Blogs from Karijini National Park, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 7


Hey hey, I thought i'd get onto the travel blog writing while i'm still pumped. We arrived back in Exmouth this morning after 4 days in Karijini NP where we did some real bush camping again. When i say bush camping i mean no facilities other than a long drop for a toilet and a gas bbq. It was pretty hard going readjusting to the no running water situation, especially given the temperature and incessant red dust. But we managed. Oh did i mention the flies?? They were insanely thick and seriously almost did my head in. Thankfully we managed to escape them during the days when we descended deep into the gorges. The 600km drive out there was pretty boring to be honest, it was pretty much the same the whole way, and the road ... read more
Weano Gorge
Tim at a secluded waterhole
How's this for size??

Wednesday 19 September 2007 Happy Birthday to Nanny (Matt’s Mum) and Matty Mitchell!!!! ‘Toughen up Princess…………you’re in the Pilbara now’ This is Matt’s favourite saying - doesn’t matter who you are, young, old, boy, girl, woman or man!! We are into our next part of the adventure and I must say we are much better travelers than when we started out from Canberra. The kids are traveling well in the car, our DVD player is broken and Lily hasn’t even asked once to watch a DVD. They seem to be able to amuse themselves quite well with books, the magna doodle (which is a little sad and will need replacing and we will need two of them probably very soon), match box cars, Barbie dolls, Lily talking a lot as usual - Ethan trying to get ... read more
Eye of the tiger
Eye of the tiger
Eye of the tiger

i am so so so tired i actually feel like i hav ebeen out all weekend with teh Fungang back home! the 1st day of our trip started at 5am and we drove until we got to karijini park where we went for a quick dip under a waterfal called dale waters it was so nice and this time damo came under with me and we had a nice kiss! we then went o camp which was very basic just loos no showers we slept in swag bags and i spotted somthing in the sky and kim told us that it was the international space staion! we also saw loads of really big shooting stars..... i wonder if any of my wishes will come true..? the next morning we woke up as soon as it was ... read more

As we left the coast from our big fishing adventure - less fish, we headed south to the some of the national parks and into Mining Country The first stop was a little known national park called Millstream National Park. The park is quiet small in size. The walks were short, but the one around the rangers station was very interesting as it was told in the eyes of a 12 year old boy that use to live there. There was some great scenery. Some of the ranges (as in mountains and not Park Rangers) had really great colours, but the overcast cloud did not do them justice. One of the ranges looked like ice-cream with chocolate topping dripping down, which in fact was brown rock with white plant life on the lower section. But ... read more

Wow. I think I have found my favourite part of Australia. Ok, there are some very close contenders (the Walpole-Denmark coastline, Ningaloo Reef), but the sense of adventure plus the beautiful scenery has pushed Karijini National Park to the top of my list. Located in the Hamersley Ranges, Karijini is the adventurer's paradise. The rolling red hills covered in yellow spinifex are cut with deep red gorges forged by the cold, blue rivers running through the area. I had joined Pete and Dave with Western Xposure for a good 3 days of hiking, swimming, climbing, star-gazing and just having a good time in the beautiful national park. I hadn't done any hiking since my day trip in the Blue Mountains over six months ago, so I was a bit nervous... read more
Deep gorges!
Mt Bruce

Gnaraloosta lahdettyamme ajoimme Coral Bayn kautta Exmouthiin. Matkalla naimme sadoittain termiittikekoja. Niita tuntui olevan joka puolella ja hirmu tiheasti. Osa oli valtavan kokoisia mohkaleita. Ensimmaisen yon Exmouthissa yovyimmeautossa supermarketin parkkipaikalla. Seuraavana aamuna menimme tutustumaan Cape Range Marine Parkiin ja Ningaloo koralliriuttaan. Kavimme parissa eri kohteessa snorklailemssa. Saaolot eivat suosineet meita ja vedessa oli todella huono nakyvyys virtausten takia, mika oli hienoinen pettymys. Toisen yon yovyimme turisti informaation edustalla no camping kyltin alla ja aamulla herasimme siihen kun tuimailmeinen rangeri koputteli auton ikkunaan. Kommimme puoliunessa autosta ja selitin rangerille etta olimme muka tulleet vasta myohaan yolla Exmouthiin joten emme tienneet minne menna yoksi. Han heltyi ja tyytyi antamaan meille vain varoituksen sakkojen sijasta... read more
Vesiestetta ylittamassa
Fortescue Falls
Aamu uinnilla

As shown in the last blog entry, we awoke bright and early to the sun rising over ToPri. We packed up our stuff and left the luxury of our campgrounds (complete with electricity, showers, running water...) and headed deeper into the Outback. The coast was far behind us when we pulled into Karijini National Park. Kim decided we would first do a couple of hikes before heading to our campsite in the park. So we stopped and headed out. We needed our close-toed shoes (and prime fly protection) for this hike. I can't really describe the beauty of this park - luckily I can attach lots of pictures! It was a challenging hike down through the first gorge. We had to do something called the "spider walk" where there's a little stream flowing beneath you ... read more
Going deeper...
Some water in the gorge
Dafne pulls aside the fly protection for a picture

“Back on the road again”……. and having spent longer in Exmouth than planned we had a lot of miles to cover in less time than we had hoped, but looking at the schedule we still had time for a National park or two before Darwin. We were on the Northern highway and this meant we were in the land of the road-trains again… some of these monsters had three trailers attached and came with their own wind vortex that made it a very good idea to hang onto the wheel tightly and get as far over your side of the road as possible when they passed. Certainly none of them stopped for the wildlife and there was plenty of roadkill, everything from birds-of-prey to full sized and now rather inflated cows, which you could smell long ... read more
Iron ore train - all 2km of it
I want one!
X-ing near Tom Price

A beautiful sleep only to be woken agian by howling dingo's. But we are in one of the most sensational places in West Australia, so nobody ever complains. Breakfast only consisted of cereal today as we have to pack up and do the long haul to Exmouth (suddenly being reminded of yesterdays vote, also to do Fern Pool) Once all packed we headed back to Dales Gorge and back down the big climb to Fortescue Falls and 300 metres or so to Fern Pool. The track is quite easy, ducking under branches and climbing over fallen tree limbs and wondering "Is this the right way, we can hear water, but where is it?" you walk thru a cove that you can only image fairy folk habitating and onto decking and down some steps and opening ... read more

After doing some much needed washing, stocking up on groceries etc we gladly left Port Hedland and headed south on a side trip to Point Samson and Karratha. This was 204km from Port Hedland but we decided to do it as a side trip, returning to near Port Hedland for the drive inland to Karajini National Park and Tom Price. It was going to be easier to get to Exmouth via Tom Price, which will cut out this part of the coast. Anyway, off we go to Point Samson which is a fairly modern but sleepy little fishing village with another grotesque iron ore loading facility nearby. The dust from this rust coloured ore turns the water a dull copper green patina and is disappointing after turquoise blue water. We had allowed 3 nights here, but ... read more
Spider Walk - Karajini National Park
Decending a ladder - Karajini National Park
Dump truck - Tom Price

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