Blogs from Germany, Europe - page 672


Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Waiblingen June 17th 2008

Lange habt Ihr nun nichts mehr von mir gelesen - aber ich hatte ja versprochen, Euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten. In der Zwischenzeit war ich auch nicht ganz untätig. Wie werde ich künftig meine Brötchen verdienen? Ich mache mich selbstständig, als Beraterin. Zum einen werde ich zusammen mit einem Kooperationspartner Karrierecoachings für Schüler anbieten. An Konzept, Businessplan und Umsetzung arbeiten wir derzeit, aber sowie das alles so weit steht, gibt es Näheres. Zum anderen werde ich freie Mitarbeit für verschiedene Personalberatungen machen, also Tests, Assessment Center und Interviews durchführen, aber auch Testaufgaben konstruieren und andere konzeptionelle Dinge tun. Die Selbstständigkeit erlaubt mir, meine Zeit etwas freier einzuteilen, und vor allem die konzeptionellen Dinge kann ich grundsätzlich von jedem Platz der Welt aus erledigen. Mein Büro besteht also aus einem Lap... read more
Lukas' Hangar in Saarmund
Der Gästebauwagen in Saarmund
Downtown Potsdam

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg June 17th 2008

No new updates really, but I did come across some things that made me laugh, and because they are so incredibly true, I decided to post them. Below is the Hamburg song that we all know and love.. such pride! : ) Enjoy! You've studied abroad in Germany When: 1. You have sorted your garbage into at least 3 garbage cans and you know the difference (or should know the difference) between "Gelber Sack" and "Restmull" 2. You have ever drank: a Maß, Meter or Stiefel of beer. 3. You have ever had or not had "lust" to do something. 4. You get excited that CNN is in English. 5. You know what a Döner is, and you've eaten more than one in the same week from a different "Imbiss" each time. 6. You've been to ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 16th 2008

I am currently procrastinating. I was supposed to be writing a press kit when I stumbled across this page. So I thought I would try it out to help me get over my writer's block. Although if anyone is reading this they will be thinking how presumptuous I am. You have to be a writer in order to have a writer's block and I fall into that category only in the most literal sense of the word. Hey is that a pun? Anyway, apologies for practising my writing in full view of the world. In this first blog of mine I want to tell everyone about Laugh Olympics. Partly because I think it is really funny and a great show currently not receiving audience numbers it is worthy of, and partly because they are my only ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne June 16th 2008

Remagen = Sturzelburg, 100.65kms, Total 2100.8kms, Ride time 5'52" Another fairly long day in the saddle, with Cologne being about the half way point. For me the highlight of the day was just sitting by the Cathedral eating cheese and avocado sandwiches and minding some guys bike while he went and had a look inside. We camped at a small town called Sturzelberg at a pretty run down campsite (we were the only tent campers there). Some nights we go out and have lovely dinners, some nights, like tonight, we just buy soft drinks, beer, nuts, chips, cholcolate, and pre-made pasta and green salads and just sit down by our tent and eat ourselves silly while the sun sets and the barges go up and downthe river. Hard to think we haven't seen a hill ... read more

Europe » Germany June 16th 2008

Hi again, how are we all? Well, its my 1st day on tour, and I have to say, its been good. Berlin is an amazing place, a bit eerie after what has happened here all those years ago, but none the less, an awesome place. Yesterday, Jazz (my room mate) went for walk, I think we did about 6km around the city. We did a cruise along the Spree River here in Berlin and did some shopping, it was a day. Last night I met up with the tour leader (leader, driver and on road chef are all Aussie's, then again probably 90%of the people on my trip are all Aussie's!) and everyone on the tour. The people I have met seem nice enough. We then went to dinner at a nearby restaurant which was nice. ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne June 16th 2008

Travel Blog: Day 3 Cologne Well, sorry I missed writing yesterday, it is actually day 3 here in Europe. Josh has joined me, but getting him into Germany was quite the adventure. He does not have a phone here in Europe, but I did bring mine. It costs a lot to use, but I thought it’d be useful when meeting someone. Well, it turns out that it could be useful, but only if someone takes advantage of it. I walked from the hotel in Frankfurt down to the local park/garden/lake and had lunch. I sat near the lake and read a book for over an hour, the wildlife was different from America and it was very enjoyable to watch. After lunch, I walked down to the train station, which was about 3 miles from the hotel, ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia June 16th 2008

Travel Blog Day 2: Frankfurt It is day 2 here in Frankfurt, and today I am going to be joined by my ‘partner in crime’ for the trip, my friend Josh. He was studying in Salzburg, France and is due in around 4pm local time today (that’s 10am back in the eastern US). I could wait around and do very little today while waiting (I get one English channel, CNN int), but instead, I have decided to hike down to the train station. I think its about 2 miles, but not positive. There is a nice park with a lake in between here and there that I am going to have lunch at, and if there is still time before 4, I may hit a museum. Hopefully I’ll remember to take some nice photos while I’m ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 16th 2008

Hei godtfolk, vär hilset fra Düsseldorfs internasjonale lufthavn. Bagasjen er sjekket inn, vi kom alle gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen og flyet gjöres klart. Om en time flyr vi til Kina. Reisen begynte allerede for fem dager siden, da jeg dro til Berlin for aa besöke min gode venn Stian fra Blindern, som er paa et halvt aars utveksling paa det ärvärdige Humboldtuniversitetet. Jeg var ikke den eneste som reiste, Guro og Ragnhild tok buss ned med en pause i Köbenhavn, som visstnok skal ha innebärt raveparty i et parkeringshus. Sigrid hadde flydd fra Stockholm, og Rikke kom med fly dagen etter meg. Vi var med andre ord en hel gjeng. Stian bor sammen med to andre norske utvekslingsstudenter i en leilighet som ligger i sjette etasje, 101 trappetrinn over hyggelige Schleiermacherstraße i bydelen Kreuzberg, "det andre Istanbul". Der ... read more
Vokalgruppen D9M
Stian viser oss Humboldtuniversitetet

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 16th 2008

So after a day out with Ben and his family at Stonehedge....which is just as beautiful as one could ever imagine, I went back to his house in Winchester and prepared to leave for Berln in the morning!! I left Winchester at 6 am this morning, so I could board my flight at Gatwick in London at 8.30ish...we were a little early. But I would rather be early than late.... the flight was smooth and everything went according to plan. Tommorrow I think I will take a tour because I have so little time in Berlin... I found one that last for 8 hrs and is only 12 Euros!! So my plan is to take it easy tonight and head out early to catch the tour of Berlins Best attractions, I will let you know how ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 15th 2008

wir sind wieder da und zwar schon lange! der ernst des lebens in westeuropa hat uns, unsere bilder und unsere geschichten wieder und diese wollen wir mit euch teilen. einige haben vielleicht schon eine einladung erhalten, für alle anderen auf diesem wege. alle, wirklich ALLE sind herzlichst eingeladen und wir freuen uns ueber (und bitten um) vorherige rueckmeldungen! wir (sara, nathalie, heiko und lisa) freuen uns euch zu sehen. liebe grüsse aus berlin.... ... read more

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