Blogs from Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 31


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Peterborough February 14th 2007

Time has been creeping stealth-like onwards and suddenly it's only ten days until my departure to India. Today I received the final itinerary for the trip, and I have to say it looks rather exciting! The trip is to be split into two groups and I'll be in the group travelling East from Delhi to Bhubaneshwar. Here's a summary of what I'll be doing: 24 Feb - Depart London Heathrow 25 Feb - Arrive in Delhi, briefings with WaterAid staff in India 26 Feb - Fly to Bhubaneshwar, briefings with regional WaterAid staff 27 Feb - A day in the life of a rural community in India - visiting a village near Puri of 273 people all of whom are below the poverty line. Sanitation coverage is nil. 28 Feb - Visit to a village where ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge February 13th 2007

Jaeja tha forum vid ad leggja i hann.....vonandi nae eg a blogga a vellinum meira....heyrumst... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Peterborough February 9th 2007

I have now finally finished the thorough course of vaccinations required for my trip. Once the number of needles going into my arms hit double figures, I stopped counting. The cholera one was, bizarrely, a fizzy strawberry / cleaning chemical flavoured drink, in two doses. I am glad to say I am now protected against Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Polio, Tetanus, Diptheria, Tuberculosis, Rabies (sort of), Japanese B Encephalitis, Hepatitis B and Meningitis (strains A, C, W & Y). A course of endless tablets (two per day of one sort and two per week of another sort, from one week before departure until four weeks after return) will keep Malaria at bay too, although I'm hoping that the industrial strength insect repellent and the wedge-shaped mosquito net will help in that regard too. The pills make me ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » March January 26th 2007

Ok, so I am now officially booked up and all being well touch wood I should be leaving for Bangkok in June 2007! Now I’ve just got all the fun and games of getting jabbed with needles and sampling dodgy malaria tablets to endure! BRING IT ON!!!... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » March January 10th 2007

The concept of travelling is now becoming ever more imminent, my intentions have been broken to my parents and although I can tell that mother is slightly concerned I think she knows that there is very little that can be said that will change my mind, for my mind is set, for that there is no doubt. I have also narrowed my objectives down a bit, I plan in either May or June to leave for Asia, I will pay visit to an old school friend who now lives and works in Bangkok, Thailand. Initially I will use this as a base to explore the surrounding area. Then I plan to branch out into neighbouring countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and then onto China. I will be looking to spend about four months travelling ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge January 3rd 2007

Thought I would add a map to my blog that lists all the countries that I have visited including all the ones I haven't blogged. There are quite a few patches of red but quite a few white patches too. Hopefully it will get redder as the years roll on! Visited Countries Map ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge January 2nd 2007

Happy new year!! I can't believe it is 2007 - time is flying by and this month I am off on my long-awaited New Zealand/Australia trip. All being well, Shashi and I will jet off for New Zealand on Jan 29th, then move on to the east coast of Australia and finish with a few days in Singapore almost 3 months later. I am still planning and booking things alongside preparations for my interview and PhD viva.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 29th 2006

Woke up around 2 AM and, after tossing and turning for half an hour, decided that getting back to sleep was probably too much to ask. So I grabbed my Spanish Grammar book and studied out in the hotel lobby for three hours while Sky News cycled through its early morning programming; most of it was related to speculation on when Saddam would be executed. After breakfast we continued our adventure as we set out from London (Buckhurst Hill) to Cambridge. The drive went relatively well, but it was a cold and drizzly day as many are during this time of the year in England. After a little bit of searching through Cambridge, we found the Crowne Plaza and checked-in. We decided mainly to walk around the University of Cambridge ( campus before visiting the Fitzwilliam ... read more
Great St. Mary's - 6
Around Cambridge - 6
Mom and John in front of St. John's College

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Peterborough December 18th 2006

Well it's almost here, i fly tomorrow at 9.45pm, and it is finally starting to feel real! I have done most of the things on my list now - just the small matter of taxing my car (did anyone else know you can do it online now - how handy is that for disorganised night owls like me!), and also the fact that my car insurance runs out in January... hoping a call to good old Steve at Stuart and Co tomorrow will knock that one off the list in advance?? And then there is the slightly pressing matter of packing.... i have done extremely well with the amount of items i have crammed into my back pack. According to a well meaning friend, all i pretty much need is a bikini, a t shirt, a ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 16th 2006

Pictures from our trip to Cambridge.... read more
Catholic Church 2

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