Blogs from Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 32


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 14th 2006

Hey all, It's been a while, but haven't really had that much going on, so I guessed u really wouldn't want to know about my sleeping all day and then geting up to eat and then back to bed again?! It hasn't all been like that. I have been working, I wouldn't say a lot, but 2 or 3 days a week, well nights. It is kinda bad when u just do the saturday and sunday, If you know that feeling when u've had a weeks holiday and you've got to go back to work the next day, I get that every week. But it's cool as those 2 days you get paid more. I have been settling in well there, I gave somebody there beer the other day, and he said that it looked like ... read more
Blake, Kate and Jill
Danny (and Kate)
What I've left behind

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Whittlesey December 10th 2006

Went to work on Wednesday and salsa demo’d for all to see. Wednesday night was working in Southminster. After leaving the office late I had just enough time to smarten up before heading there. Was rushing soo much it was ironic that I arrived ½ hr early. I was so tired I fell asleep in the car!! Woke up just in time for the meeting, which fortunately was short and sweet. Got in and me and the wife gotta takeaway curry.. yum! Needed to recover from the exciting day! Thursday was ok, busy day at work. Went to dive club in the evening and did some more of my search and recovery course. Was good fun. Ended up at the pub as usual and got persuaded to go to London with Wayne and Jeff in Wayne’s ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Peterborough December 10th 2006

well things are moving in the right direction now, Im pleased to say! No longer two steps forward and 300 back. More like 2 steps forward 1 back. Following yer dream can seem like megga hard work, but blimmin well worth it. I recently had the dreaded jabs and for those who know me, I didnt faint!!!!!!!!! I was a brave old cooky with a dead arm for the day. Not many days left at work now and ive noticed that my motivation is beginning to drift elsewhere....... I catch myself day dreaming about far away places, golden sunsets in India, crystal clear waters in Thailand. It seems to have become my past time hobby of late. The house doesnt feel like my home anymore as my belongins are being spread around the country, till we ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 5th 2006

Another day I was reading my horoscope of 2005 (!) and I was told that according to the stars my favorite season is Autumn ... uuum ... I am not really convinced but sure when the first cold wind blows I recall the nice days at the beach ... maybe that’s why this season is so nice: it’s perfect to recollect all the warm moments we had in the summer (it could not be the winter, because by then my memory has frozen and I can only long for the seasons ahead!) So, it is autumn, and I fortunately I had the chance to go back to Cambridge, even that only just for a little while. It was worth every second, especially because I could recollect many warm memories: thanks guys from having come to King’s ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 4th 2006

Me again. So, I'm not actually studying, but we are in Cambridge, so I guess I could be! Last blog was until Bath, so I'll catch you up since then. We spent the day wandering around Bath, doing the obligatory things, like going to the Roman Baths! They were actually really interesting, lots of information, and an included audio guide in the admission price is certainly a must. Lots of stuff to listen to, and lots of stuff that the Romans did way before their time! Central heating in the Roman Baths when the Romans built it! Very impressive. We also saw the Bath Cathedral, the Jane Austen Museum (she lived a couple of years in Bath). We also did the internet thing, hence my last blog. Dinner was another take away affair, watched TV, the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 3rd 2006

Only 3 Days to go, and counting Well, I can't believe it's only a few days until I set off on my round the world trip. I've finished work and have moved out of my London flat and am spending a few days back in Cambridge until I leave on Wednesday. At the moment I'm feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement, and to be honest it still hasn't really sunk in that I'm going travelling. For those of you who don't know my plans, although I'm sure I've bored you all to death with it, I'm going to Thailand for a week, and then on to Sydney and travel around Australia on my WHVisa. I'll hopefully pop over to New Zealand's South Island for a bit as I've heard so much about the scenery ... read more
Me and Eve
Teddy Bigfoot
Me, Ginette, Eve and Lucy

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge November 25th 2006

Apparently Oxford and Cambridge have played an annual Aussie Rules match against each other since the 1920s! I umpired the match in Oxford in 2005 and was delighted to be involved again in 2006, which was played in Cambridge. The match was played on the Saturday, followed by a few beers later that night. Sunday was a day for sightseeing before heading back to London. It absolutely persisted down prior to kickoff and it was extremely cold. Thankfully the heavy rain stopped just before the match started. It was a very difficult match to umpire. I was the only field umpire and there were no boundary umpires. So I copped a heap of abuse, especially from the Oxford boys. Still, it was nothing compared to the abuse that is dished up on a weekly basis in ... read more
cambridge 2

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge November 25th 2006

Geo: 51.9262, -0.0168853Planned a day trip to Cambridge today. I didn't want to be one of those people that live and work in London and don't get out of the city. I had a bus ticket for an 8.30am bus. Didn't get off to a good start, got to the bus stop and had left my ticket at home, so had to go back and get it. Then waited for the local bus to take me to the tube station which would take me to the bus for Cambridge. Got on the local bus and had to get off the next stop because the road was closed due to an accident and the bus wasn't going anywhere, so I had to walk to the tube station. At this point it was 8am. I power walked to ... read more
02 Kings College Chapel
03 Entrance to Trinity College
04 Isaac Newton

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Huntingdon November 18th 2006

Well i've moved away from everyone apart from good old mum,and her carer (other half). Here to start saving for the start of my adventures that are to never end. I am here by holding myself to the idea, that until either love of the true kind, or the job of a lifetime takes me. I am to travel round this globe enjoying myself, there is to be plenty of fun and happyness but at the same time good work to suport it all. BRING IT ON!!!!!!... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » March November 16th 2006

My Plan is to explore a place called Earth, I almost feel as if it is something I was born to do, a whole world of adventure awaits me, and I am at a stage in my life where it just seems inevitable that I should do so. I feel that there is so much I can learn from this experience and that there quite literally is no better time than now. This trip has been put off for to long and I need to act now before it is to late as many people around me are settling down now and getting married , having kids and getting a mortgage. I’m just not ready for all that palaver yet. So what do I hope to gain from this experience then? I hope to discover my ... read more

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