Blogs from Minnesota, United States, North America - page 21


Why Establish a University in Karagwe? KARUCO – Karagwe University College The aim of establishing KARUCO is to prepare young people from Tanzania to build entrepreneurial Agri-business committed to sustainability and social justice – - That will bring social and economic transformation to Karagwe and surrounding areas. Why Entrepreneurial Agri-business? Agriculture is the backbone of the Tanzanian economy. More than 90% of people in Karagwe are small-scale farmers and more than 80% of all Tanzanians rely on agriculture to live from day to day. Most farm for subsistence. These people face overwhelming challenges including depleted soils, poor seeds, lack of clean water, lack of access to meaningful markets, and confining roles especially for women who toil, fetch water and supplies but are removed from reve... read more
ELCT Management Team
Typical Crops
Girls Work the Land

North America » United States » Minnesota » St. Paul May 7th 2013

So I have officially started the countdown. It is either 9 or 10 days before I leave. I will probably not have my flight booked until 1-2 days before departure just due to the fact that they can't book my flight until my visa is placed in my passport and I get that back in the mail. Yesterday, I started packing all of my clothes. I bought those ridiculous space saver bags-and yes, they do save space indeed-but my one bag already weighs 65 pounds and that is just a PORTION of my clothes! I still have to pack backup supplies of red hair dye, tampons (since those are harder to come by in Korea), toothpaste, makeup (oh Jesus, there is another 65 pounds just in itself), and shoes. During this packing extravaganza, Cami (my dog) ... read more

Today was probably our most relaxing day on the bikes, even though we rode for almost 500 kms. On the road at 9:30 am from Devil's Lake ND en route to Grand Rapids, MN. It was a beautiful clear day, with sunshine forecast for the day We made not one but two stops into WallyWorld in search of green food for a picnic lunch. Found it at the second superstore. No grocery stores on the route. I'm getting alot of vibration on the bike, especially at the higher speeds, and desperately needed to improvise the gloves to give my hands a break, so bought some shoe heel gels and shoved them into my palms. Ahhh, relief. Could actually feel my fingers at the end of the day. Got a much warmer, fuzzier feeling riding through Minnesota. ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis April 14th 2013

HOW TO HELP EDUCATE TANZANIA Tell three friends to visit our website and learn about the project. Examine your resources and expertise. See a match within the KARUCO plan? Let us know. Do you have $39.00? (Equivalent of the average yearly income in Karagwe). Hit the yellow donate button. Have more than $39. Don't be shy. We will put it to good use. Connect: sign up for our 1x month newsletter. ETI never shares contact info. Attend one of our events. Help us spread the word and invest in KARUCO. Events are posted on our website. Http:// 2013 Event: May 31st / Auction / Dinner / Fundraiser / Hazeltine National Golf Course MN Fund a building ($100K) or water delivery system ($250K) or landmark tower ($30K) or technology plan (TBD) :-) Ot... read more
Kojo Benjamin Taylor, CEO Microclinics International
Mary Schott
Dr. Jay Bell, Assoc Dean

North America » United States » Minnesota » Duluth March 28th 2013

Not too much new to report, but I'd like to get in the habit of writing on the blog for the future. I was able to speak with a former professor of mine who travels relatively frequently to Guatemala and, lucky me, she actually does a lot of work right in Xela (the nickname of Quetzaltenango)! I showed her the apartment Roger and I are looking at she told me it's a 5 minute walk from the fresh fruit market and also near an amazing pizza place. She also said there's some really fabulous cafes and book stores right around the area so I'm sure I'll be in heaven :) Via FB my aunt asked about Jade (she's a crazy dog lady like me!) so I figured I'd address that right now too. We found out ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Duluth March 19th 2013

It's official! We bought one-way tickets to Guatemala City. Roger and I are leaving September 21st for however long we want, probably around a year. We're leaving it open though, just in case we love it and want to stay longer or we hate it and decide to go somewhere else or return home. Who knows? Since we have our first concrete set of plans, we figured we'd start up the blog while we're still in Minnesota. We knew we'd have one while we were down there, but it might be nice to share the planning process with interested folks too. So right now we're going over lists of the million things we have to have completed before leaving (like visas, possible doctor visits, an apartment, loan paybacks, etc) and working as many hours as possible ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Winona February 19th 2013

Hello all! I have never blogged before, but I figure since I will be abroad for 5 months, now is a good time to learn/start. I am writing this two days before my flight leaves from the cities. I will fly from Minneapolis to Dallas and then on to Santiago, Chile. This is sure to be a wonderful and eye-opening adventure! I will be living in Viña de Mar and attending school at the Catholic University in Valaparaiso, called Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. During the five months I will live with a host family, go to school, and learn what life is like in the Chilean culture. I have spent the last few weeks leading up to this trip seeing and visiting family and preparing to depart. It has been a special time for me ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Chaska February 4th 2013

I am home. No matter where I have been and no matter how good the trip has been, it is always a joy to return home. Steve met me at the airport with some of my favorite things (including the latest family news, a winter coat and a Diet Coke). Great to see him. Thank you for following the blog. I will fill in a few entries that I was unable to upload in Tanzania so you will see a few out of order entries. I will also include photos you haven't seen since I could not upload as many as I would have liked. (It took four hours to upload 2 entries.) AND tune in next time when Educate Tanzania takes another step toward building KARUCO. Stay with us on this exciting adventure! SPECIAL THANKS ... read more
Air Travel
My View
Approaching Winter

North America » United States » Minnesota February 3rd 2013

It's been nearly two months since I left India. After a couple of weeks home, I thought to myself, "Lynn, you ought to write a reflections blog," but I had no idea what I would put in it. Plus, there were holidays to celebrate and families to visit and wedding invites to send out (It's likely I didn't mention this before in my blog. For those readers who weren't aware: Surprise!). I decided to put my reflection off. Then, one month after I returned, the idea crept back. This time it was more imposing, and kept repeating, "You must have figured things out by now!" Needless to say, I hadn't. It wasn't just that I was too busy looking for a job or seeing relatives anymore; I was speechless. I cannot begin to count how many ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Grand Marais February 1st 2013

Here I am in a church near the Canadian border. Good place to be really. There is going to be a Nerf gun fight tonight here! lol. Anyways, stuck at the border for now because I need a letter of invitation from Ajahn. I am waiting to hear back from him. Would be kind of ironic to drive all this way to stay at a Buddhist hermitage and end up at a church of Christ! I guess I am supposed to be here:) Anyways, this is the latest news. Long day driving. It was nice viewing Lake Superior. Took some nice snap shots. I also went to Gooseberry State park. There I saw live deer, birds, and other critters like squirrels. People too of course. There are people living this far north surprisingly. NIce day today. ... read more

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