Blogs from Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 3


Plenty hot but today we have lovely breezes cooling our office. The mornings are so cheerful, bright dappled sunlight in the garden around the Learning Centre. It was my turn to cook yesterday, and I remember my first turn, when I was attempting to open a can of something. I had to dig out my big perennial garden knife I brought with me, as it has huge pointy ends on it. My Tico friend Kattia helped with that, as I am a bit out of practice in safely gouging out a hole in the top of a can. We all suggested that a can opener be ordered, and Kattia said we'd have to give lessons to the Costa Rican women who give the cooking classes on how to operate it. So many times when I go ... read more
Using a wire mesh to roll the felt
and at the end of the afternoon
Anita the cat

No sooner did I type that than a downpour began. OK well after a busy frantic week last week, one where I spent a good deal of time trying to set up movies on two of the centre's laptops so my ladies who do crafts, "Las Morphas" can see felting movies without having to be connected to the internet - the computers didn't work on Thursday, the day before the class. I went to the library Friday morning and wrote out the Basics of doing a search on the computer. It began with "Make sure the little button is lit up on the CPU" and covered where the Space Bar is, and how typing is like writing. Wrote it all out in English and asked the receptionist to type it out for me since it took ... read more
In case you couldn't make it out
The next page in the manual
Oh , and the Macro Button

I'll just upload some pictures. I can't take the time to resize them, I have to dash out to take my bus in a few mo's. ... read more
That Vladi, sooo talented,...
Waiting for Summer Camp
After they made their signs

By the way the Spanish way to say the name of the River and area is sarapiKEE. I was pronouncing it incorrectly all last week. D'oh. I think I'll just upload a bunch of pix and put in some captions. Well that took about an hour with interruptions. Just discovered I'm on for lunch tomorrow with Lee another volunteer, from Georgia. Dashing to the bus, stayed late an extra hour tonight.... read more
New Kitchen at Minerva's
Blunt-nosed Snake
Lunch on Saturday

One week already at the Sarapiqui Coservation Learning Centre (save me alot of explainin' - go to the site and it's nothing but fun, A.L style. I am staying at Minerva's house; she has a 24 yr old son Vladimir (I asked, por que the Russian name? She just shrugs. ) and 6 older children. Son Alberto and his wife Wilma and their daughter Nahomi were at Minerva's when I arrived. School holidays began last week for the children, and they were in from San Jose for the weekend. They have considerably more English than I have Spanish It was a long trip, departing at 6:30 am from Toronto and finally putting my head down on the pillow at 10 pm. Costa Rican coffee in the morning, not hard to take. There are 7 volunteers ... read more
Cow Pasture, Costa Rican style
Minerva's Kitchen
One corner of my room

Hi all, Apparently I’ll always write ‘it was a long trip by bus” on my posts. I think that in this trip most of the time we will be on the bus going somewhere or trying to get somewhere. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui is really green. I'm loving to hear the birds and it's a quite place comparing with San José. I already saw toucans, woodpeckers and a lot of birds on the garden of the hostel. There isn’t much to see here but I decided to go in a tour to the national park not far from the hostel. The guide explained about the project in the park Braulio Carrillo and I could see some animals and a lot of exotic plants. I also could spot a bat hanging in one tree. The guide explained ... read more

In Costa Rica, there is no debate about when schools in Costa Rica take their "spring break." Everyone is off for Semana Santa - the week before Easter Sunday. So, with the boys off school and some friends from Minnesota (Dave, Naomi, Nicole, Abby, and Allison) down for their kids' spring break, we decided to do some traveling. Our first stop was Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui. This is located in the north central part of the country, about 2 hours drive from San Jose. The town itself used to be a major inland port for the banana and coffee trade - until they built a railroad to the coastal port city of Limon. On the drive there, we stopped at a little town called La Virgen which has a well-established serpentario (snake zoo!). We walked past ... read more
Well, since it hasn't strangled Dad, maybe it will be ok to hold it
Hmmm, this thing is heavier than I thought it would be
Mom, you sure you don't want to hold it?

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