Blogs from Kings Cross, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 10


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 30th 2008

27th December 2008 - SIGHT SEEING AND GETTING GOONED!!! Got up at around 8.50am this morning...just in time for the free breakfast!!! Disappointed as only full fat milk which I can't drink so I had to settle for toast!! After three slices of toast and an apple I was still hungry....nothing compares to cereal and not quite on a par with my boxing day breakfast but hey...travellers can't be choosers!! After showering and getting ready we decided to walk into town and see some sights. The weather was a little overcast and very humid day. We called at the info centre for some hot tips on where to go and then set off towards the harbour. You could see the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge really well and it really was an amazing sight. I ... read more
All of us on the Bridge...Sightseeing!!
Taken to the Roof-top
With Gem

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 29th 2008

Ah! The sun! My friend we are re-united at last. You may have guessed but here in Oz in December its bloody hot. But apparently according to the weather forecast its mild at the mo! My arse. I am perspiring from every pore in my body! Yesterday was a crash and burn day. We were still on China time so went to bed late and got up late. But once up we wandered for a good five hours. We didn't get lost, we just were unsure of where we were at times, but thats the whole point! Some people will disagree but sometimes not knowing where you are is quite refreshing. We then thought "lets do something." So we did. We caught the city sightseeing tour around the city, saw the key places we wanted to ... read more
The Hedgehog
The Fort

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 27th 2008

The last few days have been brill! Very sad to see the guys go (who I can now also spell the names of! Sorry MAURO and MILICIA!! :P) but we were moving onward and upward, literally... There is a massive flaw in our plan, in that to get to Sydney we had to go from Beijing... ...a two hour flight north. Right. So we boarded a (delayed) flight in Shanghai and headed to Beijing to discover that we weren't actually able to check in yet. Or for 3 hours. No bother, we figured we could have a coffee, write some journal, have a natter, have a snack and then check in. Qantas had other ideas. Somewhere along the line my Oz visa had been lost. Electronically lost, so quite a mean feat of idiocy we suspect ... read more
Shanghai, Christmas Day
Sydney Opera House
Opera House and Harbour Bridge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 27th 2008

So! We are here, but it took alot it must be said. Our last dinner with the group was great. Lots of chatting and laughing but we all said goodbye, had a group photo and then realised that we would be seeing each other again so said goodbye to Melicia and Travis again later that night. Mauro kindly offered to take us to the market in the Old Town the next morning so we went. It was amazing. The meat and fish couldn't have been fresher, mainly because it was living until you purchased it and they would then butcher it in front of you. There were all kinds of weird and wonderful fish, eels, meat, dog, vegetables. And yet again it didn't matter that we were visitors to the country, for all intent and purpose ... read more
How to stop a screaming baby...
Hedgehog Thing
The Harbour Bridge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 26th 2008

24th December 2008 - FAREWELL CHUBBS, HELLO BOOMERANG AND MAD NIGHT OUT!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Christmas eve when I woke up. Woke up pretty early too. Nat went for a run whilst I sorted some stuff out in the van. It would soon be time to say farewell to Chubbs!! When Nat got back we cleared the van out and checked into Boomerang Backpackers......our home for Christmas!! We were put in a 6 room but advised that our bed had not been assembled yet...too right it hadn' was still in the packaging!!! It would be a tight squeeze once put up but at least there would be no bed bugs!!! We were assurred it would be put up early in the afternoon!! Once we had dumped our stuff we took the van back. The guys at the ... read more
Slapping that Goon!!!
The four of us....!!!
Opening Presents

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 26th 2008

Back in business. Bloggen alltså. Denna gång ska det bli av till ännu mera "andra sidan jorden", nämligen Australien. Skulle åka tillsammans med min morbror Pär så idag, den 26e, tog vi oss ut till Arlanda med min morfar som chaufför. Som alltid var det enormt svårt att bara för ta med sig 20kg. Slutade på 19.5kg vilket dock inte bådar gott eftersom jag har en del inköp planerade i Sydney. Aja, det löser sig nog. På tax-freen gick vi runt och letade efter en present till Debbie - Peters mamma (Peter, från Japan-bloggen tidigare) som vi ska träffa på nyår. Såg även lite Mackmyra-whiskey som jag blev rätt sugen på då den är rätt sällsynt. Hittade Kosta Boda och Höganäs-affärerna och var faktiskt väldigt imponerad. Enormt mycket snygga glas-saker fanns det där. Om dom var ... read more
Vingtvättaren of Doom.
Pär på planet mot Frankfurt.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 25th 2008

25/12/08 = CHRISTMAS DAY People in our room started waking up at 7am because a guy was packing up ready to catch a flight back home to Canada. Wriggled around in bed for a while, but then started getting really excited, so had to get up. Said Merry Christmas to Deb (who didn't feel so good), then went to check on Gem and Kirst. Everyone in their room still asleep and Gem wanted another hours sleep too, so came back to my room disappointed. Decided to try and ring Mum as would be 8:15pm at home and she should be in. Ran out into Sydney street with my pyjamas on and a T-shirt thrown over top, crossed over road and gave her a ring. Typical response = answer machine. V.disappointed. Left a message then went back ... read more
Smile Hangover elves...
Presents by the tree
The opening of the presents

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 23rd 2008

23/12/08 = Is Christmas Ruined? Had a great sleep and woke up nice and early ready to be naughty girls and escape without paying. Our v.last campsite experience and leaving it as fellons...well not fellons...just lowly travellers. Had shower, made some amazing egg 'n' soldiers for breakfast (I do make a mean dippy egg!), then left campsite, driving at a slow/quiet pace, with heads a little bowed. Hope they didn't get our license plate! Couldn't resist going to library first - is one of first places that camera has worked, so needed to take full advantage of it! Had an hour, but when came out was raining = plans for day ruined! Did our last bit of christmas shopping, then had to go back to van. Only spitting rain, but still no good for beach, so ... read more
Santa's Little Elves
Slap the Goon
An extra Elf

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 21st 2008

I stayed in Sydney for about 3 or 4 days before Christmas. I enjoyed walking through the Sydney Botanic Gardens and seeing hundreds of bats roosting in the trees. I also went to the aquarium and saw the shark tank and some turtles and penguins. Probably my greatest find in Sydney was a restaurant on some random back alley in King's Cross. The Prague is a Czech restaurant with really good beer and really good, large portion meals with lots of meat. In other words, a perfect restaurant. Ya, the waitresses were cute too. Hyde Park in central Sydney is also really nice, lots of big trees overhanging wide foot paths and a fountain. Good place to read a book. I returned to Sydney for 2 days around Jan 9-10th. I was invited to go sailing ... read more
Weird Turtle
Sydney Harbour

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross November 30th 2008

Charlie rose early a went for a run. She now has the bragging rights to say "I've ran around the Sydney Opera House"! Today turned into a very long day, with many miles covered. We started our grand walk at half nine after a free breakfast and finished eleven hours later! We started with following Charlies running route to the SOH around the Botanical Gardens and then on to Circular Quay where we boarded a ferry for "Taronga Zoo". We were told we couldn't miss this due to it's surrounding scenery, it certainly didn't let us down! The views of the bridge and opera house were amazing. From here our next stop was at Watsons Bay for lunch and a walk to Camp Cove, the lighthouse and back via Lady's (nudist) Beach. Where there were no ... read more

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