Blogs from West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States, North America - page 6


So, as revealed in "our" (i.e. my) last entry, we flew to LA on Friday the 6th instead of driving down the coast as originally planned. LA really is quite big, so we have made this a multi centre stop - starting with 3 nights in West Hollywood, followed by 2 in Santa Monica, and another 2 in Hollywood after a jaunt down the coast to San Diego. First 3 nights in West Hollywood were great, and we stayed in a gorgeous hotel right beside the Farmer's Market and Grove Shopping Mall. The Farmer's Market is an amazing place, ideal for cheap and cheerful eats while we were there, while "Shopping Mall" just doesn't do The Grove justice, - it's all outdoors for a start and is almost like a disneyland for adults, with beautiful landscaping, ... read more

Our departure from Tonga was welcomed!!!! Mainly as it would offer instant respite from the mozzies and bring better weather!!! The 12 hours on a plane was a slightly different story - although we did manage to get exit aisle seats which was a little more roomy - although not a great deal more comforatable!!!! I resigned myself to the fact that sleep was not an option and watched both movies........with mini snoozes in between. We arrived in LA at 2pm of Tuesday....having left Tonga at 7pm on Tuesday - i tell ya the date line crossing is weird - officially the longest Tuesday of my life! Upon landing it was all systems go as Jen was to leave within two days.....and we had some sights to see. So, although the beds looked undeniably ... read more
Beverly Hills
Getty Centre Gardens

Naa, der er gaaet et stykke tid siden jeg har skrevet, fordi jeg har haft enormt travlt... med at lave ingenting (ups). Saadan gaar det jo, naar man er i godt selskab med familiemedlemmer. Siden 16. marts har jeg befundet mig i Los Angeles, naermere bestemt West Hollywood, hos min soede kusine Laurie og hendes kaereste Troy. Laurie har boet i Danmark i et aar som udvekslingsstudent for 7 aar siden, og hende og jeg har ikke rigtig set hinanden siden da, saa glaeden var stor hos begge parter, da jeg flyttede ind i deres to vaerelseslejlighed i et omraade, der graenser sig op til Hollywood. Selv om Laurie kun er to aar aeldre end mig, har min tid i LA vaeret ligesom at komme hjem til ens mor og far. Laurie laver mad, goer ... read more
En demonstration mod Irakkrigen, der blev holdt paa fireaarsdagen for krigens begyndelse
Mona i byen med de store drenge
Universal Studios

Ana Archibald....aka Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Funny that, gets us VIP entry into a club! Ok so we got lost. Ana, Jax, Lou and Kate... dodgy taxi drivers. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise as we ended up at a pimping club called Privilege ($40 cover charge for those who aren't on a list). As we were walking up these sugar called Ana, Mary-Kate and Ashley and her fun loving reaction was priceless. Next thing we know we're gettin asked by this guy who's list we;re on - well no-ones actually and so he tells us to tell Big D (who was a HUGE bouncer) that Jon Fuego says the password is Guarana. So Ana works her charm but in her innocence when Big D asked her who she was wiht she just ... read more

We arrived at the hostel after battling peak hour LA traffic and staff at Taco Bell who we couldn't even understand, to find that the hostel had only 1 booking for kate, rather than 9. In the end, all sorted but we ended up split across a number of rooms. By this stage it was about 8pm in LA and we were ready for some serious drinking. Got stuck into the duty free at the hostel, glammed our jet lagged selves up and headed out to Sunset Boulevard. We took the hostel van and met up with a couple of aussie boys who were also on their way to the cricket world cup. Naturally we talked up a storm and had the usual sporting banter. Ended up at the Saddle Ranch (complete with mechanical bull). ... read more

After a great night out at a tourist bar the night really began! Ok so night one, we happened to jump into the back of a Porche. Jax, Ana, and Kate that is, although the porche really only had two bucket seats in the back we were determined not to let a free ride home go astray (cheap Kiwis). And then our hosts (Greg and Nick - good memories) said they;d take us to their home and show us around (sounds seedy but really not) and so we drove into the Hollywood Hills, past the Osbourne's and stopped at his place (next door to George Micheals and Simon Fuller creater of Idol)- yeah fellas it was a $20 milion dollar mansion, and believe us we were fresh with excitement. (Photos will follow later). So that ... read more
The pimping indoor pool
Kate, the $1000 bottle of champers, tiffanys bottle opener and a seriously good liquor cabinet

Another city, another questionable hotel choice. Our hotel is on the corner occupied by Whiskey-a-Go-Go and The Viper Room (yes, the club where River Phoenix met his fate). Never mind, we're not exactly wandering the streets late at night with CJ, and it's actually a really nice hotel. Driving down Sunset Blvd through Beverley Hills to get to our hotel was a real treat - past huge gated mansions and the Beverley Hills Hotel. The first evening we got a cab to Universal City Walk and had dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, which was fun. The next day was probably the highlight of the trip so far for me - a VIP tour of Warner Bros Studios. It was 5 1/2 hours of movie and tv heaven. I saw the ER ambulance bay, Central Perk ... read more
Beverley Hills Hotel sign
ER Set
Freshly squeezed

Pikavisiitti jenkkilandiaan alkaa olla lopuillaan. Tultiin eilen puolenpaivan maissa ja lahdetaan huomenna myoskin puoliltapaivin. Paljoa ei olla ehditty nakemaan. Eilen kaytiin illasta vahan kaupoilla ja syomassa. Illalla oli pakko menna nukkumaan ajoissa, kun meinattiin nukahtaa jo ravintolassa salaattilautasten aaressa. Tanaan kaytiin aamusta Los Angelesin kiettoajelulla ja iltapaivasta ostoksilla. Ei siis mitaan sen kummempia. Melkein nahtiin joku julkkiskin...en nyt taas muista nimea, mutta joku nayttelija heppu kumminkin. Tyyppi istui autossaan tummennettujen lasien takana ja meikalaiset kiertoajelubussissa. Paparatsit kuitenkin tiesivat kertoa, etta julkkis oli kyseessa. Taytyy muuten mainita, etta Kaliforniassa ei ole aina aurinkoista ja lamminta. Tanaan on sadellut pitkin paivaa ja aamulla mittari naytti +12. Laitan muutaman kuvan jahka paasen sellaisen koneen aarelle, jo... read more

After the crazy traffic getting to the airport and eventually taking off after nearly 2 hours of security checks, got in the air and ended up in LA 10 1/2 hours later. Longest ever flight I have been on and did get pretty boring, but BA do give you a really cool mini toothbrush kit, socks and facemask. Mostly watched films tho. After landing, then spent ages and ages getting into America, they fingerprint and photograph everybody, which takes forever. Our bags were thrown off the carousel it took that long. After all that it was nearly dark, so decided to get the airport shuttle to the hostel instead of the bus and subway as we originally planned. Our hostel, the Orbit in West Hollywood was pretty cool. Shared with 4 other people, but managed to ... read more
Steven Seagals Handprints
Venice "Baywatch" Beach
New York Street @ Universal

Hello All WowI absolutley love AMerica!! I', so shocked, I thought I would hate it but its amazing, I'm having a wicked time!! When did I last write, Sunday I think oh yes, Rotorua, god that seems like a lifetime away all ready! Anyway, SUnday night went to bed early, was sulking a bit I think, as the hostel didn't have a tv and was really tired! Monday, I went to Wai-O-Tapu, the Therma Wonderland! That was really cool. I got a shuttle bus that first takes you to the boiling mud pools, which are really strange, and then to the Lady Knox Geisher, which is huge! They put soap into the geisher to make it errupt at the same time everyday and its really impressive, although I can't remember how high it is! They then ... read more

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