Blogs from Mesa, Arizona, United States, North America - page 5


North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa May 8th 2010

We was up by 7am, loaded our cool boxes with food and drink and 45 minutes later was on our way to breakfast at a 5 & Diner, this is a typical 50's style diner, the decor is all from the 50's, the music is from the 50's and some of the tables even have their own little juke boxes! We filled ourselves up ready for our little adventure that lay ahead! Another half hour or so and we arrived at the salt river tubing centre, Liz had started to change her mind, and this reminded me of my Mum a couple of years back who we practically had to drag there yet in the end she loved it. We hired our tubes, jumped on the bus that takes us to the higher elevation and began ... read more
Outside the 5 & Diner
Sylvia in the background
Us all

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa March 17th 2010

We arrived in Mesa, AZ yesterday afternoon are set up in Val Vista Village. Here is a Google map of our location: url=,-111.75291&ll=33.41847,-111.75291&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1Val Vista Village RV Resort After a look around and such, we climbed in The Beast and headed to Chandler, AZ to visit friends Dave and Mare, with whom we had met up with earlier in the month in Tubac, AZ. Bellying up to the task, Dave had prepared quite a spread for us. In honor of our get together in their lovely home, Nan made up some of her tasty guacamole dip and I picked up some lovely sunflowers to mark the occasion. It took us no time to break out the batch of frozen margaritas Dave had cold cooked overnight in his freezer, using as a guide my now famous video production ... read more
VVV Entry
VVV RV Spaces01
VVV RV Spaces02

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa December 28th 2009

Geo: 33.417, -111.831We took Daisy to the airport very early this morning for her flight back to Billings and I got an escort pass so I could go through security with her.Dumb me--when I packed her bag last night I was having so much trouble getting the "whole Christmas" into her suitcase I wasn't thinking very well. I'd left out her jars of Eucerin and Fiber Therapy powder because she still needed to use them--figured I'd put them in her carry-on in the morning.Bad idea.That got me into all kinds of trouble. First the Eucerin had to go back out to the front and into her checked bag. That meant we (because I couldn't leave Daisy anywhere while I ran back to do this) had to go through security twice. We got the full pat down ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa November 26th 2009

Geo: 33.4253, -111.727Here are some basics facts about Ethiopia:- Located in Northeast Africa; it shares borders with Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya and Djibouti.- It is the tenth largest country in Africa - about twice the size of Texas.- Climate varies by region, from temperate highlands to hot lowland desert.- Geography is very diverse. Ethiopia has altitudes that span the lowest point in Africa in the Danakil Desert, where Luci, and the more recently discovered, even older skeleton, were discovered and also is the home of the 4th highest mountain in Africa - Das Rashem at over 14,000 feet. Contrary to the images of drought and mass starvation that most westerners remember about Ethiopia, the country is also home to the most extensive indigenous rainforest to be found anywhere in Eastern Africa. The Central highlands are openly ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa November 25th 2009

Geo: 33.4253, -111.727We leave for Ethiopia on December 15th and are getting very excited. This is one of the first steps towards keeping friends and family updated while we are gone.This is our first trip to an African country so we are extra excited for a completely different experience.... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa October 30th 2009

Geo: 33.417, -111.831Food so good my taste buds wanted to get naked and roll in it. We happened on this great little Mexican butcher shop and bakery in Mesa so plastered with bold colors, large lettering and bright murals on the outside that Bob didn't even want to go in, but I was going in! It was an awesome little place. The bakery with cookies the size of your head extended through 2/3rds of the place with barely room to walk between 6' trays of pastries to the meat counter in back. Now we're at the good stuff. We had pork smothered in red chili sauce w/rice and beans and fresh corn tortillas.After a photo of the cute non-English speaking clerk, we raced to a park with the intent of getting as much of this into ... read more
Cute sales clerk

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa September 5th 2009

Why I am still here and Why am I still here are 2 very different ideas. I have not yet left for Istanbul, and I know a few why's that I am here. I will be here for my niece's surgery to repair her cleft lip. I was here for my dear friend's birthday. I am here to help my friend move yesterday, today and tomorrow. I am here to get to know new friends better at church. Why am I still here is a question I choose not to ask because I know that by finding the blessings each day I am still here that I am where I am meant to be right now.... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa May 20th 2009

EUROPE IS TWO DAYS AWAY I leave for Europe in two days. I am still trying to decide what to pack and I have piles of "maybe" clothes strewn all over the floor. Some tough decisions are gonna have to be made tonight. I'd like to be essentially finished packing today so tomorrow I can just do last minute things and celebrate my Dad's birthday with him :) Meanwhile, we're still trying to figure out what is going on with my skin condition. I've seen an allergist and a dermatologist who contradict one another. I return to the allergist tomorrow. I will be heading to Europe with a mini pharmacy. I hope my reaction doesn't return while I'm abroad. That would really suck! Good news is, everyday I look tons better! 2 days! I can't ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa September 16th 2008

The original point of connection for me began about five years ago when I met the leader and teacher of our group, Lettie, in the desert outside of Tucson, Arizona. I was stricken with a critical illness and had just been released (without a diagnoisis) from a hospital stay. Lettie and her Spirit Guides gave me guidance and healing about my illness and it awoke something deep inside me. Since our chance encounter, I have studied with Lettie (a Master Shamanic Teacher) and the Spiritual Circle she helped create, learning how to develop and trust my intuition and how to surrender to the great energy known as God or Spirit. This journey through Europe with my three Circle Sisters is about deepening my intuitive skills, deepening my trust in others and Life itself so I may ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa July 27th 2008

We woke to our alarms at 7am this morning, got ready - dressed to impress (Well the benefits people anyway!), packed up our cool bags and drove a short way to a 5 & Diner for breakfast - this is a typical 50's styled diner, Sort of thing you'd see in Grease or Back to the future, each little booth had its own mini juke box. We then drove on to Mesa (about 45 mins) to the Salt Lake Tubing centre. By now my mum was panicking trying to change her mind, but there was no going back! Keith tried to reassure her that the rapids wouldn't be too bad - This made her worse!! We parked up, got our tubes then boarded the bus that takes you to the start point. We placed a towel ... read more
5 & Diner
Was chilling

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