Blogs from Arches National Park, Utah, United States, North America - page 6


Oops - - yesterday I posted a picture of Gena and I and labeled it Charlie & Kerry - - I wrote the caption before I loaded the picture and clicked on the wrong photo - - will include the right one in this blog. We awoke this morning to a mostly sunny but VERY windy day. Since we didn't have far to drive and were only going to one park, we slept in. Kerry fixed bacon and eggs for breakfast - - YUM YUM !! After a stop at the grocery, we arrived at the Visitors Center about 11:30. This park is filled with hugh sandstone monoliths that have been carved by the elements into beautiful cliffs, tall spires, and really interesting arches and windows. Several of them require long hikes to see -- we ... read more
Balancing Rock
Twin Arches

We slept in until 8 this morning, how nice. Then Kerry cooked breakfast of bacon and eggs for the four of us and we ate outside at the picnic table. Nothing is better than breakfast outdoors. Once the breakfast dishes were cleaned up, we headed to Arches National Park, just north of Moab. First was the Courthouse Towers area with formations named Three Gossips, Sheep Rock, and The Organ among others. Then on to Balanced Rock and the Windows Section with Turret Arch, North and South Windows, and Double Arch. Then we drove to the Lower Delicate Arch Viewpoint for a shot of the most recognized of the arches, Delicate Arch. Then we went past Salt Valley and Fiery Furnace to Sand Dune Arch, where Bob was really sandblasted by the wind blowing sand through the ... read more
Sheep Rock
North & South Windows
Balanced Rock

We left the cool, snowy Bryce Canyon and were hit by the heat of Arches National Park. It was a long drive but it was broken up by a scenic drive through Capitol Reef National Park (a National Park created by a fold in the earths crust. The temperature in Arches was probably 25'C but compared to wintery weather in Bryce it felt quite tropical and we were loving it. Arches National Park is made up of yip you guessed it ............... many sandstone arches (around 2500) created by the natural process of weathering over millions of years. On our first day we viewed as many arches and rock formations as we could. We got to see the famous balancing rock and delicate rock (from a distance); two arches called the 'windows'; skyline arch; broken arch ... read more
The three gossips
Balancing Rock
Window Arch with me in front of it

Here are the photos from the Arches National Parc and of our way to Denver! Aqui estão as fotografias do Parque Nacional dos Arcos e da nossa viagem até Denver.... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Arches National Park September 19th 2009

Day 17 - Invloved a hike around the "devils Garden" In Arches National Park. We really enjoyed this hike as it involved us climbing across large rocks and jumping over boulders. We got up pretty high and could see across part of the park and see how all the rocks had been separated and cracked over years and years by water that was once there. We managed to finish this hike in good time aswell being the fit bugs that we are! :-D Day 18 - For once we didnt need to leave early so we got up at a nicer time and just had a look around the town of Moab. There isnt much there i think people mainly visit Moab for the national park. However it was still nice to chill out for a ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

North America » United States » Utah » Arches National Park September 8th 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009 Arches National Park: In Which the Author Considers Edward Abbey Note: This blog entry was composed in Chicago 2 weeks after visiting Arches. After a good Moab breakfast, I drove the 6 miles north to the Arches National Park entrance. There was an excellent backdrop, with Hwy 191 continuing on in a series of switchbacks cut into 1000-foot red, stone walls (think: Albert Brook’s movie Lost in America. I blew past the entrance gate, and since it was only about 10:45 a.m., inquired about the camping situation, more specifically, “Will I be happy?” The Ranger replied, “Well, I’m sure that the 17 people in line at 7:30 this morning are happy. But there’s plenty of camping just outside the park as well.” A stop into the Visitors Center to recycle and pick ... read more
Fiery Furnace Hike View Sunset
Arches National Park
Arches Surreal

North America » United States » Utah » Arches National Park September 5th 2009

Arches National Park My next day was at Arches park. I have to start off by saying that I arrived late, stayed at what has been my favorite hotel chain for this trip - a Holiday Inn Express - and went to the Center Cafe for dinner. This place specialized in serving as many local foods as possible and it was just a great pick. The food and wine were delicious, the staff friendly and helpful and although it was tucked away on a side street and I passed it twice, it is absolutely worth looking for if you are staying in Moab. Ok on to Arches. You can probably still see the smoke in some of these pictures. My first stop was the petrified sand dunes. They are exactly as they sound - these were ... read more
Delicate Arch
Landscape Arch
Balancing Rock

le 6 aout toujours, Nous traversons Moab et nous engouffrons dans le parc national des Arches. Très impressionnat. Comme je suis à la bourre et installé inconfortablement, je fais court, les photos parleront d'elle-même. et encore non, car impossible de rendre l'étendue des panoramas. Ballade, gouttes et vent chaud qui nous sèche.... read more
Arches NP
Arches NP
Arches NP

Boy am I tired. Arches was really cool and really tiring. I started off by walking the trail to Delicate Arch, which was a tough trip with a good deal of climbing, but very worth it. After that I went to the Devil's Garden area and took the trail to Double O Arch. That was a very tough trip. Lots of climbing, scrambling on rock surfaces, and not a lot to keep you on the trail. I got off the trail (lost) for about twenty minutes on the way back. My legs and lungs, as well as the sea (Seinfeld reference) were angry that day. After I got back to the car I made my way back to the Windows section. This was the easiest hike of the day with a lot of arches in a ... read more
Window Arch
Begining of Devil's Garden Trail
Later in Devil's Garden Trail

Hi there! We’re on the road again. We hitched up the camper and left on april 13th heading west on a southerly route through Baton Rouge, Houston (at 6:00 am), San Antonio and then west on US 90 to Del Rio on the Rio Grande and then on up to Big Bend Nat’l Park where we stayed 4 days. Big Bend is unique, remote and big! Not for everybody but we liked it. There are roadrunners and javelinas there. Then we went due north for about 300 miles to Carlbad, NM. The caves were amazing, just like we’ve heard. Then it was on up to Gallup, NM where there was 40-50 mph winds and then Monticello, UT were it was snowing and 34 degrees in the morning! It’s really dry out here too 10-15% humidity, which ... read more
Big bend overlook
Hike to the windows overlook

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