Blogs from South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic, Europe - page 8


Is this the real life; Is this just fantasy - Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody Well, I took the opening lyrics completely out of context but doing so lends them nicely to my life over the past five months. Plus I really wanted to work in the song given my location. That was my weak attempt. I woke up this morning and went for a very short run to loosen up my legs. It gave me a nice overview of the small town and where the major spots are in relation to one another. After getting cleaned up and grabbing a small breakfast I headed for the tourist office to check on guided tours of the city. I ran into problems being a solo traveler as most required at least two people. But I was able to get ... read more
Yeast beer
The river

Usually my entries are plain on travel days - I left such and such a place to go here. I arrived. That’s it. Well, I won’t do that here. I dedicate this entry to Salzburg and the amazing time I had there. When I left on this trip, I had highly doubted that any spot I would visit would ever come close to beating some of the cities in Italy I visited two years ago. I had enjoyed that trip immensely; probably some of it was due to it being my first trip abroad. But it’s still tough to beat Italy and that’s not just me talking. But, in Salzburg, I discovered a place that certainly rivals it. Salzburg was a place that was only on my list due first to a recommendation from my Mom ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » South Bohemian Region » Cesky Krumlov September 22nd 2009

After finally getting over the worst case of the runs i've had in my life, we made a new plan and headed for Telc in the Moravian area of the Czech Republic. Telc (pronounced Telch) is a very cute little town with a Unesco World Heritage listed old town square and a renaissance style castle. But after taking advantage of the free wifi and free washing in Budapest all morning, we didn't make it to Telc until after 5 so sight seeing was out. Instead we settled in for a couple of local ales that immediately reinforced Bretto's notion that Czech beers are the best in the world! And at only 80p a pint, how could you not love it?! Because we were so excited about how cheap everything was, we decided to go out to ... read more
Krcma v Satlavske - the best meat grill in Czech!
view over Cesky Krumlov from the Castle
Inside the Pilsner Urquell brewery and surrounded by the copper kettles heating up the beer to 700 degrees celcius

Tuesday I got up early today as me, Steve, Jill, Andrea and Grace were going to climb up the Stephansdom tower this morning. We met up at 8.30am and made it to the centre on the U-bahn by 9am just in time for opening. There was no way we were going to miss it this time! We found the entrance and started the long climb. It is 349 steps to the top! I think I have definitely got fitter on this holiday but I was starting to waver at 299! Luckily there was a little stop gap to look at a place where the bell once was before the final push! We made it to the top in record time and guess what we found at the top? A shop! You could buy a postcard of ... read more
Me and my cocktail
The castle
Bike ride

9 August 2009 We have left Prague and are heading for Cesky Krumlov a quaint little medieval Czech village to the south in the region of Bohemia. We were amazed by the Krumlov Castle which looks as though it has been work in progress since the beginning of the 14th century on top of the hill overlooking the village. The village is in the crook of the river Vltava, the same river that flows through Prague and presents a series of rapids which seem to be a favourite during summer. The first stop for us was to climb up the 126 steps of the old watch tower before continuing up the hill past the castle to the gardens and an outdoor amphitheatre. The amphitheatre looks as though it was a summer house that has in more ... read more
Stages of Cesky Kromlov Castle
Castle Bell Tower
Cesky Kromlov town

Cesky Krumlov: fairytales, gyspy madness, and Hostel 99 Just back from Cesky Krumlov, "the fairytale village of South Bohemia" it is called. I love it, it had such charm, with its cobblestone sidewalks, babbling river (not as innocently babbling on this trip, I'll explain later), colorful castle tower, and hilly landscape. Though it is the second most visited place in the Czech Republic and has its share of souvenier shops and touristy gymics (including the Museum of Medieval torture=the the stereotype museum in every Europeon village), Krumlov has an old-worldliness that though present in the more modernized Prague is not nearly as common. Took the bus there from Prague (the bus is actually cheaper and faster than the train) and arrived around 2:00. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea taking ... read more

Today was a lovely day. The weather was fantastic. A perfect blue sky day. Our tour guide told us that he specially ordered the weather for us with a couple of sacrifices. We started off the day with a lovely breakfast of the typical local fare. Bread and cheese and ham :) The first order of the day was a wee bike ride through the hills behind of Cesky Krumlov. This was an absolutely beautiful thing to do. The only problem with the ride was the fact that there were not enough hills. Going up the hills I mean. Instead they took us up to the top of the hills in a van and then basically all we had to do was free wheel our way back to the village. Totally understandable for the people on ... read more
Cesky Krumlov countryside
Cesky Krumlov rooftops
Me again

Today we headed off from Vienna from towards the Czaech Republic. We were meant to have our private mini van transport arrive from us at 9:30am. However our tour leader left a note for us in the morning saying that the bus had been delayed until 11:00. And then when we got downstairs for the 11:00 bus that the bus had been delayed until 12:00. So Susan and I decided that we would walk into town and check out the shops for a little while until we had to catch the bus. This of course meant that we managed to find the Zara store and of course I had to purchase a couple of new t-shirts. The day was actually quite a bit of a transport day in the end with the drive to Cesky Krumlov ... read more
Bears in the moat
Cesky Krumlov Castle
Cesky Krumlov rooftops

Cesky Krumlov Day 5-6 (May 23-24) We were fortunate to have a mini-bus to take us to Cesky Krumlov which is over the border into the Czech Republic. The drive was through very scenic and green countryside, always with a red-roofed village appearing with lovely church towers in the distance. Cesky Krumlov is a Bavarian town, that has belonged to various countries. However, it’s Czech heritage is clearly established now. There is an impressive Castle from the 13th century which stands above the town. It has been cleaned up, and the paint that had been part of a renovation by certain Kings, has been removed revealing amazing frescos over most of the towers. The custodians have chosen not to try and repaint these, rather cleaning up only and leaving them slightly faded but all the better ... read more
Church from lane
stream and buildings
Castle Cesky Krumlov tower

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