Blogs from Dalmatia, Croatia, Europe - page 14


Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split May 5th 2019

Warning . I sound a little like the advertisements on the T.V before a programme starts. If you are offended by bad language , programmes of a sexual nature or flashing lights switch off now. If you don't want to hear the football results go out of the room now. So this warning is for you - if you don't know what G.O.T. means you have two choices read on and be enlightened or read on because you know exactly what this blog will contain. Actually if you are one of those people who have no idea what I am talking about you can move on to the next blog . We will be doing something Roman next . Gabby the motorhome is parked up on a car park close to the firestation. I don't know ... read more
Klis castle
The view from the castle
Abandon all health and safety on these walls

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Slano May 5th 2019

Gabby the motorhome was parked up in a tiny campsite in Tisno . Miles from anywhere and approached via a white dusty unmade road. I guess many a motorhomer would have looked at the road and made the decision not to bother carrying on. We however did carry on. Right to the top of the road and to the campsite . We missed reception and carried on down to the bottom of the site . We saw a few vans and boat owner painting his boat. The lovely campsite owner found us and directed us down to where we could stay. What a lovely site . Not a lot of amenities but the showers were clean, tidy and with plenty of hot water. The pitches were large enough and the views to die for. The grass ... read more
Massive sarcophagi everywhere
the city of Salona
A jumble of sarcophagi

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Pag May 3rd 2019

Dobra Dan to you this fine morning - Good morning from Otok Pag . Pag island in Croatian. It is another day and a fine one at that . The weather has gradually crept up over the last few day and the sun now beats down upon us. We feel like we have finally arrived . This year though we have managed on the way down to take in some sights. Hopefully this will continue as we move ever so slowly southwards towards Bosnia . We extricated ourselves from our stopover . Whilst Glenn unhitched Gabby I set off to pay. It's a long way back following the red line passing the mini market , the bicycle hire shops and the hairdressers along the way. If I turned right instead of left and carried on for ... read more
Pag bridge into town
Pag Town church
Pag church belltower

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Pag May 2nd 2019

Gabby is parked on a camping site where we should not even be. It is our worse nightmare . Hundreds of pitches, entertainments for the children, what looks like plastic food and noise. The sort of campsite we look at and move on before we even park up. Or one where we have to bite the bullet and stay but stay only one night. The journey to the border with Croatia was relatively uneventful. The road was winding and slow. We followed slow moving traffic. One lorry that we could not pass and we were slowed down by village after village with a 50kph speed limit. It was a frustrating drive if the truth be told. Eventually we did arrive at border control and handed our passports over. A Slovenian border guard gave them a cursory ... read more
The view from Gabbys window

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Mlini May 1st 2019

Happy May Day Monday 22/04/2019 to 27/04/2019 Orebić, Peljesac peninsular The port of Ploče was an interesting place. With it being Easter Monday, the inhabitants were gathered in the town square enjoying a loud PA system blasting out music, stalls of food and drink and a giant straw rabbit with real baby bunnies running around its base trying to avoid being prodded by small children through the wire fence. We arrived early for the ferry and were a little disappointed that the Lidl wasn’t open (that’s bank holidays for you!). We tried to find somewhere to park up (after already being moved on by a port official) and were rescued by a man in a big white van shouting “follow me”. We didn’t feel we could refuse such an offer and after a couple of minutes ... read more
On the ferry to Trpanj
Korčula Town
Signing the visitor book at the sumit of Mount Ilija

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik April 24th 2019

Kein Regen, aber im Inland Wolken und Nässe Straßen... Wie gestern kam das schlechte Wetter vom Osten. Ich blieb nur kurz auf der Küstenstraße- zu viel Verkehr und Bebauung, sondern fuhr durch eine spektakuläre Schlucht und Serpentinenstrasse auf die Hochfläche und schließlich zue Autobahn. Die war wieder autoleer aber windumtost. Große Wäsche in Dubrovnik. Dann Altstadt und Riesenpizza mit Pete und Dom.... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Trogir April 23rd 2019

In Gauting herrscht Trockenheit und der Wetterbericht ist auch für die kommenden Tage gnadenlos gut. Ich habe strenge Befehle erlassen, dass gegossen werden muss.....(Das mach ich immer. Das Ergebnis.....) Jedenfalls konnte ich meinen Augen nicht trauen als es in der Früh fest geregnet hat. Paul war ganz kleinlaut. Und bis zum frühen Nachmittag änderte sich daran nichts. Am Regen , meine ich. Gute Bergstrecke mit Kurven und Dolinen und Poljes und kaum Sicht wegen tiefer Wolken und Regen. Der Nachmittag war trocken aber es ging sehr starker Wind, so dass Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen auf 80 kmh waren. Trogir wäre ohne Touristen zauberhaft. Gibt es da mehr ATMs als Einwohner in der Altstadt? Ich bin fast sicher.... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Gradac April 21st 2019

Happy Easter. Yes, it is that time of year and we are back on the road again. For those of you we haven't already bored silly with our plans, we are exploring Croatia over the next couple of months. We left Manchester two weeks ago and arrived in Croatia last Tuesday. We stopped off a couple of times on the way down to catch the ferry from Ancona in Italy, the first being on the France / German border at Neuf-Brisach. It is a fortified town designed and built by Vauban at the behest of King Louis XIV in 1699. If you read our blog last year then you should know all about Vauban. I certainly feel that I now have a good grasp of his talents and have admired most of his fortifications. The ramparts ... read more
John eyes up our next motorhome in San Marino
San Marino's skyline
Breakfast on the beach after arriving in Croatia

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Zadar April 11th 2019

Our trip’s stated objective was to participate in a “strenuous” hike in Paklenica National Park. By the end of last night, there were only three people who wanted to risk the first half hour of rocky assent, because of all the rain. By this morning, when there was again light rain, Manka cancelled the hike because it is very slippery in the rain. Breakfast was delightful because the hotel restaurant cooked our eggs to order; the ability of Adriatic restaurants to produce excellent sunny-side-up eggs is astonishing. Otherwise, the selections were the usual cold cuts, cereals and lovely breads. Our revised day was a return to Zadar, this time to visit the url= Glass Museum. (Rain fell during the drive and upon our ar... read more
Glass vessels
Fresh mussels in a delicious sauce, Stipe Restaurant
Greeting to the Sun

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Starigrad April 10th 2019

Rain fell on us all day. Vanya, our city guide, met us in the pouring rain in the historic centre of Sibinek. She started off on her regular patter about the square, when Manka suggested we tour the church first, out of the rain. She agreed verbally but was unable, even momentarily, to bypass important buildings and their history. Sibinek was one of those cross-roads cities - settled by the Romans in their eastward expansion and similarly absorbed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire centuries later. Remains of the old city wall have been curated as a preservation technique. Their ancient stoniness was emphasized by the close-by modern glass City Library. In the same park, ancient and modern were fused in a stylized of statue of url=https://en.wikip... read more
St James  Cathedral
Lamb and pork with roast potatoes and onions
Roman forum 27 BC - 3 BC

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