Blogs from Karijini National Park, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 6


We’re back on our travels again, but still not quite out of Karijini just yet. We went to Fortesque Falls today to walk round and see Fern Pool and Circular Pool. I had a lovely swim in Fern Pool; it was even warm enough water for me to enjoy it! A couple that was on the tour with us didn't swim but they wanted to go and sit under the water fall so we got a plan of action sorted. A huge branch of a tree was placed in the water with two of us at the front end and one of the non-swimmers at the back so that we could pull them across. It work but I bet we looked funny! After our walkies it was lunchtime and our driver, Paul, took us to a ... read more

We finally made it out of Exmouth! We hopped on the EasyRider Bus Monday morning and headed off with Stimpy, our driver, on our travels again! At last we were going somewhere; little did we know that we would come to a halt again later that night. This time however, we had good luck! As we were paying for our stay in Karijini we were asked if we wanted a week’s work at the Eco Retreat as they had a staff shortage. Accommodation, food, a wage, and a chance to explore the gorges that we couldn't have done any other way, we said yes straight away! That night we were fed by Western Exposure, their bus had broken down and we picked them up and brought them to Karijini so we had yummy fish, beats 2 ... read more

What a difference a couple of days makes! I have just spent my first night in Karijini National Park after driving down from Broome via Port Hedland on Tuesday. Being south of Broome, and further inland, it is bloody cold - particularly at night. The drive from Broome was fairly uneventful, and rather unexciting, except for the colony of termite mounds which the local miners had duly decorated with miners hard hats on the way into Port Hedland. I always knew Port Hedland as the location of the immigration detention centre up in the north west - apparently there is more to Port Hedland than just that. I read somewhere that 34% of the worlds sea based iron ore passes through the region. That is pretty impressive - but not surprising when you see the dark ... read more
Port Hedland Humour ... or Boredom?
Western Australian Wildflowers
Western Australian Wildflowers

In Port Hedland there were Solar Salt Plants and in one of them, there was a hand sticking up, it wasn’t real though. Someone was being cheeky. We went to the petrol station and we saw another Ultimate, then another Ultimate. We didn’t notice at first that they were some friends of ours from Melbourne. So we had a chat to them. At the petrol station we got some Freeza Slurpys which are just like icypoles in a cup. Half lemonade and half raspberry and you had a spoon to eat them with. At Marble Bar we saw the Jasper that people thought was Marble. You had to bring a bucket to throw water on the Jasper to show up the true colours. In Newman we went on a mine tour of the open cut mine. ... read more
Marble Bar
Newman Visitors Centre
Mt Whaleback Mine

We went to Cape Kernaudren for the night and left early in the morning to get to Marble Bar. We thought we found the shortcut to get to Marble Bar, but not a full tank of petrol, and as we were unsure, thought it would be better to take the long way via the main road. Ended up going into Port Hedland to fuel up and look around. Went to Marble Bar and stayed for the night. In the morning we saw the Jasper which was the Marble the town was named after. It was everywhere. Some nice colours, some bad. We had to throw a bucket of water onto the rock to see the real colour of the Jasper. It was a very long drive to Newman. It is a mining town. Went to the ... read more
Newman Museum
Newman Visitors Centre

From Port Hedland we drove into Karijini National Park and entered the park at the East Entry Point. We stayed at Dales Camp ground area for four nights, which meant the nearest shower and drinking water were near the Visitor Centre, about 10km away (we refilled on most days as we passed by). Karijini gave us the four coldest nights of this trip so far, waking up with temperatures near 0C! Day one - Visitor Centre, setting up. Day two - Dales Gorge, including Fortescue Falls and Circular Pool walks. Day three - Weano Gorge walk, including Handrail Pool; Hancock Gorge, including the Spider walk. Day four - Knox Gorge lookout, Joffre Falls and Gorge walk (where Mark and Thomas had a swim at the bottom. Annelies and Alex just looked on and thought warm thoughts!!); ... read more
Hancock Gorge
Dales Gorge Circular Pool walk
Thomas loses a tooth!

3-5 May We had about a 6 hour drive to tom Price. This is the closest town to the National park so we stayed here for the night. It is mostly just a mining town but had grocery store and petrol which we needed. The following morning we drove into the park. It was about 50 km from Tom Price and then about 40km on unpaved roads. We were a little nervous with the campervan but it was fine. We then did three walks. First one was Hangcock Gorge which was absolutley amazing. It was pretty scary climbing around the gorges, especially the spider walk where we were supposed to put hands and feet n opposite sides of the gorge to get through (or just walk in the water like I did as i was a ... read more
Attempting Spider Walk
Handrail Pool at Weano Gorge
Tough Guy

It's been a while since I've written so I must have been having fun! I put a notice up in the hostel at Exmouth and picked up 2 German girls Lena and Sally who were looking to go to Karijini National Park and then on to Broome. It was quite hard getting to know them on the 6 hour journey in the car but the universal language of music always works, so on went the iPod and I soon learnt they don't like dance music! Oh well that only rules out 70% of my music... but it turns out that Lena is also a closet Westlife fan so poor Sally has had to deal with me and Lena (who both know ALL the words) singing! That's enough to send anyone crazy. We camped at Tom Price ... read more
Beach Party
Goon Punch
Fortiscue falls

Hey there!! I'm in Broome right now, but about to leave to Perth in a few hours. The trip from Exmouth to Broome has been really nice. Part of the people of the group returned from exmouth to perth. Only seven of the twenty of us continued up to Broome. We had a new bus and a new guide (good to have a new bus, cause the aircon on the first one broke down!!and it was really hot). We made our way up to Karijini NP during a whole day of driving. The park is famous for its gorges....lots of them, with different waterholes where we could swimm every now and then. It reminded me of Kakadu NP, but at the same time they are very different...the flies in general were unbereable, lots of them from ... read more
Fern Pools in Dales Gorge
Hamsley Gorge and it's fantastic cristal clear pool
how the gorges appear in the middle of the landscape

After breakfast on Saturday morning we walked to the Joffre lookout point to see the view from the top of where we walked yesterday. Straight into bus (no packing away needed) to drive to Knox Gorge - a fairly long way away but I put my mp3 player on for some good tunes! The gorge wasn't too difficult a walk but fairly long and winding over stepping stones across the river - we got to the end where a big fallen tree had landed in between the rocks. Carol noticed that with a bit of decoration (the 'Danger No Entry' tape) the tree looked a bit like a horse, so we had fun taking pictures of that - and then I nearly lost my balance trying to stand up so got down quick-sharpish! Back along the ... read more

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