All too soon (and as expected there were neither hostesses nor breakfast on the plane) we were landing on ... read more
Jungle airstrip
20 seater plane
Trusty vehicle not!!

A terrible night´s sleep. I was desperate for the loo, but was afraid to leave the protection of my mosquito net, for fear of the swarms of bugs that hung in the air and the huge black cockroaches that carpet the floor and threaten to crunch beneath your feet. Still, the night didn´t last long. We were up and in the canoe by 5:30am. The atmosphere in the pampus was so different at this hour. We watched the sky turn a shade of milky red as the sun rose and listened to a chorus of throaty growls as the howler monkeys rose from sleep. We spent the remainder of the morning piranha fishing. This was a primitive affair - a chunk of meat was tied to a string and dangled over the side of the canoe. ... read more
Catch of the day
Finding fishing too easy, Tom sets his sights on bigger things
Porcupine in a tree

We rose early and climbed into our wellies for a morning anaconda hunt. We spent the next few hours squelching tentatively through the jungle marshes, battling the rays of the sun and the army of mosquitoes that threatened our gringo skin. Jane was the first to spot a scaly skin amongst the tangled plants in the murky water, and we watched captivated as a huge snake slithered between our feet. Back at the lodge we cooled off in the river, leaping gleefully from a makeshift rope-swing and allowing ourselves to be carried downstream by the strong current. Half an hour after our swim, as we lay dripping on the shore, we watched with horror as a six foot alligator slunk out of the water we had been swimming in and stretched menacingly on the muddy bank, ... read more
On-a-conda hunt

Bonjour a tous, Je viens de revenir de trois merveilleuses journees passees dans la foret amazonienne. Ce fut toute une experience, assez differente de mon experience dans les jungles d;Equateur. Voici donc un bref apercu des derniers jours. Tout d;abord, vendredi il m;est arrive une aventure assez rocambolesque, mon papa en a ete le temoin distant. Apres ma session Internet, je suis retournee a mon super restaurant de Rurrenabaque (medaillons de veau dans une sauce a la creme, pain maison et brownies maison). J;ai mange en compagnie du couple d;allemands. On rentre a l;hotel vers 10;10. Tout le monde est sur le party a Rurrenabaque, y,a de la musique qui sort a tue-tete de tous les bars et restaurants. Une fois dans ma chambre, je me rends compte que, misere, j;ai perdu l;une de mes cartes ... read more
Deux des pousseux de bateau
Les fleurs de la jungle
Vue du mirador

Finally it was my turn to suffer with Bolivia belly. After a couple of nights hugging the toilet and moaning loudly to anyone who would listen, I decided to try and shake off my sickness by getting out of the city. Still with wobbly legs and a churning gut, I dragged myself out of bed in the middle of the night, and went with Tom, Claudia, Jules and Jane to La Paz airport. We squeezed into a tiny 19-seater aircraft and flew to Rurrenabaque, the closest village to the Amazon jungle. The flight was blissful - as we glided through the Andes, our little plane flew at the same height as the snow-capped mountain peaks, and we were lucky enough to watch the sun rise during our flight. The colours in the sky were that beautiful ... read more
I HERD there were more exotic animals that this
Swimming with dolphins
A Jabiru Stork

Bonjour bonjour, Me voila de retour des pampas. Malheureusement, je ne peux pas uploader de photos pour l;instant, ils empechent d;utiliser les ports USB. Bizarre. Donc voici un super resume des trois derniers jours. Mercredi, lever de bon matin et petit-dejeuner a l,hotel. Je pars ensuite tranquillement a l;agence Bala Tours. Et la, surprise-surprise, nous sommes 13 a partir ce matin pour les pampas. On nous assigne dans 3 jeeps differents. Je suis chanceuse, je me retrouve avec le couple d;allemands et nous ne sommes que 3 passagers dans la jeep. Vive l,espace! Je prends place a cote du chauffeur qui ne nous adressera pas un mot durant tout le trajet. Il a un peu l;air bete comme on dit. A sa defense, je dois dire que nous roulons sur une piste de terre pas mal ... read more
Mon ami le singe!
Coucher de soleil sur la pampa
Un autre ami

Bonjour a tous! Ce sera assez court cette fois. En effet, mes plans ont ete quelques peu modifies, et aujourd;hui, au lieu de descendre a velo la route la plus dangereuse du monde, et bien j;ai pris un avion (un vrai coucou), jusqu;a Rurrenabaque. Ainsi, hier en me rendant a ma super agence de voyage haut de gamme, ils m;ont informe qu;ils avaient un couple d;allemand qui commencait le tour aujourd;hui. Comme le couple a sensiblement le meme age que moi, j;ai decide de me joindre a eux et j,ai signe pour le tour. Voila de quoi organiser rapidement la prochaine semaine! Ensuite, j,ai poursuivi ma visite de La Paz et fait plusieurs achats compulsifs de pulls et foulards en laine d;alpaca pour un prix assez derisoire. Dans l;apres-midi, je me suis un peu perdue pour ... read more
L;aeroport de Rurre
Mon super avion!

After the Inca trail we headed back to Bolivia to finish off the parts we hadn´t managed to get to in time before our date with them there hills. Our friends Esther & Bianca (as appearing in Chapters Easter Island, Sucre, Potosi and La Paz...) recommended the trips they´d finally managed to book and relying on their good judgement we booked EXACTLY the same trips! and we weren´t to be disappointed. So we started by flying to Rurrenbaque...the town (in the loosest sense of the word) that provides the gateway to the MADIDI national park jungle and the pampas. It´s a nice relaxing place and we stayed at a lovely hostel (ORIENTAL...just in case anyone is going that way). We started with the Pampas trip, 3 days tripping along the rivers and flooded plains looking at ... read more
View from the longboat
Gordo & Ann on the Pampas
Pampas Sunset

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 27th 2009

Rurrenabaque and the pampas - 22nd to 27th March, 2007. The 19 hour bus to Rurrenabaque wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience for our lives. I had bad travel sickness due to the bumpy road and my attempts at reading in a moving vehicle (which always gives me a bad stomach), while Fiona's fear of heights wasn't helped by the steep drops down into valleys 100s of metres below. We kept switching seats because I needed the fresh air and she needed to not see the bus having to drive off the cliff at times to get around corners! As usually there were more seats than people so we had the pleasant experience of some guy's bum in our faces as well. And the seats were pretty cramped! By nightfall, we took some valium to help ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 26th 2009

I shuddered as I felt the movement on my skin. Instinctively, my hand reached out to kill the would be invader. But there was none. It had taken the boat three hours to bring me back to civilisation but it would take my mind much longer to readjust. The swarms of mosquitoes were replaced by waves of motorcycles. Rurre, a town of merely fifteen thousand seemed like a megalopolis compared to Torewa, a community of six families. A lomito broke my diet of fish, rice and plantains, a cerveza my almost three week abstinence from alcohol and water so thickly laced with soil, you could eat it. It felt good. Scratch that. It felt fucking good. You don't know what you've got till it's gone. How true. The first night I tried to sleep in my ... read more
Fun and Games
Moth or Butterfly?
Hard at Work

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